Science Fair Project
Final Due Date: November 7, 2013
- The very first thing is to think of a topic that interests you and that you would like to learn more about. This topic can relate to any area of science. I will provide a list of good topics. Hopefully one will either appeal to you or help you think of another related topic. You must have clearance from your homeroom teacher for your topic idea, which is due on Thursday, October 9, 2013.
- Many times, parents and students have concerns about the amount of time spent creating the science fair board. Science fair projects are not required of 5th graders this year. However, if your child would like to do a science fair project it must be presented on a board with 3 sides. If it is not on a board students will not be allowed to enter their projects into the science fair.
- All projects must be done individually. NO PARTNERS ALLOWED THIS YEAR. This is a decision from the state science fair committee.
After you have settled on a topic, plan exactly what you are going to do. Do not move on to this step before your teacher has approved the topic. Follow the steps of the scientific method precisely.
- You must neatly write the different parts of the science fair project or type them out.
- This is optional for 5th grade students. The dates below are check in dates with your teacher. Extra credit will be given to all students who complete the board, as well as additional extra credit for those students who do a board and participate in the Cool Spring Science Fair.
- This project is highly encouraged for any student doing an AIG portfolio. This would have been discussed at your first conference with your child’s teacher. Depending on the topic, it can possibly count for a reading or math portfolio entry.
Bacterial or Mold Growth /
MotorsPlants versus light and dark
Any type of model, ex. ear, eye, heart, etc.…
Thursday, October 10th
The topicfor your project should be a title and a problem in the form of a specific question. The title can and/or may be the question/problem. Your project is the process of finding an answer to your problem.
Thursday, October 17th
- Purpose is stated next. The purpose should be a clear and specific statement of the reason you are doing this project. If any research is done for the experiment it should be included under the purpose.
- Form a hypothesis. The hypothesis of a project is what you think will happen when you conduct your experiment. This “educated guess” is based on the background and research information you have learned relating to your project.
Thursday, October24th
- List materials next. List all the materials you will be using to carry out the experiment. You need not list the materials to make the product display.
- Write the procedure of the steps you went through in order to find your results. Write down exactly what you plan to do to solve your problem. This is a step by step process, number each step.
Thursday,October 31
- Identify variables and controls of the experiment. The variables will be a list or explanation of things that may have caused your findings to be different or incorrect if the same research was performed again.
- The data is the results of the experiment. The results should tell what you found or discovered from your procedure. This may include visual graphs.
Thursday, November 7
- State the conclusion. The conclusion should state whether the results of the experiment supported or did not support the hypothesis. The conclusion should also include an explanation of the results. An application of the information learned from the project and suggested extensions of the experiment can be included in the conclusion or can be added as separate categories.
- Optional: Science Fair Board is due this day as well!
Any child entering the science fair must be prepared give a presentation to the judges/teachers.
Format: Left Side: Purpose, Research (if any), Hypothesis, Materials List Middle: Title/Problem, Results Right Side: Procedures, Variables and Controls, Conclusions
Items to be placed with the project for judging must also be at school at 7:30 a.m. on November 7.
***No names or pictures can be on the final project board****
Check the one that applies to you:
___ I will participate in completing a science fair project. I will not complete a board, but I want to do the project for extra credit.
___ I will participate in the science fair AND complete a board for additional extra credit.
___ I will not be participating in a science fair project.
Parent Signature: ______