How to Bring Weight Watchers to Your Work Site!
Weight Watchers AtWork offers two different series options depending on the number of participants. Here are the details on the different series options your employees can take advantage of:
12 Week Series (Requires 15 members)
- Weekly on site meeting with an experienced Weight Watchers Leader and all Plan materials.
- 14 weeks of access to eTools (includes and mobile apps) which is valued at $56.85.
- Flexibility to attend unlimited community meetings.
- Cost is $156 (3 monthly installment payments of $52). Also available are payroll deductions and subsidies if your agency wants to pursue other options. Payment options include cash, check, money order, major credit card.
17 Week Series (Requires 20 members)Best Value Model
- Weekly on site meeting with an experienced Weight Watchers leader and all Plan materials.
- 19 weeks of access to eTools (includes and mobile apps) which is valued at $85.27.
- Flexibility to attend unlimited community meetings.
- Cost is $186 (3 monthly installment payments of $62).Payment options include cash, check, money order, major credit card.
Wellness Coordinator How-To List:
- Determine if subsidy/payroll deduction is part of the offer to employees. Determine attendance/engagement commitment required of employees to meet in order to retain subsidy or trigger reimbursement.
- Consider your audience. Flexible schedules allow for more successful engagement. If inflexible schedules are in place, insure employees engaged have management support/buy-in to meet attendance requirements for successful weight loss.
- Understand and clearly communicate the offers.Weight Watchers offers:
- A series of meetings utilizing the best weight loss program in the industry; delivering nutritional and behavioral support At Work.
- Inclusive access to online program and electronic applications for smart phones.
- Price, Commitment and Attendance requirements and flexibility to attend in community should they need to miss their meeting At Work.
- Gauge employee interest:
- Print and post flyers
- Send an email blast (if you can) with offer to attend WW At Work, subsidy/payroll deduction details and a “respond by” time-line to get a true picture of interest.
- Determine greatest concentration of interest and secure an on sight “champion” to be the contact. This person will:
- Hang posters, share information and gather 20-30 names of interested employees.
- Fine tune day/time for an on sight Information Registration Session and work with the Corporate Accounts Manager*to secure a Leader for that free session.
- Be responsible for collection of funds (if Payroll deduction is unavailable) from employees committed to join but cannot attend the Info Session. (The expectation is that a series will have enough employees committed to begin a session the following week.)
- Have a clear understanding of the expectation to continually support and encourage attendance of meetings through all forms of communication. An example being the ability to send weekly reminders about the meeting.
- Track attendance at the event if your company is offering subsidy/reimbursement based on attendance.
- Be the marketing contact: Weight Watchers has communications to support “join anytime,” “Open House,” and “Meeting Series Renewing.”
- Communicate with the Corporate Accounts Manager* at Weight Watchers Health Solutions any concerns around member meeting experiences.
*Alice Swanson
Corporate Account Manager
Office: 503 982 3112
Cell:971 983 9644