Quick Start Guide for WebCT

What is WebCT?

WebCT is an extension of your classroom experience. It uses the power of the internet and gives you additional course material and methods to communicate with students in your class and your course instructor.

For each chapter there are: (1) chapter overview and objectives, (2) Powerpoint slide presentations, (3) discussion questions, (4) self-quizzes, and (4) on-line quizzes.

There are also communication tools: (1) e-mail your professor and other students enrolled in the class, (2) on-line chat rooms, and (3) threaded discussions (bulletin board).

What Software and Hardware Do I Need?

Browser Requirements. The computer used to access WebCT must be equipped with an internet or web browser. A browser allows you to view materials on the web and navigate from page to page. For optimal performance, your computer should be equipped with Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher.

If you use AOL, you must first access the internet with AOL and then use Internet Explorer 5.0 or above which should be installed on your computer.

Brower preferences must be set to enable “Java/JavaScript” and to accept “Cookies”. Cookies are data files sent to your computer by WebCT when you access the program. Once your computer accepts a cookie, you can quickly move from one WebCT screen to another without needing to repeatedly log on. Cookies are stored by your computer temporarily and cannot perform privacy-infringing acts.

Screen Settings. For best results, your computer monitor should be set to display a minimum of 800 x 600 pixels.

How Do I Log On To WebCT?

1. Go to

2. Click the link to log on to the myWebCT home page.

3. Enter your user name. Your user name (WebCT ID) will be given to you by your instructor. It will consist of all lower case letters and some numbers with no spaces. For example, “cahlstrom1133”

My user name: ______

4. Enter your password. DO NOT enter your access code here. Initially, your password is the same as your WebCT ID. For example, “cahlstrom1133”. It is case sensitive.

My initial password: ______

5. To change your password click on the Change Password link near the top right hand side of the screen. Change your password and write it down. This will protect your privacy and ensure security of your information

My password: ______

6. Click on the course title Financial Accounting: 3e by Kimmel, Weygandt & Kieso class website.

7. The first time you go the course website, you will be prompted to enter a 16 digit access code. It is shrink wrapped with your textbook. You can use WebCT temporarily (15 days) without an access code by clicking on the Temporary Access button toward the bottom of the screen. If you need to purchase an access code because you bought a used textbook, you may purchase one at the campus bookstore or on-line at You will be required to enter your access code only once when you access the course for the first time.

What Is On The Course Home Page?

After you log on to the course, you will see the home page. The home page is like a table of contents.

The home page contents consist of the following icons: (1) syllabus, (2) chapter contents including chapter objectives, chapter outlines, and Powerpoint slides, (3) e-mail, (4) bulletin board, (4) four online chat rooms plus a general chat room, (5) student tools to generate a customized study guide and resume where you left off, and view your progress in class, and (7) on-line quizzes.

How Do I Navigate Around WebCT?

As with other websites, WebCT uses buttons and hotlinks to let you navigate between screens. There is also a Navigation Bar at the top of the window that contains links to frequently visited pages. It allows you to jump to other screens without going back to the home page.

Technical Support For WebCT

Phone: 1-877-855-3238 and choose option #2

Monday-Friday: 8am-6pm (Pacific Standard Time)


include the following information: your first and last names, phone number,

name of your school, name of your course (Kimmel 3rd ed.), name of your

instructor, login ID, password, details of error messages that you have

received, and how you purchased your access code (with textbook or online)


Quick Start Guide for eGrade (Homework)

What Is eGrade?

eGrade is an internet based homework assistant. It is like a personal trainer. It will give you hints, automatically grade your homework, and give you immediate feedback. You will complete on-line some/all of the exercises and problems assigned by your instructor. Your instructor will receive the grading results for the assigned homework .

eGrade works best using Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher.

How Do I Access eGrade?

1. Go to: instructor’s last name

Bookmark this page, because it will be your starting point for all eGrade activities in this class.

2. Check with your instructor. If you were pre-registered for eGrade by your instructor, then go to step 3. If not, the first time you go the eGrade website, you will need to click on the hyperlink title Register for this Class. You will be asked for a 17 digit registration number (access code) that is included with your textbook. The number zero has a slash through it. The alphabetic “O” does not have a slash through it..

3. Enter your user Login Name that will be given to you by your instructor. For example, if your name is John Wiley “wiley” followed by a few numbers.

My Login name: ______

4. Then enter your password that will be given to you by your instructor. Initially, it will be the same as your login name.

My initial password: ______

5. To change your password click on the hyperlink View Past Results or Change Password on the bottom of the screen. Change your password and write it down. This will protect your privacy and ensure security of your information

My new password: ______

How Do I Complete An Exercise Or Problem On-Line?

1. To begin a homework assignment based on your textbook, click on the hyperlink Select an Assignment.

2. Then select a chapter and click on the Enter button.

3. A pop-up screen Select Math Editor will appear. Click on the box “Don’t show this pop-up again. It probably will show up again, but always click on NO.

4. Enter your Login Name and Password in order to access the chapter assignment.

5. The assignment gives you two options:

Print it first, work it through off-line, and copy you answers into the on-line

assignment later. Enter a bit of an answer in each question. Then SAVE and

EXIT to work off-line. When you login at a later time, you can resume working

the questions without numbers changing from the previous login.

Work on-line now.

Select one of the options above.

6. Above each assignment are five buttons:

BACKAllows you to move back to a prior question

(exercise or problem)

NEXTAllows you to move forward to the next

question (exercise or problem)

GRADE When you are finished and want to be scored

and see the correct solution.

HELPTo access general help

SAVE AND EXITTo save your work and exit the program

7. Fill in the blanks to the best of your ability. See the handout “First Aid! For Accounting eGrade” that explains certain conventions that must be followed. It is posted on WebCT.

8. After filling in the blanks, click GRADE . This stores your attempt, grades your answers, and gives you feedback.

9. If you score less than 100% on an exercise, you can rework the question until it is completely correct. However, the numbers will change slightly once it is graded.

How Does eGrade grade My Homework?

Each portion of the exercise or problem is graded separately (correct or incorrect). Partial credit will be awarded and expressed as a percentage of the total. Misspelled words will receive partial credit.

Technical Support For eGrade

Phone: 1-800-762-2974

Monday-Friday 8am-9pm (Eastern Standard Time)


Click on Request Product Support at top of page

Prepared by Ronald S. Stone2/4/04