Claim exposure requirements can be satisfied by the claimant having exposure at one or more of the accepted Western, Western Mac Arthur or Mac Arthur (hereafter Western) land sites and/or on Western built or repaired ships. These site and ship lists are posted on the web site at These lists can be modified by the Western Asbestos Settlement Trust with the consent of the TAC and the Futures Representative. (See the Case Valuation Matrix Sec VII (b) Site List - pages 17-18).
A question has been asked regarding the process that should be used for a law firm to request an addition to a site or ship list. There are two ways you may proceed, either one is acceptable to the Trust.
1.If your firm has a ship or land site that you believe should be added to the accepted list, you may contact the Laura Paul directly at , indicating the name and location of the requested site or ship that you would like accepted, the proposed exposure rating (very low, low, standard, high, very high), the dates that Western was working at that site (e.g. 1958-1982), andprovide all supporting documentation (depositions, invoices, company documents, etc.)upon whichyou will relytoestablishthat it is a Western site or ship, the appropriate years, and the appropriate level of exposure. Then the Trust will make a determination. The Trust will then consult with the TAC and the Futures Representative. You will be notified of the decision and if the site is accepted,you may submit appropriate claims relevant to that site. The Trust will add the accepted site or ship officially to the appropriate web site list(s), Electronic Claim Templates (ECT) and send a General Claims Notification announcing the site or ship addition.
2.If your firm has a claim to submit that involves a site or ship not yet accepted, you may attach all the above requested site/ship information and evidence as an addition to the supporting documentfile sent with the Claim Form. Please notify Ms. Paul of the claimant’s name and that you are making this site request pursuant to the Matrix, as she will work with the assigned claim reviewer to make sure the reviewer processes the claim, without sending a deficiency regarding the exposure site. Ms. Paul will then work to get the site considered under the steps discussed in number 1.