



How is Nutrition Like Shopping?

Planning your diet each day is similar to planning a party or wedding. When you’re planning a wedding, there are many things you may want to get (a cake, a dress or tux, a DJ, a limo, etc.), but you only have so much money to spend. With your diet, there are many nutrients your body needs (protein, fiber, calcium, Vitamin C, etc.) and you only have so many calories to spend each day. If you don’t carefully plan out either of these situations and stick to a budget, one of two things will happen:

  1. You’ll run out of money and miss out on getting something you needed such as the wedding cake. It’s just like running out of your 2,000 calories for the day and not being able to get enough calcium in your diet.
  1. You’ll go over budget and spend more money to still get the wedding cake. This is like eating more than your daily 2,000 calories in order to get enough calcium. (Remember: stored calories = weight gain)

Task: Your task is to plan a day’s diet that gets all of the essentials without going over budget. Your budget is 2,000 calories. The essentials are listed on your shopping list below.***Please note that there are also some restrictions that you cannot violate***

Meal Planner

Food/Beverage / Vegetables (Servings) / Fruits (Servings) / Calcium (%) / Protein (g) / Fiber (g) / Calories (cal) / Fat(g) / Sugar (g) / Sodium (mg)
Goal / 3 / 2 / 100% / 34g / 25g / 2,000 / 65g / 60g / 2,400mg

Reflection Questions

  1. Vegetables
  1. How are vegetables a vital part of our daily diet?




  1. Experts encourage us to consumevegetables that are a variety of colors. Why do you think this may be?




  1. Fruits
  1. How are fruits a valuable part of our daily diet?




  1. What are two new fruits that you could introduce to your diet?




  1. Calcium
  1. How is calcium an important part of our daily diet?




  1. Create a pie chart that represents how you attained 100% of your day’s calcium. Label each section with (1) the name of the food or beverage item and (2) the percentage of calcium the item contained.

Daily Calcium Intake

Reflection Questions Continued…

  1. Protein
  1. How is protein a crucial part of our daily diet?




  1. Many people know that meat is a great source of protein, but we can also find protein in nonmeat sources. What are two examples of alternativesources of protein?




  1. Fiber
  1. How is fiber an essential part of our daily diet?




  1. What are three foods that are rich in fiber?




Drawing Conclusions

  1. Which nutrients did you find to be the most challenging toincorporate into your diet?



  1. Which nutrients did you find to there to be an abundance of in your diet?



Think About it…

If you were to suggest 1 food or beverage that middle school students should consume more of, what would it be? Give at least 2 specific details to support your argument.



