How High Can You Stack It?

What? 1st Annual Paper Drive sponsored by Carr Middle

School to collect reams of paper for our teachers.

When? Monday, May 2nd—Friday, May 6th

Where? Bring reams of white copy paper to the front

office. Each grade will have a “stack” of paper with the

goal of having the highest stack by the end of the week.

Why? So our teachers will have an incredible supply of paper

for the end of this year, as well as for the beginning of next

year AND…because the winning grade will receive an

awesome surprise!!!!

How? Purchase reams (or boxes) of paper at Wal-Mart,

Office Depot, etc. Then bring your paper to the front office.

Watch your grade’s stack grow higher and higher! All paper will

be divided among all of the teachers and specialists at the end

of the drive.

Thanks for supporting Carr Middle in this fun way!