Policy – Revised 19 July 2011

FMSI InternProgram – Geneva Office

Marist International Solidarity Foundation (FMSI)

Marist International Solidarity Foundation (FMSI) is a non-governmental organisation (NGO) committed to working towards a better world for children and young people, especially those who are marginalised because of poverty, lack of access to education, legal status, or in need of protection from violence, abuse or neglect (CRC, article 19). In the first instance, we concentrate on advocating for children’s rights, particularly their right to education.

Inspired by Saint Marcellin Champagnat’s[1] love and care for children, we believe that education in all its forms offers opportunities for the promotion of a rights-based and faith-based approach to social justice and advocacy.

Our work of advocacy involves engagement with the mechanisms of the United Nations in Geneva to achieve our goals.

A second area of our work is to conduct workshops for people, Brothers and lay, in the Marist Brothers’ network around the world.

Whilst FMSI is a separate organization from the Institute of the Marist Brothers, we are closely connected through the fact that the Board of FMSI is the Superior General and the General Council of the Marist Brothers.

We work in partnership with other faith-based groups in our pursuits, especially Franciscans International (FI) and Edmund Rice International (ERI).

Aims of the Internship program

The aims of this program are modest. They are to: -

  • support the work of FMSIin promoting the rights of children around the world;
  • offer an enriching and educative experience for people in the Marist Brothers’ network by giving the internan insight into advocacy for human rights at the international level and the work of FMSI in Geneva;
  • encourage participation in human rights advocacy and gain knowledge and skills in this area;
  • encourage enthusiasm for advocacy to protect and defend children and their rights, particularly those in vulnerable situations.

A written reference letter will be issued at the end of the internship, outlining the duties that were assigned and also details about the intern’s performance during their time with FMSI.


FMSI shares an office in Geneva, Switzerland, with our partner organizationsFranciscans International (FI) and the Edmund Rice International (ERI).


Normally interns are accepted for periods of from 4-12 weeks at a time that is suitable for FMSI. When applying, the applicant should ensure that his/her time with us coincides with Human Rights Council sessions (there are 3 during each year, normally in March, June and September) or during Universal Periodic Review Sessions (again, there are three annually: usually in Jan/Feb, May and October).

Nature of the Internship experience

The work of a intern depends on the needs of FMSI at the time, as well as the qualifications and interests of the applicant, but may include:-

  • undertaking research
  • monitoring and reporting on events at the Human Rights Council
  • assisting with submissions or reportingon UPRs of countries
  • contributing to the FMSI newsletter and articles for our website
  • interacting with participants in the online advocacy course (yet to be put online)
  • routine office tasks.

A mentor from among the FMSI staff will be provided to meet regularly with the volunteer intern to reflect on their experience, provide guidance and support, and to oversee their work.

Eligibility Criteria & Requirements

Applicants should have:-

  • a stronginterest in social justice and advocacy and in the promotion and protection of human rights, especially for children;
  • an existing or past involvement in the Marist Brothers’ network;
  • research and analytical skills;
  • good writing skills (in English);
  • computer literacy and familiarity with commonly used software (e.g. Microsoft Office, internet applications);
  • the capacity to live independently, outside one’s own country;
  • a high level of motivation, a responsible attitude, organizational skills and an ability to work individually or in a team at a variety of tasks.

Selection Criteria

The final decision of an applicant’s acceptance remains with the Director of Advocacy and Training, in consultation with the other members of the FMSI Geneva Team. Factors to be taken into account include: suitability, motivation, recommendation from the applicant’s home province, applicant’s desired timing and length of stay, financial capacity of the candidate to live in Geneva, and other factors that may arise.

Expectations of Interns

  • To assist in the office during normal working hours (9.00 – 17.00) with up to an hour’s break for lunch, however given the nature of the placement and the workings of the UN, the hours are flexible and negotiable;
  • to enter fully into the life of the office community, including a weekly prayer session and FMSI staff meetings;
  • to adhere to FMSI policies and procedures;
  • to represent FMSI with professionalism and discretion;
  • to dress appropriately when working in the office and attending sessions at the UN.


FMSI does not provide any formal financial support for interns. However, a small allowance per week may be offered during their period of internship to assist with living costs where the intern is not a regular income earner.

Note: Financial assistance from the applicant’s local Province or Region MAY be available. Theapplicant can check with the Province’s Solidarity Coordinator or Committee of their home Province about this.


All travel arrangements, including travel insurance (and visa application where applicable) are to be done by the intern and associated costs are also the responsibility of the intern.

Health Insurance

Successful applicants are required to have their own health insurance which will cover them internationally during their stay in Switzerland. All health insurance costs aremet by the intern.


FMSI will make every effort to help the intern find reasonably priced accommodation. The intern bears the full cost of this accommodation.

Application Procedure

FMSI will normally only accept interns who have the endorsement of their home Province. This endorsement can be in the form of an email from the person in the Province making the recommendation. Emails are sent to

Those interested in working as an intern with FMSI should work in the first instance through FMSI’s Link Person in their Province or Region. If this person is not in place, then the Province’s solidarity person or committee is the alternative avenue.

Applications can be made at any time, but should be at least three months prior to the applicant’s preferred date of commencing the placement. Applications are to be sent electronically to nd are to include:

  1. Letter expressing interest;
  2. Applicant’s C.V.;
  3. Copies of diplomas / education certificates.

A formal contract setting out the terms of the internship arrangement will be offered to successful applicants.

FMSI-Geneva: Volunteer Internship ProgramPage 1

[1] St Marcellin Champagnat was the founder of the Marist Brothers Religious Congregation in 1817, whose main aim was to give a good Christian education to children, especially those most marginalized.