Two Buildings. Your Ideas. Your Local Government.

Help Decide How to Use the Space in the City-County Building & 200 East Berry Street

Please take this short survey to help Fort Wayne and Allen County elected officials determine how two local government buildings can best serve you. Thank you.

1. How frequently do you transact business in person with City of Fort Wayne or Allen County governments?

_____ Daily

_____ Weekly

_____ Monthly

_____ Several times a year

_____ Other (please specify) ______

2. Which of these two governmental units do you visit the most?

_____ City government

_____ County government

_____ Use both equally

_____ They’re both the same to me

3. What is the purpose of most of your visits?

_____ Residential or personal issues

_____ Business matters

_____ Both

4. What governmental services, either City or County, do you use in person most frequently?

[From the list below, pick your five most-used services. Give your top pick a “5”. Then in descending order, number the other four with the least-used of the five getting a “1”.]

_____ City Utilities

_____ Public Safety (Police, Fire, Sheriff, etc.)

_____ Court Services & Prosecutor’s Office

_____ Tax Services (Auditor, Assessors, Treasurer, Recorder)

_____ Development Services (Building Department, Land Use Planning, Surveyor)

_____ Management Services (Mayor, County Commissioners, City/County Councils, City Clerk, Controller, Neighborhood Advocates, etc.)

_____ Internal Services (Human Resources, Purchasing, IT, etc.)

_____ Expanded Development Services (Traffic, Transportation, Highway, Greenway, Community Development, County Plan, NIRCC, Neighborhood Code, etc.)

_____ Election & Voting Services

_____ Community Services (Metro Human Relations, Victims Assistance, Hispanic Liaison, Board of Health & Clinic, Public Defender, Veterans Assistance, etc.)

_____ Parks & Recreation

_____ Other (please specify) ______

5. City and County governments now have two main buildings, the City-County Building and 200 East Berry Street (formerly Renaissance Square), and the opportunity to bring nearly all local government services together in the heart of the community. How would you divide the departments or service areas between the two buildings to ensure they best meet your needs?

[Put an “A” by all departments/services that should go into the City-County Building.

Put a “B” by all departments/services that should go into 200 East Berry Street.]

_____ Allen County Sheriff

_____ Fort Wayne Police Department

_____ Allen County Management Offices (Commissioners, County Council, etc.)

_____ Fort Wayne Management Offices (Mayor, City Council, City Clerk, Controller, Neighborhood Advocates, etc.)

_____ City Utilities

_____ Fire Department Administration

_____ Court Services & Prosecutor’s Office

_____ Tax Services (Auditor, Assessors, Treasurer, Recorder)

_____ Development Services (Building Department, Land Use Planning, Surveyor)

_____ Internal Services (Human Resources, Purchasing, IT, etc.)

_____ Expanded Development Services (Traffic, Transportation, Highway, Greenway, Community Development, County Plan, NIRCC, Neighborhood Code, etc.)

_____ Election & Voting Services

_____ Community Services (Metro Human Relations, Victims Assistance, Hispanic Liaison, Board of Health & Clinic, Public Defender, Veterans Assistance, etc.)

_____ Parks & Recreation

_____ Other (please specify) ______

6. What would make conducting business with City and County governments easier for you?

_____ Similar services located close together

_____ Drive-through windows

_____ More online services

_____ More & easier parking

_____ More convenient hours

_____ Other (please specify) ______

7. Where do you live?

_____ City resident

_____ County resident only

_____ Outside of Allen County

Email to Pat Roller

or mail to:

Building Survey, Room 920

1 East Main Street

Fort Wayne, IN 46802