

Monday Memo

August 29 – September 2nd
Unit 1 Lesson 3 / Every student is important at Harrand Creek.

Phonics and Handwriting

Final E
Genre: Narrative nonfiction - autobiography. Tells the true story of a person’s life. The author is writing about himself and uses words like I and me. Story usually has headings, pictures, and maps.
Ask & Answer Questions
Writing and Grammar
Writers share their ideas in order and use words such as first, next, then, and last. Think about how to organize ideas.
Subjects and Complete Subjects
A subject tells what or whom the sentence is about. A complete subject is all the words in a subject. / Essential Question:

How do people from different cultures contribute to a community?

1.admires - when someone likes something you have or have done.
2. classmate - a person who is in your class at school.
3.community - a place where people live, work, and play together.
4.contribute – you give or do something to help someone.
5.practicing – do the same thing over and over to get better.
6.scared – afraid of or to do something.
7.pronounce – say the sounds correctly.
8.tumbled – lose balance and fall. / Important Dates
August 30th – Math Addition Test
August 31st – Reading Vocabulary and Comprehension Test
September 1st – Spelling, Dictation, Language, Reading Skills Test
September 2nd – Teacher Work Day
September 5th – Labor Day Holiday
Notes: /
Spelling Words
/ Math/Science/Social Studies
Dear Parents:
All testing will be moved up a day this week due to a teacher work day / student holiday on Friday. The vocabulary and story selection test will be on Wednesday. The remaining tests will be on Thursday. Please be sure to study the spelling, vocabulary, and reread the stories each night this week.
We will begin having music class, computer lab, counseling, and library on a regular schedule in the next few weeks! Some will start this week and some will start later! /
  1. date
  2. fine
  3. rose
  4. lake
  5. life
  6. globe
  7. skate
  8. rice
  9. smoke
  10. plane
  11. wise
  12. come
  13. grade
  14. smile
  15. used
  16. step
  17. rock
  18. luck
  19. sneeze
  20. stripe
/ Math
  • Standard 3.NBT.2 Fluently add and subtract within 1,000
  • Please look in your child’s binder under math to see what we are doing, and please practice with your child. We will have a math addition test on Tuesday!
  • Water and Climate
Social Studies
  • Standard 3.3
  • Standard 7.11
  • Standard 7.12