Volunteer Application Form for the role of Ageing Well Exercise Mentor, Stoke

Title: / Name:
Telephone Home: Work:
Mobile phone:
Email address:

Car driver: YesNo Have own car: Yes No
Date of birth (purely for statistics):
Status (please indicate):
Unemployed / Student / Retired
Working part time / Working full time / Long term sick/disabled
Other (please specify)
By referring to the role description for this volunteering opportunity, please say why you feel you are suited to carry it out successfully
Outline any skills, interests, hobbies, previous experience that you think are relevant.
(Continue this section on a separate sheet if required).

How did you hear about this volunteering vacancy?

What is the best way to contact you? By TelephoneEmailPost

What are your reasons for volunteering for this role?

(Please tick appropriate box or boxes)

To gain new experience / To get involved in the community
To develop new skills / To make new friends
To build up my confidence / To maintain existing skills
Additional reasons or comments

In order that we may offer appropriate support in your volunteer role, please advise us of any health problems or medical conditions that you think may effect the type of volunteering that you can do.

In both the interests of yourself and the people with whom you will be working, we require a reference from two referees who have known you for at least 2 years. These referees must not be family members.

Tel No:
Relationship to you: / Name:
Tel No:
Relationship to you:
As an agency working with vulnerable people, certain volunteer roles are considered exempt from the provisions of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 and any convictions must be cleared. You must disclose all previous convictions; none of these may be considered spent.
Have you ever been convicted, warned,reprimanded orcautioned for a criminal offence, or liable in a civil case? YES NO
Depending on the role you take on we may require acriminal records check.

Do you give your permission for usto carry out a check? YESNO
I certify that all of the information given on this form is correct.
Signature:……………………………………………………….. Date:…………………………...
Data Protection Act 1998
Information on our database is strictly confidential and we do not pass on any personal data about you to outside organisations and/or individuals without your express personal consent. Please indicate if you agree that we may:

Keep basic information from this form on computer YESNO

Send you updates and more information about Age UK North Staffordshire YES NO

Please return this form, marked Private Confidential, to:

Freepost RRAA-JYLA-BJYZor email to:


Age UKNorth Staffordshire

83-85 Trinity Street




Thank you for your interest in volunteering with

Age UKNorth Staffordshire