Chapter 8


Content Standard 2: The student will evaluate the major political and economic events that transformed the land and its people prior to statehood.

2.5Cite specific visual and textual evidence to assess the impact of the cattle and coal mining industries on the location of railroad lines, transportation routes, and the development of communities.

2.6Analyze the influence of the idea of Manifest Destiny on the Boomer Movement including the official closing of the frontier in 1890.

Note: If using the mid-term test or collecting workbooks at mid-term (after the next chapter), inform the students. Also remind them about Study Guides (see Overview of Lesson Plans).

Day 1: Introduce today’s topics by referring students to two Spotlights: The Run of 1889 (page 164) and the profile of William Prettyman (page 204). Then show Power Point slides of cattle trails.Read pages 153 through the top of page 158 (cattle and railroads).

Discuss questions 1-5 from end of chapter, page 163.

Assignonly vocabularyonworkbook page 22.

Day 2: Remind students about the Doctrine of Discovery (chapter 2) and Manifest Destiny (end of chapter 5). Read pages 158 through 163.

Discuss questions 6-10 from end of chapter, page 163.

Assignworkbook pages 22-23 or use them tomorrow for review.

Day 3: Ask students how Manifest Destiny and the Boomers are connected.Review the chapter by guiding students in making an outline, which they will use tomorrow. Example:

I. Range cattle and trails (prompt students to add A. Chisholm, B. Western, C. Longhorns)

II. Cherokee Outlet (prompt students to add A. Cherokee Strip Livestock Assoc’n. etc.)

III. Railroads (prompt students to add A. Reconstruction Treaties etc.)

IV. Coal mining(prompt students to continue adding sub-headings)

IV. Elias C. Boudinot

V. Boomer Movement

VI. Indian Appropriations and Opening the Unassigned Lands

Assignworkbook page 24 (Solve a Problem) and discuss results.

Day 4: Assign writing in workbook, page 24, choosing either cattle drives or railroads. Students refer to yesterday’s outline to focus on a main idea and its supporting details.Review in class for the chapter test, or assign review for homework.

Day 5: Administer chapter test. Then assign optional activities or begin next chapter.

Optional activities: Add events to the classroom timeline.Assign Message Boxes or Letter-Scramble. Assign Internet research and compare findings from different sites.

Internet research

Related readings

Clive Scott Chisholm, Following the Wrong God Home: Footloose in an American Dream (Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 2003)

Rosalyn Schanzer, The Old Chisholm Trail: A Cowboy Song (Washington, D.C.: National Geographic Society, 2001)

William R Sanford,The Chisholm Trail in American History (Berkeley Heights, NJ: Enslow Publishers, 2000)

Baylis John Fletcher,Up the Trail in '79 (Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1968)

Taylor,Ross McLaury.We Were There on the Chisholm Trail (New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1957)

Ryan P. Randolph, Black Cowboys (New York: PowerKids Press, 2003)

John Steinbeck, Of Mice and Men (New York: Penguin Books, 2002)

The Cherokee Strip Adventure, [videorecording] (Shawnee Brittan, 1993)

Stan Hoig,The OklahomaLand Rush of 1889(Oklahoma City, OK: Oklahoma Historical Society, 1984)


Below are 4 statements about people in this chapter and how they earned a living. Using the clues below each grid, solve the puzzles and write the solutions on the blank lines.

Start in the upper left-hand square of each grid and proceed square by square (horizontally or vertically, but NOT diagonally) to spell the answer. DO NOT cross your path or enter a single square twice. Not all the letters in any grid are used.






CLUE: This Comanche chiefCLUE: He led the way for

had 500 in his.others to go to market.








CLUE: This enterprising settlerCLUE: This miner let someone else

built and rebuilt and rebuilt the work.




In each puzzle below fit the letters in each column onto the lines directly above them. They may or may not go onto the lines in the same order in which they are listed. When the letters are written in the proper order, they will make a statement which can be verified in Chapter 8 in the textbook.

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