- A growing disinterest in spiritual things due to a lack of adequate understanding of the gospel or a lack of connection with Christ
- Feels like he/she cannot be forgiven
- Divorce
- Don’t agree with doctrine
- They have never been assimilated into the church
- Bored – no Young Adult ministries, etc.
How can we Help Them?
Your success will not depend so much upon your knowledge and accomplishments, as upon your ability to find your way to the heart. By being social and coming close to the people, you may turn the current of their thoughts more readily than by the most able discourse.
Evangelism p. 193
What do we talk about when we meet them?
Many have found the F.O.R.T. method to be very useful.
F – Talk about their family
O – Talk about their Occupation
R – Talk about their Religion
T – Testimony
By asking questions, listening and showing interest in their lives, you gain trust and build confidence with them.
How to make contact:
Some like to drop by and feel strongly this is the best way; others feel strongly that you should call on the phone and first make an appointment. Let me give you first what to say if you choose contact by phone for an appointment.
“Hello, I’m ______from the ______church. I am doing visitation ministry to find out how our church can better meet people’s needs, and would be privileged to be able to come by and visit you and your family. When would be a good time to stop by?”
If you are visiting at their home this is what you would say:
“Good morning! Is this where the Smiths live? Are you Mr. Smith?We are from the Adventist Church. We don’t plan to stay long, but we do want to visit with you for just a little while. May we step in for a few minutes?”
•Study any information you have about that person: why he/she was dropped from membership, age, hobbies, interests, etc.
•Memorize the name and use it during the visit.
•Identify yourself and the church at the door. Be warm and friendly.
Study any information you have on why they stoppedcoming, his/her age and present interests.
The first visit:
a. May be short
b. Use warmth, tact, and gentleness – no pressure
c. Relax, introduce yourself from the S.D.A. Church
Besides using F.O.R.T. you may use the following questions to break ice and to get to know them. LISTEN TO THEM. They are the focus.
You might ask the following questions in conversation:
1. Were you reared in the Seventh-day Adventist Church?
2. How old were you when you were baptized?
3. Did you make your decision to join the church through
a series of evangelistic meetings?
4. Were both of your parents Seventh-day Adventists?
5. Did you go to Adventist Schools?
After you have visited for awhile and they seem to be comfortable, ask the following question: “There are a lot of reasons why people quit coming to church, would you like to share why you no longer attend?”
Listen carefully. Ask questions for clarification. Do not pass judgment on either the individual or the church. After they share you might say, “I can understand why you might feel that way.” (You want to be able to show care for them without showing judgment on either side.)
Express appreciation for their honesty and don’t refute or argue. “This information will help me in helping others.” LISTEN.
“May I ask you a personal question? Do you still believe the message the church teaches is still the message God has for the world?”
Have you thought about coming back to church?
Note: It may take two visits before you feel comfortable in asking the question about coming back to church. It depends on if they are excited about the visit and are asking questions about certain people and if they are still going to church.
Share with them what Jesus means to you and how He has helped you through difficult situations. Share Bible promises. Pray with them.
Share Bible Promises:
- Psalm 32:1,2 – Guilt
- Psalm 32:8 – Guidance
- John 6:37 – Encouragement
- Jeremiah 29:11 – Trust
If they have interest in returning:
- Arrange to take them to Sabbath School class orchurch.
b. Leave “Signs Digest” or a sharing book.
- Start a Bible study
Find a reason to return again. Give them something to read, listen to or study.
You might say something like this: “I have enjoyed speaking with you and would love to come back and visit; would you have the same time open next week?
How to locate former members:
- Get a complete membership list
- Review each name with a small committee of pastor, elders, clerk and treasurer
- Based on your knowledge of the current attendance pattern, categorize each name under review by the following:
- Weekly – W
- Attends worship at least once a month – M
- Less than once a month – IR (Irregular)
- Once a year – Y
- Has not attended in last 12-18 months – F (Former member)
- Shut-in – SI
- Gone to School – Sch.
- Military – Mil.
- Moved out of the area – Moved
Now count the number of persons under each category, and calculate the percentage of the membership in each category.
- Weekly – W______
- Attends worship at least once a month – M______
- Less than once a month – IR (Irregular)______
- Once a year – Y______
- Has not attended in last 12-18 months – F
(Former member)______
- Shut-in – SI______
- Gone to School – Sch.______
- Military – Mil.______
- Moved out of the area – Moved______
Total inactive members ______
Total percent of inactive members ______
Heaven is counting on you! May God give you the boldness and courage to go after God’s lost sheep.
A ministry of caring. Where friends not only pray for missing friends but reach out and touch them in a host of non-judgmental and non-threatening ways. A program where members care for and about mothers and daughters and sisters in the faith whom they may never have had a chance to know. Love is given freely with its only goal to form friendships and care for the wounded.
Heart Call is a North American Division-wide reclamation program. In a time when many Adventist women are discouraged and no longer attend church, our purpose is to reconnect them with Jesus Christ and help each one again find love, peace and joy at the foot of the cross WE WANT THEM BACK!
You can become involved with Heart Call. It’s simple.
The first and second steps involve loving and longing for people-the women who no longer attend your church. As a group or as a individual, take time to go over your church list and find the missing, the wounded and the discouraged. Pray over these names. Picture them as renewed friends, happy Christians, Christ loving church-goers, perhaps as a wilted plant suddenly feeling the water of life.
Then go to your pastor share your dream. As a group or as an individual introduce each person on the list. Tell what you can about each one and list individuals who might know them.
Together take your vision to the congregation, or in a special board/business meeting. Perhaps during the Sabbath School Services.
Choose a spiritual mentor for each name on your list. This special mentor will take as her responsibility the encouragement of the missing person(s). She will spend time in prayer for her names(s), share Christ-centered materials, visit, phone. In other words, get to know the one Christ loves and died for.
Once the Pastor supports the program, the names are pulled together, the intercessory prayer groups have begun their ministry, the program has been introduced to the congregation, the congregation has had an opportunity to submit additional names, and your mentors have been chosen, it is time to begin reaching out.
How to reach out in non-threatening ways
- Send Women of Spirit. Stay committed to sending this especially-for-women
magazine as the need remains.
- Call your new friend. Be honest. “I (do/do not) know you. I care about you even I never had the opportunity to be your friend.” Make contact by a hand written card or phone and request permission to make a personal visit or meet for lunch. If you receive an affirmative answer to your request, keep your visit short and pressure free.
- As a church group have a tea, (herb tea) or brunch or other women’s ministries events taking place somewhere other than at the church (perhaps in someone’s home, a park or restaurant, etc. The event may include refreshments or provide an opportunity for listening to a speaker discuss topics of interest such as self esteem, how to simplify one’s lifestyle, etc.
- Bible study guides are available (written especially for women) for your special person.
- Invite your special friends to an evangelistic meeting being held in your church-if you feel the time is right. However if the person you are mentoring does not seem ready (seems angry or uninterested in spiritual things) delay this step. Reaching out through sending Women of Spirit and enjoying a non-judgmental friendship should continue at a pace comfortable to the individual involved.
The Heart call program focuses on building friendships and surrounding these participants with patience and long-suffering like Jesus did in His ministry.
To begin a Heart Call program in your church.
- Make a list of the missing women in your church. Pray over this list individually or in groups.
- Share your dream of renewing friendships and reclaiming these missing members with your pastor and help him/her get a feel for each special teen or adult woman.
- Together introduce this program to your church body.
- Choose a spiritual mentor for each name on your list.
- Reach out to the names on your list on a weekly/monthly/bi-monthly basis.
- Give your special person to God.
- Just become a friend. Spiritual conviction will only come through the Holy Spirit.
- Remember the purpose of Heart Call is to reconnect God’s daughters with Jesus Christ and help each one to once again find love at the foot of the cross.