Sample Social-Emotional Screening Measures

List developed by Sara Whitcomb

1.  Social, Academic, & Emotional Behavior Risk Screener (Kilgus, Chafouleas, & Riley-Tillman, 2013)

a.  19 likert-scale items, 6 social items, 6 academic behavior items, and 7 emotional behavior items

b.  Teacher Report

c.  Available for personal and educational use (see;

2.  Student Risk Screening Scale (Drummond, 1994)

a.  7 likert-scale items that target antisocial behaviors

b.  Teacher Report

c.  Available for free at: (

3.  Student Internalizing Behavior Screener (Cook et al., 2011)

a.  7 likert-scale items that target internalizing behaviors

b.  Teacher Report

c.  Available for free at: (

4.  Strengths & Difficulties Questionnaire

a.  25 likert-scale items

b.  Teacher, Parent, Self-Report

c.  Available for free at: (

DE-PBS Project: School Climate and Student Success Grant