Kickoff Week


Prayer – Pray for the Quest and ask Christ to make His presence known to each person. (1 minute)

Overview – Presented by the teacher to the entire class. (6 minutes)

  • Present the overarching question for the Quest: How can I live the life I’ve longed for?
  • Ask class members to brainstorm ways people seek fulfillment in their lives. (fame, fortune, bigger job, biggerhouse, etc.)
  • Discuss why these items do not lead to lasting contentment.

Presentation – Presented by the teacher to the entire class. (14 minutes)

  • Ask someone to read Acts 17:16-34.
  • Why was Paul distressed? (v. 16: city full of idols)
  • Why would people erect an altar TO AN UNKNOWN GOD (v. 23)? (indicated a lack of spiritual fulfillment; did not want to offend a god because of their ignorance)
  • What good news did Paul have for them? (v. 23: God can be known)
  • What is the natural result of being God’s offspring? (v. 27: desire to seek God)
  • Paul observed that the citizens of Athens naturally tried to satisfy the longing of their spirits for God. They tried many spiritual exercises, but they did not find contentment. Paul told them that vital spirituality is available only to those who repent of their sins and believe in Jesus as the resurrected Lord.
  • The same is true for us as well. Only as we identify with the death and resurrection of Jesus will we know the abundant life we seek.

Video – Show the video and encourage the studentsto use their workbooks while they watch the presentation. (9 minutes)

Small Group Discussion – Divide the class into small groups of 6-8 people (or stay as one group if you have a small class). The group leaders should use the following questions to guide the discussion. Ask additional questions to take the discussion deeper. (15 minutes)

  • What are some life experiences that tend to cause us to seek God?
  • What might we do to nurture an awareness of God’s presence every day?
  • What can be done to quiet the “noise” of life that sometimes drowns out the “still small voice” of God?

Teacher Presentation – Return to the large group. (5 minutes)

  • Review the memory verse and encourage the class members to memorize the passage.
  • Memory Verse for Week 1: For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast (Ephesians 2:8-9).
  • Instruct the class members to read The Power to be Free,one chapter per day (days1-5 for the upcoming week). Urge them to use the “Reflections” portion of their workbooks as they read the book. Encourage them to spend the same amount of time in meditation on the questions and prayer as they spend reading the book.
  • Close with prayer.

Discovery 1


Prayer – Thank God for each class member and the opportunity to come together on this Quest. AskGod to help the class members clearly understand the Holy Spirit’s work in their lives.

(1 minute)

Reflections– Presented by the teacher to the entire class. (10 minutes)

  • Which of the means by which you experience God’s grace – prayer, Bible reading, meditation, corporate worship, the Lord’s Supper, Christian fellowship, fasting, listening to Christian music, reading Christian literature (p. 23) – was especially helpful in the past?
  • Which of the means of grace was especially meaningful to you recently?
  • How does the Holy Spirit assist us in our daily lives?

Video– Remind class members to fill in the blanks in their workbooks during the video.

(10 minutes)

Small Group Discussion – Divide the class into small groups of 6-8 people. The group leaders should use the following questions to guide the discussion. Ask additional questions to take the discussion deeper. (15 minutes)

  • What are some situations we face these days where we need to be reminded of the Truth?
  • For each of the situations you listed, discuss how Jesus might have responded.
  • What is required if you are to follow Jesus’ example?

Teacher Presentation –Return to the large class for this presentation. (14 minutes)

  • Review the memory verse and encourage the class members to memorize the passage.
  • Memory Verse for Discovery 1: I will not leave you as orphans: I will come to you (John 14:18).
  • Ask someone to read Acts 10:24-48.
  • Why was it unexpected for Peter to go into the house of a Gentile? (v. 28:Jews would not associate with Gentiles)
  • Why did Peter go against tradition without “raising any objection”? (vv. 28-29: God guided Peter in the Truth)
  • How had God prepared all those in Cornelius’ house? (v. 33: they were ready to hear what God would say through Peter)
  • Peter outlined the gospel, proclaiming that Jesus had been anointed with the “Holy Spirit and power” and that Jesus died androse from the dead. Peterpointed toJesus as the Savior whom the prophets said would come. He said that forgiveness of sins is received by all who believe in Jesus as the Messiah.
  • What happened while Peter was speaking? (v. 44: the Holy Spirit came on all)
  • God sends the Holy Spirit to us as well. The Holy Spirit will teach and remind and testify about Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit will guide us in the way of Truth.
  • Prayer – Thank God for the ministry of the Holy Spirit. Ask God to help each person respond with faith and trust as the Holy Spirit reveals the way of Truth.
  • Instruct the class members to read The Power to be Free, one chapter per day (days 6-12 for the upcoming week). Urge them to use the “Reflections” portion of their workbooks as they read the book. Encourage them to spend the same amount of time in meditation on the questions and prayer as they spend reading the book.

Discovery 2


Prayer – Thank God for the constant presence of the Holy Spirit. Ask the Lord to quiet your hearts as you consider God’s love. (1 minute)

Reflections – Presented by the teacher to the entire class. (7 minutes)

  • Prevenient grace is “the grace that goes before” (p. 57). How did God graciously draw you to salvation?
  • How have you experienced God’s sustaining grace since becoming a Christian?

Video– The introduction and summary are presented by the teacher to the entire class. Review the fill in the blanks with your class. (16 minutes)

  • How is love often expressed in secular society?
  • How does God express love?
  • Ask the class members to view the video without their workbooks open. (The workbook does not match the video presentation.) Tell them that you will review the workbook material after seeing the video.
  • Watch the video. (9 minutes)
  • Use the answer key to complete page 21 in the workbook.

Small Group Discussion – Divide the class into small groups of 6-8 people. The group leaders should use the following questions to guide the discussion. Ask additional questions to take the discussion deeper. (15 minutes)

  • Why do some people have difficulty receiving love?
  • Read John 13:34-35. Describe God’s love for us.
  • What implication does this have on our love for others?
  • Describe some ways you can put God’s love into action this week.

Teacher Presentation – Return to the large group. (12 minutes)

  • Ask someone to read John 15:9-13.
  • Jesus received love from the Father, then passed that love on to his disciples (v. 9).

What was required for the disciples to “remain” in God’s love? (v. 10: obedience)

  • Jesus urged his disciples to pass on to others the love they received from Him (v. 12). How did Jesus’ disciples do that? (many examples from the gospels and Acts)
  • How might a person “lay down” his or her life as an expression of love?
  • Review the memory verse and encourage the class members to memorize the passage.
  • Memory Verse for Discovery 2: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these (Mark 12:30-31).
  • Instruct the class members to read The Power to be Free, one chapter per day (days 13-19 for the upcoming week). Urge them to use the “Reflections” portion of their workbooks as they read the book. Encourage them to spend the same amount of time in meditation on the questions and prayer as they spend reading the book.
  • Close with prayer.

Discovery 3


Prayer – Thank God for the opportunity to meet together on this Quest. Ask God to assist you in your thinking and conversation as together you seek God’s plan and will for purity of hearts and lives. (1 minute)

Reflections – Presented by the teacher to the entire class. (7 minutes)

  • In what ways do expressions of Christian love differ from the love the world offers?

Video – Remind class members to fill in the blanks in their workbooks during the video.

(9 minutes)

Small Group Discussion – Divide the class into small groups of 6-8 people. The group leaders should use the following questions to guide the discussion. Ask additional questions to take the discussion deeper. (15 minutes)

  • What effect do cultural influences have on the quest for purity?
  • What challenges do Christians face in regards to purity?
  • What situations pose the greatest challenge?
  • What contributes to a divided heart?

Teacher Presentation – Return to the large group. (18 minutes)

  • Ask someone to read Psalm 51:1-9.
  • What does David believe about God? (vv. 1-2: merciful, compassionate, willing and able to cleanse from sin)
  • How does David see himself? (v. 3: guilty of transgressions and sin)
  • David wrote Psalm 51 “when the prophet Nathan came to him after David had committed adultery with Bathsheba” (see the superscription). Why did David say to God, “Against you, you only, have I sinned” (v. 4)? Didn’t David also sin against Bathsheba and her husband, Uriah? (David willfully disobeyed God’s law, therefore his action was ultimately sin against God. Bathsheba and Uriah suffered the consequences of David’s sin.)
  • What did David want God to do for him? (v. 10: give him a pure heart)
  • Invite the class members to bow their heads for a period of silent prayer. Ask them to allow the Holy Spirit to search their hearts. Encourage them to confess any sin that is revealed to them. Close the prayer time by thanking God for hearing your prayers and for cleansing your hearts.
  • Review the memory verse and encourage the class members to memorize the passage.
  • Memory Verse for Discovery 3: Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God (Matthew 5:8).
  • Instruct the class members to read The Power to be Free, one chapter per day (days20-26 for the upcoming week). Urge them to use the “Reflections” portion of their workbooks as they read the book. Encourage them to spend the same amount of time in meditation on the questions and prayer as they spend reading the book.

Discovery 4


Prayer –Thank God for providing a way to be cleansed from sin and empowered for victorious living. Pray for a deeper relationship with God and His help to meet our needs in daily living. (1 minute)

Reflections – Presented by the teacher to the entire class. (5 minutes)

  • Ask class members to describe the benefits of a pure, undivided heart.

Video – Introduction presented by the teacher to the entire class. (12 minutes)

  • Ask the class members to list some examples of God’s power.
  • Remind class members to fill in the blanks in their workbooks during the video (10 minutes).

Memory Verse– Review the memory verse and encourage the class members to memorize the passage. (2 minutes)

  • Memory Verse for Discovery 4: But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8).

Small Group Discussion – Divide the class into small groups of 6-8 people. The group leaders should use the following questions to guide the discussion. Ask additional questions to take the discussion deeper. (15 minutes)

  • What comes to mind when you hear the phrase “power for Christian living”?
  • In what areas of their lives do you feel most people need additional power from God?
  • Why do you suppose many Christians are content to live with a power shortage in their lives?
  • In what ways must God help us for us to have power over sin?

Teacher Presentation – Return to the large group. (15 minutes)

  • Ask someone to read Romans 12:1-2.
  • What is the motivation to be a living sacrifice? (v. 1: God’s mercy)
  • What are some situations where Christians are tempted to “conform … to the pattern of this world”?
  • What might a person do to be “transformed by the renewing of your mind”? What can we do to have a renewed mind?
  • Read 2 Corinthians 12:9. What did God mean when He said that His power is perfect in weakness?
  • Describe a time in your life when God’s power provided what you could not.
  • Invite the class members to bow their heads for a period of silent prayer. Ask them to identify areas in their lives where they feel weak. Encourage them to surrender theirweakness to God and ask for the Holy Spirit to empower them. Close the prayer time by thanking God for hearing your prayers and for faithfully providing all that is needed.
  • Instruct the class members to read The Power to be Free, one chapter per day (days 27-33 for the upcoming week). Urge them to use the “Reflections” portion of their workbooks as they read the book. Encourage them to spend the same amount of time in meditation on the questions and prayer as they spend reading the book.

Discovery 5


Prayer – Thank God for the opportunity to walk together on this Quest. Ask that God will show everyone how they can offer themselves completely to doing Christ’s will and developing a Christlike character. (1 minute)

Reflections – Presented by the teacher to the entire class. (5 minutes)

  • Ask the class members to describe a time when God gave them power over trials or temptations.

Presentation – Presented by the teacher to the entire class. (7 minutes)

  • Ask someone to read Romans 5:3-5.
  • What is it about suffering that produces perseverance?
  • How does perseverance produce character and hope?
  • Does it seem a bit much for Paul to suggest that we “rejoice in our sufferings” (v. 3)? What is his point?
  • Why does the hope from God not disappoint us? (v. 5: because God has given us the Holy Spirit)

Video – Remind class members to fill in the blanks in their workbooks during the video.

(14 minutes)

Small Group Discussion – Divide the class into small groups of 6-8 people. The group leaders should use the following questions to guide the discussion. Ask additional questions to take the discussion deeper. (15 minutes)

  • What must happen in order to develop Christlike character?
  • Read 1 Thessalonians 4:3-5. What can we do to control our bodies?
  • Read Philippians 4:6-9. What can we do to renew our minds?

Teacher Presentation – Return to the large group. (8 minutes)

  • Review the memory verse and encourage the class members to memorize the passage.
  • Memory Verse for Discovery 5: To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory (Colossians1:27).
  • Instruct the class members to read The Power to be Free, one chapter per day (days 34-40 for the upcoming week). Urge them to use the “Reflections” portion of their workbooks as they read the book. Encourage them to spend the same amount of time in meditation on the questions and prayer as they spend reading the book.
  • Read Philippians 1:20. Challenge the class members to be courageous so that Christ is glorified bythe way they live.
  • Close with prayer.

Co-designed and written by Jerri Sapp and Keith Schwanz, Small Group Leaders from

CollegeChurch of the Nazarene, Olathe, KS