Housing Repairs Insourcing Project: Stakeholder Engagement Workstream
Tenant and Leaseholder Advisory Group
Notes of meeting, 12th November 2015In attendance:Mick Daniels, Margaret Hill, Joan Johnson, Yulia Yushina, Paula McCartney, Christine Commander, Marie Oxley, Terry Bawden, Iain Allott, Matt Bradshaw, Vicky Kennedy (Chair & notes)
1.Welcome and introductions
Vicky welcomed the Group and thanked them for attending, and explained the membership of the Group (mixture of IRPG, HANAP and Leaseholder Forum reps).
2.Update on the work of the IRPG subgroup undertaken in Jan – Mar 2015
Iain briefly updated the group on what has been done with the work of the previous IRPG 'sub-group' of which many of this Group were members. Vicky to circulate the information Iain presented with the notes from this meeting (attached).
It was agreed folders would be provided to those Group Members who want one, in which to store information / paperwork from these meetings. These will be brought to the next meeting.
3. Role of this Advisory Group (including draft TORs)
Vicky presented the draft Terms of Reference (TORs) for the Group - these were discussed, agreed and copies will be circulated with the notes from this meeting. Name of the Group agreed as "Tenant and Leaseholder Advisory Group".
Additional matters arising from this discussion:
-InTouch distribution - PM requested that she be given a choice of a printed or emailed copy, Vicky to pass this onto the Engagement Team who manage the distribution of InTouch.
-Visits to other Councils to see how their Repairs Service is delivered - agreed that part of this Group's role will be to consider suggestions like these, in relation to customer engagement in the Project, and whom potential attendees should be.
4. Scope of the Housing Repairs Insourcing Project
Matt explained the scope of this project - what it does and doesn't include. Matters arising from the discussion that followed:
- Documents /information provided to this group needs to be jargon-free.
- Questions around premises for the new Depot, exactly which Kier staff will transfer, what transport will the Council need to buy, etc - agreed all these will be answered when the relevant work stream lead attends this Group.
- The governance diagram which Matt shared will be circulated with the notes from this meeting.
- Appendix One from the Cabinet Report - explaining exactly what is in scope - will be circulated with the notes from this meeting.
- When the Service transfers there needs to be proper inspection of Repairs.
- Call-centre staff need knowledge of buildings so that when a tenant is reporting a repair they can understand what they are trying to report.
7.Future communications with wider tenant and leaseholders
Vicky explained the role which this group will play in terms of communications with tenants (as per the TORs). Was agreed that members of this group will feedback to their relevant Forums, Groups, etc on the role of this Group.
8. Forward agenda
Not discussed in detail
9.Any other business
None / VK
Group Members
Date of next meeting: Friday 11th December 2015, 10am-12noon, Town Hall