Student Leader Application Packet
Student Leader Expectations
Student Leader will be responsible for overseeing the student ministry enviornments (as described in the student leader guide) and other activities for 6th to 12th grade and their families. Key responsibilities include recruiting/trianing youth coaches to connect with the students, coaching key youth coaches and/or students, planning the weekly student gathering, and regular fun activities outside of Sunday mornings.
Evaluate how to improve and brainstorm new ideas
Set up a schedule of volunteers for specific tasks and volunteer times
Update the CCB groups and calendars
Student Ministry Training day and a Parent Information/equipping day
Attend Leader Advance (January 15-17, 2014)
Attend at least One Conference (preferably one in Student ministry)
Miss no more than 5 Sunday gatherings (excluding Easter, Mother’s Day, and the Fall Kick off Sunday)
Conduct an appreciation event for all Student ministry volunteers
Welcome 5th grade into the Student Ministry through an event and graduation on Sunday Morning
Student Convention on a state or national level
Back to School Event
Conduct a family event for parents and students
Attend Team Leader Training
Conduct an outreach/fun event (six in one year)
Recruit youth coaches and student leaders
Communicate with students and parents
Coach key leaders in the studnet ministry
Coach with your coach
Connect with one student and/or one family with students outside of church
Oversee planning for the weekly student gathering
Update background check records
Attend Staff meetings/Creative meetings
Time with God
Ownership Orientation
Starting Point
House of Joy
Student Leader Application
**Please call Polly Barcol at 229-834-0861 to set up a time to turn in your completed application. If you are out of town please e-mail to Thank you for considering the Student Ministry position at House of Joy.
General Information:
Name ______Today’s Date______
Date of Birth ______Home Phone______.
Email: ______
Occupation Office Phone
Current Employer______
Current Work Status:
Part Time Full Time Student
Marital Status:
Single Married Divorced
High School______Year Graduated______
College______Year Graduated______
Other Education______
Personal History
Please write a brief testimony about how you became a Christian (including dates if possible):
Write briefly about significant events in your life that have impacted you spiritually:
Describe three major ways in which you have grown in your spiritual journey since becoming a Christian:
How would you describe your spiritual journey now?
Are you living a pure life sexually, as well as other areas? Explain.
Are there any special issues or concerns happening in your life that would impact your commitment and involvement in the children’s ministry? (e.g., relationships, other commitments, etc.)
In caring for students, we believe that it is our responsibility to seek out adult workers that are able to provide healthy, safe, and nurturing relationships to the children that they minister to. Please answer the following questions accordingly. Any special concerns can be discussed individually with the pastoral staff.
Are you using illegal drugs?
Yes No
Have you ever been through treatment for either alcohol or drugs abuse?
If Yes, please describe.
Have you ever had sexual relations with any minor after you became an adult? Yes No
Have you ever been accused or convicted of any form of child abuse?
Yes No
If Yes, please describe.
Church History
Do you currently attend church? Yes No
Name of church ______If no, please explain. . .
List two previous churches before and how long you attended.
Church ______Started______left______
Please explain your reason for leaving:
Church ______Started______left______
Please explain your reason for leaving:
Please list (if any) the date and activities of other ministry experiences and the reason for leaving that ministry:
Describe any other ministry/church experience you have been involved with:
What spiritual gifts do you feel you have, and how would you like to use them in this ministry?
Why do you want to do student ministry?
What expectations do you have about the student ministry?
Please list three references for us to contact. (no relatives, please)
Name______Phone #______
How long have they known you?______
Name______Phone #______
How long have they known you?______
Name______Phone #______
How long have they known you?______
The information contained in this application is correct to the best of my knowledge. I, the undersigned, give my authorization to House of Joy or its representatives to release any and all records or information relating to working with minors. HOJ may contact the appropriate individuals or organizations as deemed necessary in order to verify my suitability as a student minister. I understand that the personal information in this application will be held confidential by the professional church staff.
Please complete the following Personality Test and turn in with your application.
Personality Test
Use the following scale to mark each personality trait. The highest total score will be your dominant personality type.
0= Never1= Sometimes2= Usually3= Always
__Likes control
__Takes charge
__Likes a challenge
__Gets results
__Reacts quickly
__Confronts easily
__Problem solver
(Adapted from a test by Smalley Relationship Center,