English Language Arts

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt JOURNEYS COMMON CORE

Grade: / Unit: / Lesson:
2 / 3 / 15
Essential Question: / Anchor Text:
Why is it important to follow safety rules? / Officer Buckle and Gloria
Humorous Fiction / Safety at Home
Reader’s Theater
Writing: / Reading Literature & Informational Text: / Foundational Skills:
Opinion Writing:
Persuasive Essay / Comprehension Skills and Strategies
·  Cause and Effect
·  Humor
·  Monitor/Clarify / Phonics
Compound Words
The Schwa Vowel Sound
Accuracy: Connected Text
Target Vocabulary: obeys, safety, attention, buddy, station, speech, shocked, enormous
Spelling: Compound Words: cannot, pancake, maybe, baseball, playground, someone, myself, classroom, sunshine, outside, upon, nothing
Vocabulary Strategies: Root Words
Grammar: Abbreviations
Planning for English Language Development:
Begin with High-Utility Words Tier 1 Words *=Spanish cognates
High-Utility Words always, commands, listened, never, tips, dog, finger
·  Language Support Card 15
·  Building Background Videos
·  Teacher’s Edition p. E42
·  Chant, ELL.15.5
Move on to Developing Vocabulary Tier 2 &3 Words *=Spanish cognates
Target Vocabulary obeys*, safety, attention*, buddy, station*, speech, shocked, enormous*
·  Vocabulary in Context Cards
Reading/Language Arts Terms compound word, humorous fiction*, cause*, effect*, monitor, clarify*, alphabetical order*, entry word, dictionary entry*, guide word, infer*, reader’s theater, vowel*, schwa, abbreviation*, persuasive essay*, goal, reasons*
Teacher’s Edition pp. E42, E44, E46, E48, E50
Scaffolding Comprehension
Building Background
·  Language Support Card 15
·  Building Background Videos
·  Selection Blackline Master ELL15.6
·  Teacher’s Edition pp. E43, E44, E48, E50
Cause and Effect
·  Teacher’s Edition pp. E45, E47
Scaffolding Writing
Opinion Writing
Persuasive Essay pp. T466-T467
·  Teacher’s Edition p. E51
·  Common Core Writing Handbook: Persuasive Essay
Scaffolding Grammar
Grammar: Abbreviations pp. T464-T465
·  Teacher’s Edition p. E49
·  Language Support Card 15: Statements; Complex Sentences
Whole Group
60 Minutes / __:__-__:__ / Language Arts / Oral/Vocab
60 Minutes / __:__-__:__
Foundational Skills:
Compound Words
The Schwa Vowel Sound
II-R-2: HI-6: determining the meaning of compound words using knowledge of individual words.
II-R-2: B-3: distinguishing between long and short vowel sounds in orally stated single-syllable words.
Accuracy: Connected Text
II-R-3: HI-1: reading aloud (including high frequency/sight words) with fluency demonstrating automaticity. / Grammar
60 Minutes / __:__-__:__ / Writing
60 Minutes / __:__-__:__ / Target Vocabulary: obeys, safety, attention, buddy, station, speech, shocked, enormous
Spelling: Compound Words cannot, pancake, maybe, baseball, playground, someone, myself, classroom, sunshine, outside, upon, nothing
Vocabulary Strategies: Root Words
II- LS-1: E-7: responding to academic discussions using key words and phrases with instructional support.
II-L-2 (Vocabulary): HI-4: using grade specific academic vocabulary and symbols within context.
II-L-2 (Vocabulary): HI-5: applying knowledge of grade-level vocabulary (including content area words) in text.
II-L-2: B-9: recognizing how base words are changed by the addition of suffixes.
II-L-2: HI-8: constructing meaning by applying knowledge of prefixes.
Children learn about abbreviation through writing and correctly punctuating proper nouns that relate to safety.
II-R-1: HI-10: associating common abbreviations with words / Children continue their work on a persuasive essay from the previous lesson using Safety at Home as a model for how to organize information.
II-W-1: HI-3: organizing student generated text to include a clear beginning, middle, and end.
II-W-1: HI-8: writing a short response to a literary selection that connects text to self, text to world, or text to other text.
II-W-1: HI-2: gathering information to answer questions about a topic or event for a report.
Officer Buckle and Gloria
Humorous Fiction
Children will read Officer Buckle and Gloria to
·  Use text and illustrations to help determine cause and effect.
II-R-4: B-2: making predictions based on cover, title, illustrations and text.
II-R-4: HI-10: identifying cause and effect of specific events in a literary selection.
·  Learn how humor is conveyed through text and illustrations.
II-R-4: HI-10: identifying cause and effect of specific events in a literary selection.
II-R-4: HI-6: making connections to text while reading (text-to-text and text-to-self).
Safety at Home
Reader’s Theater
Children will read Safety at Home to
·  Use the Readers’ Theater format to learn about fire safety.
II-R-4: HI-6: making connections to text while reading (text-to-text and text-to-self).
II-R-4: HI-3: locating facts and answering questions about text.
·  Follow dialogue to learn about the characters.
II-LS-1: HI-3: sequencing a series of events from read-alouds, presentations, and conversations using transition words/ phrases in complete sentences.
ELL Whole Group / Additional Whole Group Resources
Point-of-Use Scaffolded Support
·  Use Visuals
·  Use Gestures
·  Comprehensible Input
·  Peer-Supported Learning
·  Language Issues
·  Idiomatic Language
·  Use Sentence Frames
·  Expand Language Production
Vocabulary in Context Cards
(front and back) / Decodable Readers
·  What does It Say? pp. 65-72
·  In the Grove, pp. 73-80
Progress Monitoring
Assess and monitor students’ progress to determine who is on track and who needs help. Clear prescriptions identify targeted instruction to address the students’ needs and get them back on track.
Respond to Assessment
·  Vocabulary, p. T468
·  Phonics, p.T468
·  Comprehension, p.T469
·  Language Arts, p. T469
·  Fluency, p. T469
ELL Small Group
ELL Leveled Reader-The Best Student
·  Contains the same content as the On-Level Reader but uses more accessible language
·  ELL Leveled Reader Lesson Plan
·  ELL Blackline Masters
/ Small Group Planner
Vocabulary Reader Police in the Community
Differentiated Instruction, p. 481
Differentiate Phonics: Compound Words, p. T479
Differentiate Comprehension: Cause and Effect; Monitor/Clarify, p. T483
Reread What Does It Say?
Leveled Reader The Best Student, p. T489
Differentiate Fluency: Accuracy: Connected Text, p. 485
Differentiate Vocabulary Strategies: Root Words, p. T491
Reread In The Grove
Options for Reteaching: p. T492-T493
Reread What Does It Say? or In the Grove
What are my other children doing?
Listen and Read: Listen to or read aloud What Does It Say?
-Leveled Practice, ELL15.1
Listen: Audio of Officer Buckle, Student Book, pp. 506-529
Partners: Retelling Cards
-Leveled Practice, ELL15.2
Partners: Use the words on Vocabulary in Context Cards 113-120 to tell about the pictures
-Leveled Practice, ELL15.3
Listen and Read: Audio of Safety at Home, Student Book, pp. 539-537
Leveled Practice, ELL15.4
Listen: Follow along with Audio of Officer Buckle and Gloria in the Student Book, pp. 506-529
-Complete and Share Literacy Center Activities
ELL Extra Support
ELL Lesson 15 Resources
·  Daily Lessons to support the core
·  Language Support Card 15
·  ELL Blackline Masters
·  ELL Teacher’s Handbook
o  Professional Development
o  Peer Conference Forms
o  Cooperative Learning Guidelines / Building Background
Weekly Tests
Observation Checklists
Fluency Tests
Periodic Assessments
Reading Log
Vocabulary Log
Listening Log
Proofreading Checklist
Proofreading Marks
Writing Conference Form
Writing Rubric
Instructional Routines
Graphic Organizer Blackline Masters
Handwriting Model