English Language Arts

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt JOURNEYS COMMON CORE

Grade: / Unit: / Lesson:
4 / 6 / 28
Essential Question: / Anchor Text : / Connect to the Topic: / Connect to the Topic:
How do museums teach us about our world? / “Museums: Worlds of Wonder”
Expository Nonfiction / “Making the Most from Trash”
Photo Essay / “Dinosaur Bone” and “Museum Farewell”
Writing: / Reading Literature & Informational Text: / Foundational Skills:
Opinion Writing
Public Service Announcement
Focus Trait:
Organization / Comprehension Skills and Strategies
·  Fact and Opinion
·  Monitor/Clarify / Decoding
Stress in Multisyllable Words
Review Vocabulary: apologize, genuine, triumph, source, registered, display, concluded, obstacles, affect, vast
Spelling: Three-Syllable Words – library, another, hospital, example, deliver, history, however, several, vacation, important, victory, imagine, camera, potato, remember, together, memory, favorite, continue, president
Grammar: Possessive Pronouns
Vocabulary Strategies: Prefixes con-, com-, in-, im-
Planning for English Language Development:
Begin with High-Utility Words Tier 1 Words *=Spanish cognates
High-Utility Words collection*, exhibit*, preserving*, replicas*, souvenirs
·  Language Support Card 28
·  Building Background Videos
·  Teacher’s Edition p. E22
·  Oral Language Chant, Blackline Master ELL 28.1
Move on to Developing Vocabulary Tier 2 &3 Words *=Spanish cognates
Target Vocabulary apologize, genuine, triumph, source, registered, display, concluded, obstacles, affect, vast
·  Vocabulary in Context Cards
Reading/Language Arts Terms fact, opinion, distinguish, analyze, prefix, possessive pronoun, quotation, public service
·  Teacher’s Edition pp. E22, E24
Scaffolding Comprehension
Building Background
·  Language Support Card 28
·  Building Background Videos
·  Selection Blackline Master ELL 28.2
·  Teacher’s Edition pp. E23, E24, E26, E28, E30
Fact and Opinion
·  Teacher’s Edition pp. E23, E25, E27
Scaffolding Writing
Opinion Writing
Public Service Announcement, pp. T134-T137
·  Teacher’s Edition p. E31
·  Common Core Writing Handbook, Public Service Announcement
Scaffolding Grammar
Grammar: Possessive Pronouns, pp. T132-133
·  Teacher’s Edition p. E29
·  Language Transfer Issue: Possessive Nouns
·  Language Support Card 29: Noun Phrase Subjects Plus is that; There is, There are
Whole Group
60 Minutes / __:__-__:__ / Language Arts / Oral/Vocab
60 Minutes / __:__-__:__
Foundational Skills:
Stress in Multisyllable Words
III-R-2: HI-8: applying knowledge of syllabication rules when decoding unfamiliar words in context.
III-R-2: LI-7: reading regularly spelled multi-syllabic and compound words including consonant blends, consonant/vowel digraphs (th, sh, ck) and diphthongs (ea, ie, ee) and r-controlled vowels.
III-R-3: HI-1: reading aloud passages from unfamiliar content area text with fluency. (i.e., accuracy, appropriate phrasing, and attention to punctuation) / Grammar
60 Minutes / __:__-__:__ / Writing
60 Minutes / __:__-__:__ / Review Vocabulary: apologize, genuine, triumph, source, registered, display, concluded, obstacles, affect, vast
Domain Specific Vocabulary
Spelling: Three-Syllable Words – library, another, hospital, example, deliver, history, however, several, vacation, important, victory, imagine, camera, potato, remember, together, memory, favorite, continue, president
III- LS-1: HI-5: demonstrating relationships among facts, ideas or events using academic vocabulary in classroom discussions. (e.g., problem/solution, cause/effect, etc.)
Vocabulary Strategies: Prefixes con-, com-, in-, im-
III-L-2(VOC): HI-7: using knowledge of base/root words and affixes (prefixes and suffixes) to determine the meaning of unknown grade-level content words.
Grammar: Possessive Pronouns
III-L-1(PRO): HI-3: stating when to use possessive pronouns; using possessive pronouns.
III-L-1(PRO): HI-4: differentiating between personal subjective, personal objective and personal possessive pronouns and their placement in sentences.
Students will use and understand possessive pronouns.
III-L-1(PRO): HI-3: stating when to use possessive pronouns; using possessive pronouns.
III-L-1(PRO): HI-4: differentiating between personal subjective, personal objective and personal possessive pronouns and their placement in sentences. / Students will identify the features of organization and public service.
III-W-1: HI-7: writing a persuasive essay that states a clear position with supporting details using persuasive vocabulary/strategies to influence the reader (e.g., loaded/emotional words, exaggeration, euphemisms bandwagon, peer pressure, repetition, etc.).
“Museums: Worlds of Wonder”
Expository Nonfiction
Students will read Museums: Worlds of Wonder! to
·  Read and comprehend informational text.
III-R-4: HI-7: summarizing the main idea and supporting details from text using appropriate academic vocabulary.
III-R-4: HI-24: interpreting information from external text in nonfiction text for a specific purpose.
·  Analyze fact and opinion.
III-R-4: HI-31: distinguishing fact from opinion in persuasive text. (e.g., advertisements, product labels, written communications)
III-R-4: HI-20: applying understanding of content vocabulary within math, science and social studies texts.
III-R-4: HI-6: making connections to text (i.e., text-to-text and text-to-self).
“Making the Most from Trash”
Photo Essay
Students will read Making the Most from Trash to
·  Read and analyze informational text.
III-R-4: HI-7: summarizing the main idea and supporting details from text using appropriate academic vocabulary.
III-R-4: HI-13: drawing conclusions from information implied or inferred in a literary selection.
“Dinosaur Bone” and “Museum Farewell”
Students will read “Dinosaur Bone” and “Museum Farewell” to
·  Read and analyze poetry.
III-R-4: HI-34: identifying structural elements of poetry. (e.g., repetition, rhyme, rhythm, verse, meter, and imagery, etc.)
III-R-4: HI-4: generating who, what, where, when, why, which and how questions to clarify text.
III-R-4: HI-33: identifying words that the author selects to create a rich auditory experience (e.g., alliteration, onomatopoeia, etc.) in a literary selection.
ELL Whole Group / Additional Whole Group Resources
Point-of-Use Scaffolded Support
·  Use Visuals
·  Use Gestures
·  Comprehensible Input
·  Peer-Supported Learning
·  Language Transfer
·  Idiomatic Language
·  Use Sentence Frames
·  Expand Language Production
Vocabulary in Context Cards
(front and back) / Progress Monitoring
Assess and monitor students’ progress to determine who is on track and who needs help. Clear prescriptions identify targeted instruction to address the students’ needs and get them back on track.
Respond to Assessment
·  Vocabulary, T138
·  Comprehension, T138
·  Decoding, T139
·  Language Arts, T139
·  Fluency, T139
ELL Small Group-Group English Language Learners according to language proficiency.
Justin and the Best Biscuits in the World:
Read Chapters 6-8, pp. 49-77
*for Daily Lesson Plans see p. T102 / COMPLEX
Phineas L. MacGuire…Gets Slimed!:
Read Chapters 7-9, pp. 76-109
*for Daily Lesson Plans see p. T102 / MORE COMPLEX
Sea Turtles:
Read Chapter 3, pp. 20-25
*for Daily Lesson Plans see p. T102
ELL Extra Support
ELL Lesson 28 Resources
·  Daily Lessons to support the core
·  Language Support Card 28
·  ELL Blackline Masters
·  ELL Teacher’s Handbook
o  Professional Development
o  Peer Conference Forms
o  Cooperative Learning Guidelines / Building Background
Weekly Tests
Observation Checklists
Fluency Tests (Cold Reads)
Periodic Assessments
Reading Log
Vocabulary Log
Listening Log
Proofreading Checklist
Proofreading Marks
Writing Conference Form
Writing Rubric
Instructional Routines
Graphic Organizer Blackline Masters