Project Description Brief :
Behavior Change campaign: Balbir Pasha Phase 2
Primary Audience: Mumbai and Vashi team, CO managers, RPM, Senior management OPL
Secondary Audience: Stakeholders; IPAN
Rationale: To explain the launch of the BCC campaign, Balbir Phase 2, the approach towards the development of the communication campaign and the indicators against which the campaign will be evaluated
The first phase of the campaign was launched in Nov 2002-Feb 2003.The main objective of the campaign was to increase “risk perception” among the men in the lower socio economic strata The main strategy of the campaign was to focus on key insights on the clients of sex workers and in the process raise their risk perception towards the disease and hopefully get them to use safer sex practices.
Current Plan
Launch of the Balbir Pasha phase 2
The Balbir Pasha phase1, consumer study indicates that the campaign has bought significant changes in the social norms amongst the vulnerable population. This indicates that if on a sustained basis the target group is exposed to messages on HIV/AIDS then there will be a positive shift towards practising safer sex practices and less indulgence in high-risk behaviour.
Balbir Pasha phase 2 is the next step towards this effort. Through its path breaking approach it will further make the topic and issue related to HIV/AIDS normal to discuss and raise the ante on issues, which are critical to raise the “ risk perception” among men in the high-risk group.
Target Group
Primary Audience: Adult Male, 18- 34, SEC C, D, E
Men who indulge in high-risk sexual behaviour. Most of them are aware of HIV/AIDS and have knowledge on the subject but do not perceive themselves at risk
Secondary audience: Women in the age group of 18- 34 C, D, E
Women whose husbands indulge in high-risk activity or those who are themselves indulging in high-risk activity.
Current task in Mumbai
To launch the Balbir Pasha phase 2 campaign in October 2004
Objectives of the campaign
To personalise the Risk of the HIV/AIDS to the target group with new insights
To engage the target group with the issues related to HIV/AIDS
To inform target group about Saadhan Help line as the medium to get complete and accurate information on HIV/AIDS
To link the themes with the on the ground activities (IPC) and providing a call to action towards the various services like the Help line and the Clinic.
Duration of the campaign: Nov 04 - Jan 05
Implementation Strategy:
The campaign was developed and pre tested with the target group. The campaign was tested to see the relevance to the consumer. The net take out of the messages was its interesting messages and the overall liking. Research showed that the campaign was well appreciated by the consumers. There were some concerns raised which were addressed and modifications made accordingly.
Govt approval
The campaign was presented to The Maharashtra State AIDS Control Society (MDACS) for their buy in. The Maharashtra State AIDS Control Society (MDACS) team has approved and endorsed the campaign. A tag line “Bought to you in partnership with MDACS and PSI” will be carried across the outdoor campaign. MDACS has developed a campaign promoting their clinic (PPTCT). The suggestion is to launch the MDACS campaign and Balbir Pasha during the same time.PSI and MDACS team to work in synergy to ensure both the campaigns are launched successfully
Launch of campaign /campaign roll out
Campaign will be launched from October last week. The campaign has following elements
Teaser + 3 messages. The teaser phase will be for a period of 7 days followed by the theme. Each theme will be for a period of 1-month .The MDACS campaign will be parallerly launched in November
The PR agency IPAN has been briefed about the campaign. A work plan will be submitted by the agency. The work plan will detail out the pre launch activity and the during the actual campaign activity. A crisis document will be a main element of this work plan. This crisis document will be developed keeping in mind various scenarios, which may emerge because of the campaign. Monitoring the media during the campaign will also be an important aspect of the PR plan
On ground activity
The on ground activity will be divided in 2 approaches
1)Innovative on ground activity: The idea is to create a buzz about the campaign. Human banners at key junction points with question related to balbir, messages on the famed “dabbas” in Mumbai are some of the approaches, which are being discussed. Final plans /ideas will be discussed
2)IBCC intervention: The IPC on ground message in Nov-Dec is “Risk associated with Non-commercial partner” coincides with the same messages that the Balbir campaign is communicating. To make the sessions interesting leaflets, which will be adaptation of the Balbir layouts, will be designed.
Communication Messages
“A fling once in a while is ok” (addressing married men and the risk they put their family when they indulge in this act)
“Not wearing a condom is a sign of machosim”
“Trusted partner”
Mediums used for advertising
Outdoors, Local cable, Cinema, Radio
Monitoring and Evaluation
Baseline of the campaign will be done before the campaign will be launched. Evaluation will be done after the duration of campaign the campaign will be measured under various parameters.
Measuring change in attitude and knowledge (self risk perception,) among exposed vs. not exposed
Unfaithful husband: “Percentage of men who believe that I could have unprotected sex will put my family and child at risk will increase from x to y
Machoism: Percentage of men who think “I believe that consistent condom will protect me from HIV/AIDS has increased from x to y
Non-commercial partner Self-risk perception with the non-commercial partner.
Reach, recall, comprehension of the messages
A comparison of how both the phases of Balbir Pasha will be tracked. Objective is to understand what the consumer take out in terms of recall of messages, medium recall for both the campaigns
Increase of the calls at the helpline during the campaign will be measured.
Percentage of increase in condom usage during the campaign.
Roles and responsibility
Communication team along with Shilpa to decide on which all Govt/NGOS to be informed regarding the launch of the campaign
Research team to be briefed about the campaign and also the indicators against which the campaigns needs to be evaluated
Comm. team to brief the PR agency regarding Phase 2
Consensus to be arrived whether we need another Press conference to launch Balbir Phase 2 between Comm team, Mumbai team IPAN
PR plan and Crisis plan to be ready before launch of campaign by IPAN and Communication team
Monitoring of the campaign post launch by IPAN and Comm team
Plan of action
Work plan actioned
Briefing of PR agency
MDACS and PSI to be in joint agreement regarding the launch of both campaign
To brief the agency of developing an AV capturing consumer reaction on the Balbir Phase 2. Salient points of the campaign to be captured.
Evaluation study (baseline) to be actioned in October fortnight and end line in Feb 05