Hotel Roanoke Annual Meeting – Foundation Business Meeting Minutes

December 4-5, 2016

Meeting called to order at 9:32am on December 4, 2016, by President Wilkie Chaffin. Introductions: Steven Meeks, Chip Jones, JC Berger, Ricky Rash, Pete Farmer, Alex Echols, Bobby Grisso, Joan Salvati, Matt Poirot, Suzie Brown, Darrell Marshall, Ed Overton, Judy Burtner, Jerry Ingle, Stephanie Martin, Herb Dunford, Deirdre Clark, Richard Street, Janette Kennedy, Jack Bricker, Margie Davis, Don Wells, John Peterson, Kevin McLean, Beth Beran, Kendall Tyree, Wilkie Chaffin, Frank Johnson.

Agenda approved as presented with no additions. Minutes were provided and included in meeting materials. Wells made a motion to approve minutes which was seconded and approved unanimously.

Berger presented the Treasurer report. Budget included in meeting materials. A recap of FY16 was highlighted and information on FY17 to date was shared. Cash balance as of November 15 was $61, 33.28. Peterson moved the treasurer repot be accepted and filed for audit. Second by Rash. Approved unanimously.

The value of a Foundation Assistant Treasurer was discussed. Don Wells currently serves in this role. Peterson moved that we approve Don Wells as assistant Treasurer for a one year position. Jones seconded. Motion approved.

Executive Director, Tyree was asked to explain a request from Andrew Gilmer of Clinch Valley SWCD for assistance to attend the NACD Annual Meeting in Denver in January 2017. Rash moved to utilize the Beals fund to assist with NACD Annual Meeting up to a total of $1200. Wells seconded the motion. Jones moved to table the motion until we hear from Ray Moore, of Moore Financials, to discuss additional information and current fund levels of the Beals Fund. Margie Davis seconded and it was approved. This will be discussed further in the afternoon when Mr. Moore is available.

It was highlighted that Foundation Officers met with Moore Financials recently to discuss the investments. As approved at the last board meeting, $12,000 has now been pulled from the investments and deposited into the Association account to support Foundation staff. Additional funds were pulled from the Beals fund in the amount of $7,400 to support 2016 initiatives including the VNRLI program and Graves Mountain program.

Alex Echols of the Sand County Foundation next presented information on the Leopold Award. The award is currently given in 12 states and helps carry the message of private lands and conservation. The Sand County Foundation has agreed to fundraise the first three years of any proposed program that would be established in Virginia. Dominion and the Bryant Family have been approached with a formal request for funds. It was reiterated that there would be no fundraising burden on the Foundation for the first three years. The Foundation/Association would be a local partner to help choose the given recipient. This information was introduced at the September board meeting and Don Wells and Ricky Rash met in the interim to learn more and discuss potential partnerships. Rash noted that if this program were developed that we cannot diminish the importance of the Clean Water Farm Awards. Wells suggested a potential partnership with Virginia Tech so the award is not solely a project of the Foundation/Association. Wells stated that recognition for this award would need to be outside of our annual meeting which would provide a different venue and opportunity separate from the Clean Water Farm Awards. It was recommended the Agribusiness Banquet or Ag Expo. The Leopold Award general programming budget is $40k a year, of this is a $10k prize and remaining is overhead and outreach costs. This budget could vary as some states can provide the program at a lower cost but the Sand County Foundation objective is to raise roughly $40,000. Sand County would like to support existing events and programs and does not want to displace Clean Water Farm Awards and is open to other venues. Rash noted the significant financial burden and that the Foundation would need to work hand in hand with Sand County Foundation during the initial three years of assisted financial support.

Chaffin asked whether a formal motion was on the table. Margie Davis made a motion to participate in the program, second by Rash. Peterson asked that our staff contact other associations to learn more about the program in other states. A MOU has not yet been drafted for Virginia for said agreement. Overton asked about the impact of this award compared to other programs of the Foundation. It was clarified that the motion on the floor is to participate in developing an MOU for board approval which will work out the details for Virginia participation. Vote on the motion as follows: Approve: 8/Oppose: 3. Motion approved. John Peterson, Don Wells and Ricky Rash will comprise the committee pursing this initiative.

Envirothon update provided by Education & Training Coordinator, Beth Beran. Dominion funds in the amount of $50,000 have been received to support the 2017 program. Local scholarships to districts have been awarded and over $23,000 of these funds will be distributed back to local SWCDs. Additionally, $12,000 will be supporting Area competitions. A minimum of six training workshops will occur, one per area, this year. The special topic is ag stewardship and there are many resources that have been made available. The oral presentation problem will be available shortly. The state competition will be in May at Virginia State University and the National Competition in Maryland in July 2017.

Youth Conservation Camp information will be distributed in January. 2016 YCC Counselors will be recognized at the Awards luncheon by Earth Team for their volunteer efforts.

The Youth Conservation Leadership Institute program will wrap up in February where all students will participate and present on their volunteer project.

Poster contest submissions were at an all time high. Posters are available for pick up at the registration desk along with Girl Scout Patches for those participated. Winners at the state level have been submitted to the national competition.

Peterson presented the nomination committee report. The committee included Derwin Booker, Ricky Rash and Chair John Peterson. Peterson presented the slate of officers recommended: Richard Chaffin, President; Derwin Booker, VP; Ed Overton, Treasurer. Wells moved that nominations be closed and adopted unanimously. Steven Meeks seconded the motion. Motion approved as presented.

Meeting went into recess at 10:39am.

The Foundation meeting reconvened at 2:00 pm, Ray Moore with Moore Financials provided an update on Foundation investment strategies. Total account value was noted as $550,000. Moore Financials provided an update on the Foundation investment accounts. We want to fund a distribution rate of 5%. Investment report details were provided to the Foundation officers.

Jones moved that we un-table, from earlier conversation, the consideration for a scholarship for Andrew Gilmer to attend NACD annual meeting. Motion was to provide up to $1200 from the Beals fund to support an NACD scholarship. Berger moved to revise that number and provide up to $1500 from Beals fund for the scholarship of Andrew Gilmer to attend the NACD annual meeting. Motion second by Jones. Motion approved.

Ricky Rash for full disclosure noted he has affiliation with Moore Financial Services and wanted it known to board members in the case he should abstain from voting.

Wilkie Chaffin will be stepping down as Foundation president and taking on a new role as Area V Chair. He thanked board members for their support and the great work during his service as President.

The Foundation meeting was adjourned at 2:45pm.

Hotel Roanoke Annual Meeting – Association Business Meeting Minutes

December 4-5, 2016

Association meeting called to order at 10:40am on December 4, 2016, with First Vice President Steven Meeks presiding. Attendees: Steven Meeks, Chip Jones, JC Berger, Ricky Rash, Pete Farmer, Alex Echols, Bobby Grisso, Joan Salvati, Matt Poirot, Suzie Brown, Darrell Marshall, Ed Overton, Judy Burtner, Jerry Ingle, Stephanie Martin, Herb Dunford, Deirdre Clark, Richard Street, Janette Kennedy, Jack Bricker, Margie Davis, Don Wells, John Peterson, Kevin McLean, Beth Beran, Kendall Tyree, Wilkie Chaffin, Frank Johnson.

Minutes were provided as a handout for review. Wells moved the minutes be approved as presented. Second by Peterson. Motion approved unanimously.

Wells presented the budget noting income and expenses. The report was included in packets and filed with the official minutes. Investment information will be shared when Ray Moore attends later in the day. Wells made a motion to file the budget for audit and noted that a formal presentation of this information will be given at the Tuesday business meeting. Motion approved unanimously.

A VCAP budget was presented and included for information purposes also. This is a grant program of which is held by Hanover-Caroline and the VASWCD is a subcontractor for the program. Kevin McLean, VCAP Coordinator, was in attendance to answer any program questions.

Standing Committee Reports:

-  Marketing Committee Report - Derwin Booker presented the marketing committee report. Report included in packets and filed with the minutes. Updates were provided on district road signs, marketing newsletter, photo contest, and adult coloring pages.

-  Urban Committee Report - Staff provided an update. Laura Grape will serve as new committee chair and activities will kick off in 2017.

-  Forestry Committee Report - Staff provided an update as the chair was unavailable. Report included in packets and filed with the official minutes.

-  IT Committee Report – Staff provided an update. Marina Schumacher of Loudoun SWCD has recently taken over as committee chair and is working with districts on tracking program needs. Full report included in meeting materials and with the official minutes. Stephanie Martin of DCR provided additional details about IT Committee meeting with Northern Neck SWCD to address tracking program concerns that have since been resolved.

-  Legislative Committee Report – Postponed till after lunch.

The Nomination Committee report was presented for informational purposes by John Peterson. Nominees will be presented on Tuesday at the VASWCD Annual Business meeting for vote. The recommended slate of officers is Steven Meeks for President; Chip Jones for first VP; Scott Cameron for second VP; John Peterson for NACD Board member. Nominations report and bio information on proposed slate of candidates are included in annual meeting materials.

Suzie Brown presented the VACDE report. Report included in packets and filed with the minutes. The Employees Association will hold its annual business meeting on Tuesday.

Jack Bricker presented the NRCS report. It was noted another boot camp will be held this year and 20-24 will be trained. Small business administration assistance is underway with the boots to business program. Earth Team volunteers will be recognized at the Annual Meeting awards luncheon.

Dr. Bobby Grisso with Virginia Cooperative Extension provided a partner report. The StrikeForce program was highlighted – which stretch both state and federal program efforts for outreach. The Small Farm Conference was held and VSU and VCE took large roles in outreach. In 2020, the National Extension Agricultural Agents Association will be held in Virginia Beach. All extension agents have now been appointed to SWCDs for a new term limit– with exception of Colonial SWCD. An alternative service option, retirement option, has been offered voluntarily to agents to address budget issues. There is hope this will not impact SWCDs significantly but there is an anticipated reduction in agents. Dr. Grisso encouraged directors to attend the collective impact session to be held as a Director track training session on Tuesday afternoon.

The Virginia Soil & Water Conservation Board report and updates were provided by board members Richard Street, Janette Kennedy and Jerry Ingle members. The board will meet on Wednesday morning and address dam funding, district grant scorecard, etc.

DCR provided a partner report. Handouts were provided and filed with the official minutes. It was reported as of November 30, 2016 the backlog of SL-6 practices that remain in pending status was reduced to $31 million. Resource management plan information was shared including information on a new farm sign to recognize fully implemented RMPs. Grisso asked DCR for additional information on RMP signage. There is no requirement on where the signage is displayed and signage will be paid at cost by farmer. Cost of RMP sign is roughly $100.

Association meeting recessed at 12:05 for lunch.

Association meeting reconvened at 1:00pm.

Introductions of additional guests – Thomas Herbert, Linda Campbell, Ray Moore, Sandra Stuart, Marina Schumacher, David Dowling, Wendy Howard Cooper, Darryl Glover.

Ricky Rash followed up with a question to DCR attendees about the reallocation of funds. Districts have had cancelations of SL-6 contracts and currently have no alternative projects. The money will be taken to the Virginia Soil & Water Conservation Board and reapproved. A process for reallocating these dollars is in development.

DEQ report provided by Joan Salvati focused on TMDL Phase III Watershed Implementation Process. Salvati emphasized wanting to get conversation with stakeholders started now in order to be situated best for the WIP deadline of September 2018. Localities and stakeholders should be engaged early in the process. Additional strategies need to be identified. Two tiers of outreach were recommended by Salvati. Tier one is direct coordination and outreach with elected officials and directors with SWCDs. Tier two will be staff level outreach with SWCDs and localities and other local partners. This phased outreach process will begin in January 2017. Regional office boundaries will be a starting point and order of events will be as followed: Northern Virginia, Valley area, Roanoke/Lynchburg area, Richmond, Hampton Roads. This scale of necessary outreach will involve six or seven regional events. Another round of outreach may occur to provide updates to these same groups. In later 2017 work sessions will be held to assist in facilitation of WIP strategies. Strategies will be finalized by 2018. A change in administration will occur in the middle of the WIP development process. Updates will be provided at future board meetings of which Joan Salvati will attend. Questions DEQ and EPA continue to discuss: Should there be local targets and reduction goals in each locality/district? If you have those what should be the scale? And how should this local goal/target be expressed? A WIP III expectation document will be developed and finalized in coming weeks taking many of these items into account.