All Levels

Hosted by Norwest Figure Skating Club

Venue:Sydney Ice Arena, Solent Circuit (off Norwest Boulevard), Norwest/Baulkham Hills

Date:Sunday 29thMarch, 2015 Commencing : 5.45 PM

Closing Date: Friday 20th March, 2015

Eligibility and Rules:

All NSW skaters must be current members of NSWISA and an affiliated club (if NSWISA membership has not reached NSWISA by 4.00pm on the Thursday before the event, this fee must be paid when registering at the event, and a refund will be made once the original fee reaches NSWISA). Competitors from other states must be financial members of their State Association.

All skaters must also register with Ice Skating Australia

Test Level – is the highest test the skater has passed by the entry closing date

Age – is the skater’s age as at the entry closing date

Ladies and men may skate together: where numbers permit, competitors may be divided by age.

Music should contain some vocal content (no offensive or obscene language permitted)

Props and costumes (see new safety guidelines below)

No jump higher than an axel is permitted

Each division must have a minimum of 3 competitors - where numbers are insufficient some divisions may be combined

Entries:All entries must be submitted on the official “NORSKSATE” entry form and accompanied by full payment (money order or cheque. Or Direct Deposit ,Unfortunately, phone, fax, or e-mail entries cannot be accepted.) No skater may enter more than one singles division.

Late Entries:Accepted at the discretion of the Organising Committee if space is available. If accepted a late fee of $10 per entry will apply.

Entries to:The Competition Convenor, Norwest Figure Skating Club

P.O. Box 6042, Baulkham Hills, NSW 2153

Or place in the Club letter box at the rink.

Entry Fees:Aussie Skate Levels 1 &2,3, 4 $65

Preliminary and above $70

Novelty Pairs $65 per pair

Novelty groups Div. 1 (3-6) $30 per competitor

Novelty Groups Div. 2 (over 6) $20 per competitor

Refunds:Full refund on provision of a medical certificate (no refund after the draw)

Enquiries:Dona: 0412008482

Rink Entry: Adults $5.00 , Children Free Entry


Aussie Skate Div 1 ,21min 40 sec

Aussie Skate Div 3,4 1min 40 sec

Preliminary 1min 40 sec

Elementary1 min 40 sec

Pre-Primary1 min 40 sec

Primary / Intermediate 1 min 40 sec

Open (Novice and Above) 2 min

Adult (must be over 18 at close of entries) No test requirement1 min 40 sec

Novelty Pairs (any mix of gender) No test requirement1 min 40 sec

Novelty Groups Div 1 (3-6 skaters)2 min 10 sec

Novelty Groups Div 2 (above 6 skaters)2 min 10 sec


Must be provided by competitors. May be on disc, clearly labelled with Name, Division and Music and handed in at registration desk on night of competition. May include vocal/lyrics.

Costumes :

Should be simple, tasteful and selected to enhance the performance by appropriately reflecting the character of the music and the theme, Feathers are not permitted

Props :

One prop only is permitted if it is used to develop the theme or story. Any item that is held in the hand or removed during the performance is considered a prop .It must be logical part of the costume and enhance not detract from the performance. Thus, for example , a hat worn throughout the program is not considered to be a prop ,but if it is intentionally removed during the performance it is considered a prop.


Only Program Components will be used to judge an artistic event.

# Skating Skills

# Transitions

# Performance / Execution

# Choreography / Composition

#Interpretation / Timing

There will be no technical panel and no technical mark given, The artistic free skate is a competitive program which must include elements of the sport of figure skating. It consists of variety of skating moves selected for their value in enhancing the skaters interpretation of the music rather than their technical difficulty. Skaters will be judged on their ability to interpret the music and develop a theme by using their skating skills.

The choice of music is unrestricted but must be appropriate for the age and ability of the skater.The program should be an integrated exploration of the chosen music assembled an audience with emphasis still being placed on skating skills and not a collection of pleasing or spectacular moves.

The use of unsuitable music will be reflected in the marks.

Double , triple and quadruple jumps are not permitted .Single ( including Axel Paulson ), jump like movements of not more than one revolution , and spins are permitted and not restricted in number .credit for jumps and spins will be based solely on the ability of such movements to enhance the chosen theme and support the music .Credit will not be given for their technical difficulty

Costumes ,makeup and props should not be the only demonstration of the theme or story. The program must be also developed through skating skills , quality , performance, choreography and interpretation rather than through non – skating actions such as sliding on one knee or excessive use of the toe steps which should be used only to reflect the character of the program and to underline the rhythm and nuances of the chpsen music .The skater must not remain in one place for more than (5) seconds at a time.

The Referee will apply a 2.0 deduction for each of the following violations

#Any Jump of more than 1 ½ revolutions

# somersault type jumps

#Lying on the ice at any time

#Prolonged (> 5 seconds ) and /0r stationary kneeling on both knees on the ice

# Remaining in one place for more than (5) seconds 9ie not skating )at a time

#If any objects are thrown or placed on the ice ,boards, judges table or audience.

#Costumes with feathers

#Any program beginning or ending off ice surfaces

The competition committee

March 2015


“Norskate” hosted by the Norwest Figure Skating Club