LFR Summer Staff Basic Job Descriptions for 2015
Immediate supervisor, Rich Malone – email questions to
- Attend pre-camp staff training session (ten days); plus early arrival for planning preparation.
- Responsible for Pow Wow (Worship Gatherings); supervising all Pow Wow Leadership for summer; Make suresound, video and all aspects of Pow Wow arecovered either by personal
involvement if knowledgeable or by delegating. .
- Check with camp speakers prior to each Pow Wow to determine needs and adjusts worship
length accordingly with music leaders. Coordinates prayer huddle with speaker and worship leaders prior to each Pow Wow.
- Manage all logistics of Pow Wow including Power Point set up for music lyrics, run movie clips
for speaker if needed, and manages sound system (these things can be delegated but he is in charge – see also #2)
- Maintain, keep clean, and keep up with all Lakeview electronic equipment; video projector,
sound system, cd player, video/dvd player.Call on facilities staff if problems arise.
- Is the third man in charge in the absence of the Director and Asst. Director at any time during
the course of the summer.
- Give leadership and assistance to A.D. for all areas of afternoon Recreation, Big Field Day, and
Team Competition.
- Is responsible for creating a revised power point program and leading thecamper orientation
presentation on the first day of each camp (workswith Rich on this for new orientation information that is needed and works with video guys to make it fun).
- Is responsible for supervising dining hall set up and staff members covering all of all tables in
the dining hall for the first breakfast meal; be sure to provide enough table space for adult leaders, Admin. Staff, speaker and his family, and Workstaff/ support staff who will not be at tables with the campers.
- Begins each meal by inviting campers in from the porch, calling on a staff member to pray and
then sending campers through the food line one row at a time (rows A-D). Notifies Rich,
Nick or a Senior Counselorto cover for him if he will be late or absent for a meal.
- Is responsible for organizing and leading recreation orientation on the first day of camp (works
with Chad and Nickon this one)
- Is available for dealing with camper, adult leadership, and staff issues after cabin time. Notifies
Rich or Nick if issues require assistance.
- Give Manager of the Workstaff assistance in mentoring as needed.
- Is responsible for checking and adjusting thermostats and turning off lights in all main buildings
each evening to close down for the night. (ask the Workstaff Manager to assist with this)
- Is in charge of evening rec: including set up, instructions, coordinating support staff to supervise
and overall supervision each week.
- Give extra leadership throughout the summer in the preparation and withleadership for Mission
Camp Macon as assigned by Rich. Is the announcer for Sports Camp and assists Bill Reif &
the MCM Intern
- Is extra vigilant in regard to potential intruders or uninvited guests arrivingat the camp during
the week and has authority to ask individuals to leave; he is essentially our camp security guy.
- In charge of meal time announcements; beginning and end of meals; especially after lunch.
- Provide spiritual leadership and guidance to staff as needed; including teaching when the
opportunity arises.
- Enforces Cabin time with counselors and is the “go to” guy for night watchmen team while
campers are present. He holds those guys accountable for their work.
- Other duties as assigned by the Executive Director; and there will probably be others!
- Is a role-model as a follower of Jesus Christ at all times. No job too small
Immediate Supervisor – Rich Malone – email questions to
- Attend pre-camp staff training session (twelve days)
- Be in charge of a cabin of 7-10 campers for twelve camps during the summer.
- Lead or assist in daily Bible studies.
- Lead or assist in teaching an activity class during Junior Campers and Team Competition during student camps.
- Help organize and supervise in the recreational activities.
- Personally counsel on a spiritual level each camper in your cabin.
- Lead your cabin in a daily devotional at night.
- Be available to meet any physical, spiritual or emotional needs of your campers.
- Correspond with campers as they write, and to follow up on decisions.
- Assist with other program duties as assigned.
- Be an example as a follower of Jesus Christ at all times.
Immediate Supervisor – Sandy Malone – email questions to
- Work in and clean Dining Hall, Lakeview and Rec Hall; run dishwasher, clean kitchen, and clean bathrooms as assigned.
- Work in Snack Shop, Gift Store, and Rec Hall serving campers; clean up afterwards.
- Afternoon recreation helper as assigned (ropes course and Lakefront Shop)
- Assist with trash detail, other camp clean-up as directed, and other miscellaneous duties as assigned.
- Assist counselors in cabin devotionals and activities when asked.
- A commitment to personal spiritual growth and maturing in Christ under the supervision of a summer mentor.
- Complete all discipleship reading and assignments and remain focused on Christ during your training time.
Immediate Supervisor – Rich Malone – email questions to
- Attend pre-camp staff training session (ten days); comes several days early for training and
- Provide assistance and hospitality for adult leaders and camp speakersand their families as
assigned and as needed; includes serving breakfast in Loblolly for those receiving special training if this is offered.
- Contact, train in most up to date protocol and assist camp nurse each week.
- Provide support to Office Mgr. in all areas of office management as needed.Since you
are one of the voices of LFR on the telephone, it is important that you speak on the phone
with a cheerful voice and a helpful/ servant attitude.
- Assist the Director with details of staff assignments, registration organization, staff
accountability issues, and other staff needs as assigned by Director.
- Set up program registration tables on Registration Day/ assist with registration as needed.
- Track follow-up with staff (accountability) and order follow-up books as needed for counselors
to use. Sets up supplies, musicand refreshments in camp office board room and foyer on morning campers go home for follow up party.
- Produce, with assistance of Rich and other helpers, the Summer Prayer Calendar Magazine
during early days of Staff Training. (Rich will show you how to acquire this information)
- Manage and edit “Summer Reflections” as summer progresses; monitor staff progress on this.
- Keep list of staff total work days for payroll for each pay period; list staff who miss days and
those who replace them for Rich; gives this info to Rich two days before each pay day.
- Coordinate breaks for counselors and request extra counselors taking off when camper count
is low.
- Responsible for being on duty in the office on the morning campers leave until last camper
leaves then sets up for follow up party in office conference room.
- Check out counselors from their cabins at the end of the summer and assists in collection from
staff of all bills unpaid. Helps keep camp office organized and running efficiently.
- Participate in relational ministry aspects of camp program as needed.
- Several days before staff feast get head count to Blake; determine total number of diners for that day including staff, stay over campers, speaker, nurse, staff families and staff guests.
- Oversees and monitors Staff Hut (laundry/computer room) for accountability.
- Be the Camp Lost & Found Chief for the summer – assisted by theLifeguard and
Groundskeeper; Director will give details on this one.
- Oversee Cabin Cleanup Inspection and Mail collections and distribution.
- Learn how to answer questions that callers might have in regard to any of the following topics:
Labor Day Weekend Family Escape, Rental Weekend Retreats for after summer camp, summer camp availability and any summer camp questions people might have regarding balance due, directions to camp, arrival and departure times, phone and visitation policies, etc.
- Assist APC in any way needed.
21.Is a role-modelas a follower of Jesus Christ at all times.
Immediate Supervisor – Sandy Malone – email questions to
1.Attend pre-camp staff training session (ten days); early arrival if possible.
2.Assist in managing the office in the following ways: enters camper forms, answers the phone, checks messages on answer machine when first arrives, returns calls in a timely manner, delivers messages to those who receive calls (esp. urgent ones) checks camper and staff email and delivers these to appropriate individuals, assists Sandy on preparation for registration day and with getting camper cards entered into computer after registration. Make calls regarding after summer rental retreats to make sure all forms and deposits are returned in a timely manner.
3.Learn how to answer questions that callers might have in regard to any of the following topics: Labor Day Weekend Family Escape, Rental Weekend Retreats for after summer camp, summer camp availability and any summer camp questions people might have regarding balance due, directions to camp, arrival and departure times, phone and visitation policies, etc.
4.Keep track of and supervise office supplies and order as needed.
5.Since you are the voice of LFR to so many, it is important that you speak on the phone with a cheerful voice and a helpful/ servant attitude.
6.Check out staff from their cabins at the end of the summer and makes sure that all bills are paid in full by staff members.
7.Assist in producing the Summer Camp Prayer Calendar during the early part of Staff Training Week.
8.All other office management responsibilities as assigned by the LFR Office Mgr. and Executive Director.
9.Assist APC in Lakeview as needed.
10.Be prepared for the possibility to step into the cabin to assist with ministry with campers.
11.Participate in relational ministry aspects of camp program as needed
12.Is a role-modelas a follower of Jesus Christ at all times.
Immediate Supervisor, Jeff Troyer – email questions to
1.Attend pre-camp staff training session (ten days).
2.Assume full responsibility for safety in all aquatic activities
3.Care and maintenance of the pool
4.Make sure you have a whistle, walkie talkie, and megaphone before you open the pool.
5.Make sure campers are aware of the posted rules and enforce them.
6.Assumes responsibility for the safety and enjoyment of campers (along with the Asst.
Lifeguards) in Water Basketball play on the first night of camp.
7.Instruct the adult volunteer how to keep up with the ski/tubing list if they have any questions.
At the start of each shift send two pairs of campers down for tubing. After one pair completes tubing, send down the next one(s) on the list. As campers finish they are to report back to the adult volunteer so that the next on the list can go. Make sure campers shower at outside shower after tubing or skiing before returning to swim in the pool.
8. In the event of bad weather, get everyone out of the pool immediately. Make sure the tubing
program is also stopped. Use mature judgement for when to close and re-open the pool at storm time. The lifeguard is responsible for water safety at the pool and on the lake at all times.
9.Make sure all campers take their clothes with them from the pool.
10.Administers swim test for campers wanting to dive in deep end or go tubing.
11.Bring lost towels and clothes to the Dining Hall to be given to owners after supper.
12.Be the Camp Lost & Found Asst. Chief for the summer; Director will givedetails on this one.
13.Lock the gate at the completion of each shift.
14.Assists APC in Lakeview as a supervisor for evening recreattion.
15.Participates in relational ministry aspects of camp program as needed
16.Is a role-modelas a follower of Jesus Christ at all times.
Immediate Supervisor, Jeff Troyer – email questions to
- Attend pre-camp staff training session.
- Assume full responsibility for safety in all equestrian activities
- Follow all LFR Horseback Riding Guidelines at all times with both campers and staff. (Rules
are always the same no matter who is riding).
- Have horses saddled and bridled at the hitching rail ready to begin rides at the scheduled time.
Begin and end on time..
- Keep walkie talkie on at all times during afternoon when on duty;
- Care for the horses and maintenance of the tack, and the barn
-Feed and water horses twice daily
-Brush and/or wash horses before and after each day’s rides
-Keep barn and bathroom clean and neat
-Clean paddocks daily
-Clean out water buckets weekly
-Move horses to winter pasture after the last rides of each camp or as directed by Facilities Mgr.
-Move horses to the new barn the morning of the first day of riding for each camp or as directed by Facilities Mgr.
- Keep the Facilities Manager informed of any health issues or concerns with horses.
- Immediately inform the Facilities Mgr. of any incidents or near misses with horses and
campers, adults or staff.
- Thoroughly clean (using leather cleaner) saddles, bridles and other tack before the first camp,
before the beginning of the 2nd half and after the last camp. Do normal daily cleaning as
- In the event of a thunder storm occurring once you are on the trail, get each camper off the
horses and have each one lead their horse back to the hitching rail. Leave the horses tied up at the rail during the storm. The Director or Fac. Mgr. will decide if the weather would cause cancellation of the rides.
- Provide supervision and direction to the Workstaff/Wrangler Asst.
- Any other jobs with program or ministry as assigned by the Facilities Mgr.
- Participate in relational ministry aspects of camp program as needed.
- Is a role-model as a follower of Jesus Christ at all times.
Immediate Supervisor, Sandy Malone – email questions to
- Attend pre-camp staff training session (ten days).
- Assumes full responsibility for the Snack Shop and Snack / Drink Machineswhich includes
keeping an accurate log of all financial records of spending and deposits made (select an WS asst. to help you with this). These records must be turned in to Rich at the conclusion of the summer in an organized format.
- Responsible for administrative leadership of the Workstaff and all aspects of that ministry and
their work and is under the supervision of the Asst. Director and the Workstaff Coordinator. Does all Workstaff scheduling.
- Responsible for the mentoring aspect of the Workstaff and helps to coordinate what that
process looks like.
- Assist with leadership of the A.P.C. in the evenings for turning off all lightsand trouble shooting
camper disciplinary issues.
- Assume support role for the Camp Gift Shop (Trading Post) which includes making sure all staff
working in that area are carrying out thedesires of the Trading Post Manager and does all inventorying and restocking of the Gift Shop as requested. Asst. Workstaff Manager will
have a more direct responsibility for this.
- Responsible for Rec Hall counter organization and Rec Hall leadership training. Makes sure
that staff keeps the entire Rec Hall neat, clean and organized. (Advises counselor each week as she supervises Rec Hall clean up by losing girls cabin at end of camp). Makes sure money behind the counter is turned in regularly and doesn’t allow more than $100 to accumulate behind the counter. Is fully responsible for the Camper Bank that is kept behind the Rec Hall counter. Devise a system that is fast and efficient for campers to get their money during rush times.
- Is a role-model as a follower of Jesus Christ at all times
- SUNSHINE CLUB CHIEFS(2 people – senior staff)
Immediate Supervisor – Rich Malone – email questions to