Hospitals Are a Business
Names of those in Group:
Group Assignment: Financial Department
Info: Your group has been assigned to create the financial department of our new hospital. It is your responsibility to handle all the money that comes into and out of our hospital (accounts receivable and accounts payable). As a group brainstorm and come up with answers to the following questions:
What are expenses that our hospital will need to pay for?
What are jobs that we will need to pay salaries for?
How will our hospital bring in money?
As the financial department, it is our responsibility to make sure our money is used wisely and not mishandled or fraudulently taken. What steps should we put in place to make sure that money is spent correctly?
Hospitals Are a Business
Names of those in Group:
Group Assignment: Human Resources
Info: Your group has been assigned to create the Human Resources (HR) department at our new hospital. The people who will work at our new hospital are considered our hospital’s human resources, and are just as important as our financial and material resources. A business is more likely to be successful if it manages their entire resources well, including its people. An effective HR department encourages company employees to do their best, because that in turn contributes to the success of their business. As a group brainstorm and come up with answers to the following questions:
What are some career’s that you will need to hire to get our Hospital up and running? Remember, that besides just those health care career jobs – there are other necessary jobs to keep a hospital running.
What steps do you need to take to hire these new employee’s for our Hospital? How will you find and recruit those employee’s?
Once your employees are hired, you as an HR department are in charge of setting up and over-seeing their “benefits packages” which include health insurance, paid vacations, paid leave for illnesses, and pension/retirement plans. Briefly describe what you will provide as a benefits package for your employee’s. How much vacation will they be allowed? Will you provide paid sick leave? What kind of insurance will you provide?
As an HR department you are also in charge of making sure employees are happy and feel appreciated. What activities can you do to help create a positive and enjoyable work environment?
Hospitals Are a Business
Names of those in Group:
Group Assignment: Marketing and Public Relations
Info: Your group has been assigned to create the marketing and public relations department at our new Hospital. As a member of this department you are in charge of making sure the community knows about our new hospital and encourage people to use our services. You are in charge of all advertising that is done, and making sure that the members of the community have a good opinion of our hospital. As a group brainstorm and come up with answers to the following questions:
What are some places or ways that you can advertise our hospital?
What are some events that you could host at the hospital to provide an opportunity for members of the community to visit the hospital?
What are some ways that you can get hospital employees out in the community, providing an opportunity for community members to meet the employees?
What are some possible advertisements or slogans for our hospital? Please draw/explain them below:
Hospitals Are a Business
Names of those in Group:
Group Assignment: Purchasing Department
Info: Your group has been assigned to create the Purchasing Department at our new Hospital. The purchasing department is responsible for all bidding, contracting, negotiation and procurement of supplies, equipment and services required for maintaining operations and effective patient care in a timely and cost effective manner. As a group brainstorm and answer the following questions:
What large equipment items are going to need to be purchased for our hospital? How much will they cost?
What steps will you take to make sure that you are purchasing quality items at the best price, so that your department can stay within budget?
What disposable supplies will you need to purchase for our hospital?
What steps will you put in place to know when each department needs to new supplies? How will those supplies be distributed when they arrive?
Hospitals Are a Business
Names of those in Group:
Group Assignment: Facilities Management
Info: Your group has been assigned to be in charge of Facilities Management at our new Hospital. Being in charge of facilities, means you are responsible for the care and upkeep of our buildings. As a group brainstorm and come up with answers to the following questions:
Part of facilities management is the general housekeeping of the hospital. How will you organize and coordinate the housekeeping duties at the hospital?
Another part of the facilities management is to keep the building components working properly (heating, air-conditioning, lighting, etc). What steps will you take to make sure those components continue to work correctly?
Along with building components, you may be required to make sure that some complex medical equipment is maintained and working properly. Your staff will need to be trained on how to maintain the different equipment, and keep them working properly. What steps will you take to make sure your staff is able to keep the medical equipment working correctly?
You will be in charge of providing and maintaining supplies for your housekeepers and maintenance individuals. What are some of the supplies you will need to have on hand?
Hospitals Are a Business
Names of those in Group:
Group Assignment: Records Office & Billing
Info: Your group has been assigned to be in charge of Records Office and Billing at our new Hospital. Your department is in charge of keeping track of detailed patient information by ensuring its quality, accuracy, accessibility, and security in both paper and electronic forms. You are also in charge of billing the appropriate individuals or entities for payment. As a group brainstorm and come up with answers to the following questions:
What information do you think should be kept in a patient’s medical file?
What steps will you take to make sure that a patient’s medical file remains safe and secure, but also available to doctors and hospital staff that may need to see it?
Once a patient receives medical treatment they, along with their insurance company need to be billed. How will you set up your billing department so that all patients are billed after their procedures? How will you keep track of making sure those payments are received? If an insurance company does not pay the entire bill, how will you make sure that a patient pays the remainder that is due?
Hospitals Are a Business
Names of those in Group:
Group Assignment: Administration
Info: Your group has been assigned to be in charge of Administration at our new Hospital. Hospital Administrators are liaisons between the hospital board, other department heads and the medical staff. They coordinate the activities of and create policies for the hospital. As a group brainstorm and come up with answers to the following questions:
A Hospital has a governing Hospital Board which consists of individuals from the community who come together to make decisions for the hospital. As the administrator you work directly with the Board and take their suggestions and guidelines back to the hospital. How often will your Board meet? How will you as the administrator enforce the Board’s guidelines at the hospital?
As the Administrator it is your responsibility to know what is going on in every department of the Hospital. How often will you meet with those in charge of each department? What information will you require each department to bring to that meeting so you can have a better idea of what they are doing?
The Administrator at the hospital is often times in charge of physician recruitment. What will you do to recruit well-qualified and professional doctors to your staff?
As an Administrator you will also need to make sure that your doctor’s keep their licensure current and continue to take continuing education classes. What steps will you put in place to make sure this happens?