West Central Ohio Chapter 0NS
Board Meeting Minutes
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Meeting Date:9 July 2011 / Attendees(as marked with an X)
Karen Agnor, president
Patti Adams, President-Elect
LaDonna Hinkle, Immediate Past President
Jill Reese ,membership chair, President-Elect 2012
jan rafferty, secretary
darla subler, treasurer
Jackie Matthews, program chair
Susie Newton, Interim scholarship chair / peggy jones, nominating chair, Archives
Mary Murphy, Legislative Liaison/Political Advocacy
Elena Mikalauskas, Community outreach
barb sterling, member-at-large
Barb Paxson, Newsletter, Virtual community
Nan Lawary
/ Location:
/ Tuesday, 9/13/11
Note change from previous schedule! / 5:30pm / Hospice of Dayton Education Room – Lower Level
WCO Bd.minutes 7-9-11
Agenda / Discussion / Action/Follow-up / Responsible PersonApproval of Minutes 5/3/11 / Minutes reviewed / Motion to approve – Jackie Matthews
Motion to second approval – Mary Murphy / J. Matthews
M. Murphy
2011 Board Meeting Dates / 9/13/2011, 11/1/2011 – Please Note Change!
Christmas Party 12/7/2011 / HOD meeting room – Lower Level
RSVP to Mary Murphy / All
Old Business: / Strategic Plan: \
- Plan reviewed, point by point – additions made so as to update plan
- No response from ONS re: student reports being sent.
- Jackie will compile a list of institutions’ contacts for letters to be sent late August/early September. The current letter on file will be reviewed and updated for mailing.
Jackie to again attempt to notify ONS in this regard
Jackie to forward the list to Karen, who will then mail out the letters. / LD Hinkle
J. Matthews
J. Matthews & K. Agnor
New Business:
Committee Reports
Treasurers Report / Treasurers Report:Current balance: $12,221.80 (with no outstanding bills)
A check for $30 to be contributed to the ONS Foundation at Mentorship week-end from WCO / Patty and Jill will present the check at the Mentorship week-end / D. Subler
P. Adams & J. Reese
Membership / Membership:
Current Membership—90 – ALL current ONS members / J.Reese
Scholarships / Scholarships:
Susie has new scholarship co- chairperson—Chrystie Hall.
Deadlines in the near future:
- 2012 Roberta Scofield Memorial Certification Award applications due 1 August
- Institutes of Learning scholarship application deadline, as well as the Advanced Practice Memorial Conference scholarship application due 1 September. (These events will be in Salt Lake City 11/3 – 11/5 (Advanced Practice Nursing Conference) and 11/4 – 11/6 for the IOL
Jill did apply for the Mentorship Week-end scholarship, but was not awarded the scholarship. / Susie and Chrystie will compile a spread sheet of all deadlines for ONS scholarships over the year.
The spreadsheet will be emailed to Karen, who will then send a hard copy, along with a cover letter to each liaison for posting in their sites. / S. Newton
K. Agnor
Legislative/Political Advocacy / ACS Board Meeting to be held week of 7/11; Mary Murphy holds a position of the board and Elena is also involved with ACS. / M. Murphy
Outreach Ohio / LaDonna is involved with the process to assess changes in the Menotrship Award guidelines. / Next Outreach Ohio meeting on11/12/2011 at The Zangmeister in Columbus / K. Agnor, LD Hinkle, M. Murphy
Newletter/ Virtual Community / Deadline Dates for newsletter: 7/15 and 10/15 / B. Paxson
Community Outreach / Elena is keeping a running report of the donations, both monetary and others from the chapter donations to community sites. She will also send pictures as appropriate to the newsletter to show the volume of the items collected from the membership.
Susie mentioned a need for the Patient Friend’s Society in Palenstine on the West Bank as a possible outreach for our chapter. They are in need of prosthetic bras for patients having mastectomies This could be a consideration, either in the form of money or bras from various community suppliers. There is a contact in NYC who could forward any donations we would make. / An updated list will be sent to Karen for the records of the contributions made throughout the year.
Susie will check into these needs and update us at the next board meeting. / E. Mikalauskas
S. Newton
Nominations / 85 ballots were sent out for President-Elect for 2012 (Jill Reese), Secretary (Jan Rafferty) and Treasurer (Darla Subler). 3 were sent by USPS, and 82 via email. 21 completed ballots were returned by the deadline of 6/17. / P. Jones
Archives / Pictures from chapter activities or events involving chapter members will be accetped for our archives. / P.Jones
M. Murphy
Chapter Liaisons / Updated packets will be delivered this fall to the liaisons by Karen, once the 2012 calendar is ready from ONS / K. Agnor
ONS Oncology Nurses Worldwide Program / Nothing new to report at this time / S. Newton
Programs /
- Board members often do not RSVP to Jackie for monthly programs. Numbers of attending must be to the restaurants the Monday before the program on Thursday. At times, the space is limited.
- “Save the Date” notices have been out to members three months in advance. Program flyers need to be emailed out to members as soon as possible.
- Assistance with program reservations has been offered to Jackie by Nan Lawary. This could be very helpful, in light of the fact that Jackie sets up the programs and the RSVP part of the process can be very time consuming.
- In the first half of 2011, WCO has had 8 programs, 276 attendees, 5.0 CEU’s, and an average program attendance of 35. (we now have 90 members)
- July’s program will be at El Meson – NHL: The Changing Landscape. Dr. James Sabiers will be the speaker. Leukemia and Lymphoma Society will be the sponsor. 7/21/11 – 2.0 CEU’s
- For the three remaining months of 2011 program calendar, Pain Management, CINV, Bone Skeletal Integrity will be the topics. Details are still in process.
- A program on prostate cancer isalso one which has been requested. 2012 programs will reflect requests made by the membership on the needs assessments.
Future programs will be announced at each month’s program and emailed flyers will go out as early as possible.
Nan will now be the RSVP contact on future program flyers.
An eamil to membership will be sent regarding Nan as the contact person and the importance of the RSVP deadline date, / J.Matthews
N. Lawary
LD Hinkle
J. Matthews
5. Alice Jordan Award / Barb Paxson was this years’ recipient of the Alice Jordan Mentorship Award. It was awarded to her at the June program.
Review of the current guidelines and discussion resulted in a change regarding the recipient having to write about themselves and why they thought they should get the award. The board felt this could deter many from applying. This could also allow the nomination and award to be a surprise for the recipient.
Any one who has been nominated and did not win can be nominated in subsequent years. / Pictures will be forwarded by LaDonna to Mary Murphy for our archives.
LaDonna will update the guidelines to reflect the deletion of having the recipient write about themselves. / LDHinkle
LD Hinkle
6.Mentorship Week-end / 7/15-7/17 / Patti and Jill will be attending and will report back to the board in September. / P. Adams & J. Reese
7.2011 Needs Assessment / ~ 30 Needs Assessments were returned. The results were not a surprise and the topics and locations for future programs will be considered when planning 2012 programs.
No one volunteered to serve on a committee or offered to make any suggestions for improvement of the organization.
- The members who won the drawing at the LYC program for completing the Needs Assessment were: Sara Jones, Karen Pelfrey, Peggy Jones and Karen Schindler. They will receive WCO membership for 2012 + one free program.
D. Subler
8. Next Meeting / Next board meeting will be on Tuesday, September 13, 2011 at Hospice of Dayton – lower level education classroom.
5:30PM – Dinner
6:00PM – Meeting
Please RSVP for dinner to Mary Murphy. If unable to attend, email committee report to Karen Agnor. / ALL
WCO Bd.minutes 7-9-11