Horticultural Therapy Intern

Internship Position 2018

Organizational Information

The Growing Project (TGP): TGP was formed to address the issue of food insecurity in Fort Collins, Colorado, through programming focused on hands-on education, food production, and food distribution. In 2009, TGP became a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit promoting the mission of a strong, diverse, and just local food system to all residents of Northern Colorado through direct agricultural experiences, education, and advocacy. Over the past 9 years, TGP has developed 5 unique programs based on community need and input:

1. Garden Time works with youth from The Boys and Girls Club (The Club) and The Family Center (TFC) in the garden. Youth harvest produce from the educational garden and their onsite gardens for free, youth-ran markets. TGP has expanded this program to work with seniors, veterans, and disabled adults, building a therapy garden in 2017.

2. Urban Foods Outreach provides the materials, education and volunteers to install and maintain community gardens in low-income neighborhoods, mobile home parks and other nonprofits. Programs are hosted at some of these gardens and a garden mentor is provided. TGP builds at least one new garden each year.

3. The Educational Garden is a one acre garden that grows food to donate to the community. Public volunteer hours are held 4 times a week. Volunteers receive produce in exchange for their help and two weekly, free, community meals are hosted. Also at the garden, TGP provides low-cost classes on gardening, foraging and primitive skills.

4. Youth Farmers Training Program provides part-time summer jobs and educational opportunities for teens at the educational garden and through offering landscaping services to the community.

5. Nature Rides takes youth from The Club and TFC into natural areas by bicycle to learn about the local ecology and watershed.

Internship Description

The Growing Project is looking for 1 internto help with youth programs at The Boys and Girls Club and The Family Center/La Familia. Intern will help with planning sessions and writing curriculum. Intern will work with our certified horticultural therapist to plan programming. Intern will also attend weekly intern meeting and Monday volunteer hours.


Horticultural Therapy Intern

Dates of Internship

April 9rd- October 29th, 2018


Monday 9-11 am The Family Center Pre-K program (summer and fall only)

Monday 4-7 pm at Educational Garden

Tuesday 9-11 am Boys and Girls Club Garden Time at Educational Garden (summer and fall only)


The Growing Project’s Educational Garden at Hope Farms, 1601 N. Shields and The Family Center

Time Commitment

3-7 hours per week, interns get some health and vacations days as needed


Internship is unpaid but we seeking funding to offer small stipends. Interns gain valuable experience and receive a weekly CSA share (plus extra produce when available)! Interns can join for free community meals every Monday and Thursday evening. Interns also get free entrance into any TGP workshop or event. Interns become a part of an amazing community of food activists and friends.


  • Communicate on a regular basis with Programs Director and Executive Director
  • Attend Monday intern meeting (4 pm)
  • Attend Monday volunteer hours (5-7 pm)
  • Manage small groups of volunteers at the educational garden during volunteer hours
  • Help lead Garden Time sessions for Pre-K kids at The Family Center and with Boys and Girls Club kids at the Educational Garden
  • In early season, help design activities and curriculum with other staff
  • Occasional help with other TGP events and fundraisers (2-3 events per season)
  • Cook and clean for a minimum of 2 community meals at the Educational Garden in the outdoor kitchen


  • Interest in Horticultural Therapy
  • MUST enjoy working with kids
  • Great communication skills, must respond in a timely manner to staff
  • Friendly personality, must be comfortable talking to strangers and doing community outreach
  • Punctual
  • Interest in horticulture or gardening
  • 18 years old or older
  • Ambition to learn sustainable food production
  • MUST commit to the entire growing season
  • MUST be available during times of the week listed above

How to apply

Submit a resume and short cover letterto by Feb. 23. Please state which internship position you are applying for in your cover letter (you can express interest in multiple positions and, if selected, would be placed in position that best fits).