Minutes of Meeting, Tuesday 7th. February, 2017
Present: Ewen Kellas (Chairman), Chris Reed, Carry Smyth, Lindsey Chave, Billie Edmunds-Bell, Nick Belton, Richard Edmed, Richard Norman, Paul Fleury, Ann-Marie Coyne, Anthony Hacker
Apologies: Dave Bell
Read and agreed.
ACTION POINTS (unfulfilled or not on agenda)
EK: splashback to be organised; safe keys to be used from Friday (see under BAR)
CR: web-site is progressing
NB: air vent for shed done
LC: electrician will return to check defibrillator;
AMC: to report back on new signatories shortly
AH: to report back on portable microphone
RE: flag-pole will be erected behind the bench
January was another busy and profitable month. The numbers of people coming to the Club on Friday and Saturday nights increased. The Burns Night was very successful and enjoyed by a wide spread of Club members.
Notice board: there was discussion about the overcrowded notice board. We want Club members to have the opportunity to advertise relevant community activities, but need room for Club notices. CR will buy a second notice board. In the meantime AGM notices will be put up on a temporary board and the Food Bank items will be moved to the alcove.
Treasure Chest: this needs to be promoted more on Facebook and in the Newsletter (EK and CR).
Diary for the month: 09/02, War Talks; 11/02, the Bikers party, a closed, ticketed event; 14/02. Church Coffee morning; 16/02 Kindergarten Coffee Morning; 18/02, Race Night; 24/02, AGM; 25/02 Men’s Breakfast; 25/02, Parkinson’s Quiz.
Booking requests: 04/03, Parish Cleanup; 29/04, birthday party; 01/07 a 90th. birthday party, LC to contact HR; St. Margaret’s Church will hold a service in the Club one Sunday a month for six months from March. We wait to hear from FOHPS about a date in May.
A.G.M.: notices for the board (EK, CR) and nominations discussed (PF).
Lease: to be finalised when Constitution and Trust deed are complete.
Trust Deed: this will be completed when the Constitution and Rules have been ratified at the A.G.M.
Constitution and Rules: CR will make the small amendments proposed by the solicitors and discussed by the Committee and post the document on the board. There was discussion about the role of President and it was agreed that the Committee will confer the title. At the A.G.M. we will tell Members that EK will continue to play important role in Club life by becoming President.
Website: progressing.
The account balance at the end of the month was £44,954.08. Santander has been informed that we wish to change signatories. AMC reported that the direct debit for our electricity bill has risen to £288.00 per month. AMC will continue to check the reading regularly and monitor usage.
Accounts: these were prepared by AMC and audited by Catherine Catchpole (LC for present). There was discussion, but no concerns were raised. The Club continues to make a good profit.
Donations: after discussion it was agreed that we will donate £1000.00 to the FOHPS playing ground fund in the first instance. In time we may make further donations, through, e.g. donating the profits of events held in the Club by Multi-sports Ground Fund-raising Committee.
Subscriptions: notice of change will be posted on the board.
Kitchen and Toilets: LC will buy paint for John Couchman to start painting the toilets. He will paint the lobby when the PC has finished repairs on the clock tower access.
Front Door: a second quote has been organised
Stage redesign: CR will circulate by e-mail plans sent by Neil Rigby.
Lights: the Memorial lights need re-timing
Flagpole: RE will put this up behind the bench now a decision has been made.
External work: CR reports that the PC has made an inventory of the work to be done to the exterior – door frame, cellar door, gutters etc. and will begin work in due course.
Applications for membership were received and accepted from the following:
Andrew and Helen Ramsden, Daniel Russell, Sally French-Griffiths. Robert Campbell applied and paid for membership, but left no address or telephone number. We will wait for him to identify himself before considering his application.
EK and BE-B will be meeting shortly to discuss the membership list and ensure that only one, correct list is in use.
Safe: PF will contact all bar volunteers about using the new safe from Friday. He will also ask volunteers to make more use of the Visitor Book. PF said that the training of the new volunteers was going well.
Till: RE and LC have plans to investigate this.
Race Night: February 18th. AMC and CR are taking a lead on this. Jane Gore will assist AMC with the tote which will pay out 90%. Entrance is free to members, non members will be asked to make a £1.00 donation. A big float is needed (EK).
AGM: February 24th.
Games Night: Saturday 4th. March. AH will take the lead on this event with help from other members of the Committee.
St. George’s Night: 23rd. April, EK and BE-B will organise this event.
- Plaque: AH said Tony Keeves would like to put up a plaque in the snooker room to commemorate Eric Barham. The Committee was in full agreement with the idea. AH will report back to TK.
- Vera Lynn: commemoration. CS said that members of HVC would like to lead community singing of appropriate songs one evening. It was agreed that a Friday, possibly 31st. March, would be suitable. CS to confirm date.
EK: Treasure Chest; splash-back; temporary notice board; membership list; float for Race Night
AMC: monitor electricity use; signatories; Race Night tote
CR: notice board; constitution; AGM notices; stage design plans; Race Night
NB: catering Beer Festival
PF: e-mail to volunteers; nominations
LC: defibrillator; present; till; paint for toilets
BE-B: membership list
RE: flagpole; till
AH: TK re plaque; Games Night; microphone
CS: Vera Lynn date
Next meeting: 7.45 p.m. on Thursday 2nd. March, 2017