A Company limited by guarantee, registered in England & Wales, Company No: 7765509

Registered Office: Teffont Magna, Salisbury Rd, Horsham RH13 0AJ

Minutes of Directors meeting held on 18th January 2018

in the Amberley Room, Roffey Millennium Hall, Horsham at 7.30pm

1. Welcome: David Searle welcomed all those present.

2. Attendance and Apologies:

Present: HTCP Directors: David Searle (DSe) - Chair, Diane Sumpter (DSu) – Treasurer, Martin Bruton (MB), Ron Bates (RB)

Sara Doy – Minutes Secretary

Apologies: Sue Brundish

3. Approval of the agenda: Approved.

4. Conflicts of Interest: None

5. Minutes of Meeting held on 12th July 2017 and 11th October 2017, approval and any issues arising from the minutes:

Minutes of the Meeting held on 12th July 2017 were approved by DSe and seconded by MB.

Minutes of the Meeting held on 11th October 2017 were approved by DSe and seconded by RB.

6. HTCP Action Plan

Dse queried if it was cost effective to print a large number of copies of the new Action Plan leaflet. All present agreed that DSe should print 10 copies and email the pdf version to the Neighbourhood Councils, Horsham Society and other affiliated organisations to keep costs down.

7.Chair’s Report (David Searle)

This was circulated prior to the meeting.

i) Riverside Walk Enhancement Projects

Sandeman Way to Brighton Road: DSe said that HDC Councillor Andrew Baldwin has supported the application to CLC North and it is hopeful that funding will be available in March/April. As there is nowhere on the site to store materials, they will have to be brought to the site in bags at a higher cost. Our application will be considered by CLC North at their meeting on 19th February. Dse will attend.

DSu said that, as discussed with Horsham Forest Neighbourhood Council and WSCC Cllr. Morwen Millson, a sign on the footpath warning of a major road ahead will be installed. DSu said signs at the side of the road warning drivers of pedestrians crossing would also be requested.

ii) Rookwood Golf Course: RB has met with the contractor and is awaiting a quotation for the work. Regarding S106 money, DSe was advised by HDC that due to the amount of money involved it would be acceptable to just have one quotation, and also to include a contingency in case extra work arises. Ideally the work will be completed before the RSW Event in July.

iii) Millennium Bridge: DSe said that this work is on hold at the moment until funding opportunities are identified.

iv) Mobility Scooter Training: DSe said that it was disappointing that the Nursing Hygiene Group Southwater had withdrawn their support, but Clearwell in Burgess Hill seem very keen and a meeting has been arranged on 29th January.

v) Integrated Horsham Town Bus Map: An approach will be made to the bus companies to see if they are interested in getting involved. It is possible that some timetables and routes may be changed and this could be very expensive to maintain the map.

vi) Horsham Park: A meeting with the New Friends of Horsham Park took place, who are currently putting together their Action Plan. HTCP do not intend to progress any further projects in the Park but will work with NFoHP when requested.

DSu stated that Horsham Denne Neighbourhood Council have a Memorandum of Understanding with HDC regarding the Park.

The outside gym equipment has now been installed.

vii) Riverside Walk Event: A meeting is to take place on 24th January with DSe, Jill Shuker, David Jessop, John White and Chatta Cheema, to discuss the date of the Event and the booking of the Rugby Club carpark.

viii) Memorial Bench: HTCP working in conjunction with HDC purchased and installed a memorial bench funded by a local resident on Onion Island, Redford Avenue, and the family is very grateful.

ix) 2018 HTCP Maintenance Grant: The application for £1000 has been made to HDC and the outcome will be known in February.

x) Year End Report to HDC: A report on the projects of HTCP and progress made has been submitted to HDC, which was a condition of the 2017 grant.

8. Updates from Neighbourhood Council, North Horsham Parish Council and Associated Partners

DSe said that this item would be used for the NCs, NHPC and Associated Partners to report on any items relevant to HTCP.

i) NHPC: DSe said that regarding the 2019 Year of Culture there had been a suggestion that the RSW Annual Event be tied in to events such as the re-enactment planned at the Mott & Bailey castle.

9. Recruitment of New Directors (David Searle)

MB said that he will stand down at the next AGM.

Need to establish if SB is standing down as a Director and the Chairman of HiB. If she is standing down HiB will need to nominate a representative, and HDNC needs to nominate a representative to replace Jane Apostolou and Martin Bruton, who have recently resigned from HDNC.

10. Heritage Trail Report(Ron Bates)

RB said that there are approx. 36 plaques and the project originally aimed to clean and refurbish the existing plaques and possibly add more. The project has been cut back to just cleaning and mending the existing plaques and creating trails. If the Heritage Lottery funding bid is successful, HDC may match fund.

All the parishes and Neighbourhood Councils have been involved, but they have no money available. The original estimate was £90k.

DSe said it might be possible to obtain extra plaques on an individual basis.

DSu asked what is required in Horsham and if there is a list of where the plaques are located. RB explained that the only map is held in the library, but he could scan it and email it. He said that the cost of cleaning all the plaques in the District (of which 5 are in Horsham) would be around £3k. Re-painting of the raised lettering is also needed to make the wording more readable.

11. Treasurer’s Report (Diane Sumpter)

i) Public liability insurance: this has been renewed.

ii) Accounts:

Balance at 18.1.18:

Deposit account = £2522.47

Current account = £3201.97

There are 2 cheques outstanding.

Money secured from Hall & Woodhouse and Waitrose, and money for the leaflet, amounts to £2800.

iii) Mobility Scooter Training: DSe said that it is hopeful that £4k will be available from the CLC for 6 months free trial. But there is a need for seed funding now to get the project going.

HDC have said that the Barn in the Park could be used, but there may be a need to hire a hall in the future, and also there would be trainer’s expenses and exhibition costs to meet.

Application to WSCC Small Grants has been made for £890 (closing date 26.1.18) but as the money would not be available for a couple of months DSe asked those present if they would agree to £500 being used from the HTCP deposit account, which would be paid back with the grant.

All agreed to the £500 advance towards the Mobility Scooter project.

iv) Company Business: Companies House has been notified of the resignations and the accounts have been sent in.

v) Expenses: These need to be in by the end of the financial year, 31.3.18

12. Date, Place and Time of Next Meeting

Wednesday 11th April, Amberley Room, Millenium Hall, 7.30pm.