Horningsham Parish Council

9 Beech Grove, Warminster, Wiltshire, BA12 0AB Tel: 01985 213436

Chairman: Mr. Tim Hill Clerk Mrs. Sarah Jeffries MILCM

Minutes of the meeting of Horningsham Parish Council held at the village hall Horningsham on Thursday 21st April 2016 at 7.30pm.

Present: Councillors, Tim Hill, Steve Crossman, Michael Trollope, Fran Chris, Emma Curtis, John Radley, Ken Windess, Matt Simpson and Gerard Brierley.

In attendance: The Parish Clerk Mrs. Sarah Jeffries MILCM, CEO Bob Montgomery and Estate Land Agent Michael Birnie.

Public Question Time Public Bodies (admissions to meetings) Act 1960 s 1 extended by the LG Act 972 s 100.

The Chairman welcomed COE Bob Montgomery and Land Agent Michael Birnie to the meeting. CEO Bob Montgomery addressed the Parish Council on the recent media publications relating to a press release that Michael Eavie was talking with Longleat Estate regarding moving Glastonbury Festival to the Longleat Estate.

The estate confirmed that they had met with Michael Eavis back in October last year. The estate is nowhere near able to comment on whether they could deal with this type of event and the estate is quite luke warm on it but they have not dismissed it.

It would be a huge show but the damage it would do to the estate was of great concern. English Heritage would have to be involved, as the historical heritage in the park would need to be considered, the traffic issues in Warminster would also cause issues.

The estate informed the Parish Council that it would always consult with the village if it ever did such an event. CEO Bob Montgomery informed the Parish Council, that may concert promoters approach the estate thought the year and that they feel this is a hard one to accommodate. It was noted that Elton John is being staged for the anniversary to create activity and a focus around the 50 years event, it is not a money making exercise for the estate. The artist and promotor make the money from these types of events.

Questions from Councillors were then put to the estate. The signage into Longleat, the fiberglass animals were discussed, the CEO Bob Montgomery informed the Council that they are looking at replacing it with just a flat sign logo. Planning permission will be required and so this will be a while putting into place. The traffic issue with line of sight with the signage area was mentioned, CEO Bob Montgomery informed Council that this would be investigated by his team.

A question was asked re the entrances into Longleat and there was a suggestion that a one-way in and one-way out would help with traffic issues. CEO Bob Montgomery mentioned that this is happening, the changeover days at Centre Parcs cause the issue. The crossing of the line of traffic was mentioned. It was felt that signage stating that the main entrance to Longleat was at the roundabout, would help with the situation and would be preferred option. This would felt that this would help clear the blockage that occurs. The signage was seen as the issue. The Chair thanked CEO Bob Montgomery and Land Agent Michael Birnie for coming along and that they have been so frank and open to the questions asked.

15/202 Acceptance of apologies for absence Schedule 12 of the Local Government Act 1972 Under Section 85(1) of the Local Government Act1972, members present must decide whether the reason(s) for a member's absence are accepted.

Resolved: Councillor Simon Millar had sent his apologies due to work commitments. Council resolved his absence. Councillor Dermot Fitzgerald had sent his apologies due to a work commitment. Council resolved his absence.

15/203 Chairman’s announcements

Resolved: No announcements were given.

15/204 Dispensations

Resolved: none requested

15/205 Declarations of interest, members to declare any interest they may have in agenda items that accord with the requirements of the relevant authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulation 2012 (SI 2012/1464) (NB this does not preclude any later declarations)

Resolved: none given

15/206 Exclusion of the Press and Public Standing Order #1c

Resolved: not required

15/207 To receive and sign the minutes of the Full Council meeting held on the 25th February 2016 (Previously circulated) LGA 1972 Sch 12 para 41(1)

Resolved: that the minutes were a true record of the decisions of the meeting. Proposed Councillor Fran Chris seconded Councillor Gerard Brierley. All in favour

15/208 Planning

Planning Applications

16/02502/FUL Location: Old Timbers Gentle Street Horningsham BA12 7LD

Proposal: Revised application for the replacement of modern lean –to extensions and internal alterations (resubmission of 15/04335/FUL)

Resolved: no comment Proposed Councillor Matt Simpson Seconded Councillor Ken Windess. All in favour.

16/02721/LBC Location: Old Timbers Gentle Street Horningsham BA12 7LD

Proposal: Revised application for the replacement of modern lean –to extensions and internal alterations (resubmission of 15/04335/FUL)

Resolved: no comment Proposed Councillor Matt Simpson Seconded Councillor Ken Windess. All in favour

(In planning matters the Council acts as a consultee of the principal authority. The Principal authority being the deciding body for planning applications)

Planning Decisions

16/01787/FUL Location: Longleat House

Proposal: Installation of temporary sculpture for a period of 7 months from 16/03/16 to 16/10/16 on existing hard standing in front of Longleat House.

Decision: 22nd April 2016

16/01076/FUL Location: Longleat House

Proposal: Car park alterations with new paths bridges and tree planting to create a new pedestrian route and entrance to the attractions at Longleat.

Decision: Subject to conditions

16/01608/VAR Location: Longleat House

Proposal: Variation of conditions 4 and 5 applicable to planning application reference W12/02208/FUL (proposed function room with associated landscaping, service yard and bin store) to enable the substitution of revised landscaping plans.

Decision: permission with conditions

16/000394/FUL Location: Longleat safari and Adventure park

Proposal: Replacement of 3 existing EE antennas with 3 new EE antennas, installation of 3 MHAs and ancillary works

Decision: approve with conditions, see below

In pursuance of its powers under the above Act, the Council hereby grant PLANNING PERMISSION for the above development to be carried out in accordance with the application and plans submitted (listed below). In accordance with paragraph 187 of the National Planning Policy Framework, Wiltshire Council has worked proactively to secure this development to improve the economic, social and environmental conditions of the area. Subject to the following conditions: 1 The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.

REASON: To comply with the provisions of Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended by the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.

2 The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans: P/009543/GEN/101 A Registered on 22 January 2016; P/009543/GEN/103 A Registered on 22 January 2016; P/009543/GEN/104 C Registered on 22 January 2016; P/009543/GEN/105 A Registered on 22 January 2016; P/009543/GEN/106 C Registered on 22 January 2016; and P/009543/GEN/107 C Registered on 22 January 2016.


REASON: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning

16/00640/TCA Location: Old Timbers 14 Gentle street Horningsham BA12 7LD

Proposal: T1 and T2 Yew trees reduce canopies by 2.5m T3 Western Red Cedar fell in sections.

Decision: No objection

Resolved: Noted the above decisions reported

15/209 Parish Steward - Highways

Resolved: Councillor John Radley reported the picket post re tarmacking was still going on but had nothing else to report.

The clerk reported on the Highways meeting she attended the previous night in Salisbury. Ringway would be in place within the next three months and that the parish steward scheme would be reintroduced.

Councillor Fran Chris reported that she had reported a water leak to Wessex Water just up from Park Farm, further water leaks were discussed and would be reported by Councillor Steve Crossman. Councillor Tim Hill would re report the water leak near Park Farm to Wessex Water as a week had gone by since Councillor Fran Chris had made her report.

15/210 Let’s Clean for The Queen

Resolved: Council discussed the litter pick and the issues that needed to be addressed for next years event. Council approved the additional invoice received of £245.52 as the skip was overloaded and had to be repacked. Items not allowed in the skip were found i.e. fridges freezers tyre’s etc. The deposit was £431.73 a total of £677.25 was charged to the clerks credit card. It was noted that the skip provided this year was half the size and height from the previous years The clerk would inform Shandleys of the skip size. The provision of a skip for next years litter pick would be discussed nearer the time. The clerk was instructed to make a note of this for next year. The clerk informed Council that Wiltshire Council would take the litter pick litter in the future. Council resolved the cost to reimburse the clerk. Proposed Councillor Gerard Brierley Seconded Councillor Matt Simpson.

15/211 WWI Commemorations

Resolved: Councillor Tim Hill up dated Council on the progression of the project following his discussions with Michael Birnie. Michael Birnies view was that he would prefer the stumps ground out and he will arrange for the Head Forester to get the stump grinding machinery in and deal with the stumps in that area. He also said that when it was cleared he would take care of the reseeding of it and provide the tree trunk seat. It was hoped that it would be ready for the summer.

15/212 Play Area

Resolved: Councillor Tim Hill commented on the success of the Henry Worsley Memorial evening arranged by Roz Algar. The occasion was a sellout it is believed to have made £9584.00 to date. Councillor Ken Windess reported that more donations were still coming in. The Chairman felt that a thank you letter from the Parish Council should be sent expressing the Councils appreciation, it was agreed that this would be signed from the Chairman.

Councillor Emma Curtis updated Council on the play area project and handed out the work plan document produced to date. Council noted the work plan and where the project sat to date. The final donation figure needs to be reported before the next stages could progress.

15/213 Parish Plan

Resolved: Councillor Steve Crossman reported on the recent meeting of the parish plan Working Group members. The meeting was positive and proactive, it has been agreed that the Working Group will get back to the clerk on the 6th May 2016 with their ideas for questions in the new consultation. It was felt that the previous consultation was out of date and it relevance questioned as the village had had a huge change of residents. It was hoped to have the completed questionnaire by the date of the village fair. Electronic communication was seen as a proactive way of consulting, this was agreed by Council but it was felt that paper consultation was still required.

Several ideas had been discussed, one of these was a community hub at the village hall and that the church as transformed into a multi-use area too.

A small budget was approved and that the clerk would give advice and administration help. A small budget would be approved for the groups use re printing and consulting electronically. The amount of budget to be allocated would be discussed at the next Council meeting. Council instructed the clerk to add this to the next Agenda. Council were pleased to hear the parish plan was now making progress again. Proposed Councillor Matt Simpson Seconded Councillor ken Windess all agreed.

15/214 Community Emergency Plan

Resolved: Council heard a report from Councillor Matt Simpson on the project to date. Councillor Matt Simpson recapped that snow had originally highlighted as a major issue although pandemic etc. been taken into account.

Councillor Matt Simpson reported that he had had no replies Councillors to the questionnaire. Power outage and water issues were discussed and the ways this would be dealt with. Councillor Matt Simpson asked for any feedback to his plan, this would be very much appreciated but otherwise he felt that the basic plan is now in place.

15/215 Asset Maintenance

Resolved: Councillor Ken Windess reported that he had no issues to report.

15/216 May Annual Parish Meeting Arrangements

Resolved: that the clerk invite the previous years attendees from the clubs & society’s etc. The School and Longleat Estate would also be invited, the Chairman would confirm any changes of contact on the clerks list.

15/217 Village Fair

Resolved: The Parish Council instructed the clerk to inform the Village Fair Committee that the Parish Council is happy to have a tent space, that sadly they would not be able to have the TV due to licensing issues. The clerk would communicate with Councillor Dermot Fitzgerald and Councillor Simon Millar asking if they would share the manning of the tent that day as other Councillors were already allocated jobs on the day. The same display as last year would be actioned by the clerk for the tent.

15/218 Insurance Provision

Resolved: discussed the quotation provided by the present provider and agreed to continue with Came & Company. Proposed Councillor Steve Crossman Seconded Councillor Matt Simpson.

15/219 Financial Standing Orders & Standing Orders Update

Resolved: the update alterations the clerk had actioned to the Councils Financial Standing Orders and Standing Orders were approved. (This was to cover the new procurement procedures brought into place, any changes to the Financial Standing Orders and Standing Orders have to be approved in draft form then approved in their final form at the next Council meeting). This resolution was made to approve the final form documentation. Proposed Councillor Gerard Brierley Seconded Councillor Emma Curtis. All in favour

15/220 Pensions Regulations Staging Date

Resolved: noted that an email had been actioned by the Staffing Committee to the clerk. An offer had been made to the clerk if she wishes to have a pension, she would be supported but to note that Council would not need to contribute to it, the clerk confirmed receipt of the email.

15/221 Internal Audit Year End Accounts