
ANITA GUERRINI History Department


306 Milam Hall

Corvallis, OR97331-5104

541-737-1308 fax 541-737-1257


Horning Professor in the Humanities and Professor of History

Adjunct Professor of History, University of California, Santa Barbara



Ph.D. History and Philosophy of Science1983

Dissertation: "Newtonian Matter Theory, Chemistry, and

Medicine, 16901713" Advisor: R.S. Westfall

M.A. History and Philosophy of Science1980


M.A. Modern History 1977


B.A. History (summa cum laude), minor in Music 1975

Previous Academic Positions

University of California, Santa Barbara

Professor, Environmental Studies and History2004-2008

Associate Professor, Environmental Studies and History 1999-2004

Assistant Professor, Environmental Studies and History1995-1999

Lecturer, Department of History 1989-1995

University of Minnesota, Minneapolis

Visiting Assistant Professor, Program in

History of Science and Technology 1986-1988

Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of

History of Medicine 1985-1986

Awards and Honors

Winthrop Scholar, Connecticut College1974

Phi Beta Kappa1974

Indiana University Alumni Association Award1981

Santa Barbara Writers Conference, Award for Excellence in Travel


Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science2009

Postdoctoral Grants and Fellowships

American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia

Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship 1984-85

Franklin Grant2007-08

University of California, Los Angeles

Clark Library Postdoctoral Fellowship 1985

National Science Foundation

Research Grant 198789

Research Grant (“Animals and Anatomy in Early Modern Europe”) 1998-2000

Investigator, Santa Barbara Coastal Long Term Ecological

Research (SBC-LTER)2003-

Consultant, “Pushing the Limits”2010-

Huntington Library

Fletcher Jones Fellowship 198990

BeckmanCenter for the History of Chemistry

Travel Grant1990-91

American Historical Association

Bernadotte Schmitt Grant1990-91

University of California, Santa Barbara

Interdisciplinary HumanitiesCenter Award 1993-94, 1997-98, 2003-04

Faculty Career Development Award1997-98

Compass Project Grant for Undergraduate Education 1998-99

Pearl Chase Fund Grant (with J. Dugan)2001-03

Academic Senate Research Grant2002-03, 2006-07

Research Across the Disciplines Grant (with J. Dugan)2002-04

Regents’ Humanities Faculty Fellowship2003-04

Interdisciplinary HumanitiesCenter Course Relief2006-07


Center for the Humanities Residential Fellowship 1994-95

University of Edinburgh

Fellow, Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities summer 1998

Centre Alexandre Koyré, CNRS, Paris

Chercheur associé1999-2000

AustralianNationalUniversity, Humanities Research Centre

Visiting Fellowspring 2003

National Endowment for the Humanities

Collaborative Projects Grant (co-PI with J. Dugan,

“Historicizing Ecological Restoration”)2003-07

University of California President’s Fellowship in the Humanities

(“The Courtiers’ Anatomists”)2007-08



Natural History and the New World, 15241770.An Annotated Bibliography.

American Philosophical Society, 1986

Second edition (revised), 2002 <

Obesity and Depression in the Enlightenment: The Life and Times of George Cheyne.

Series for Science and Culture, University of Oklahoma Press, 2000 (Hardcover and paperback)

Experimenting with Humans and Animals: From Galen to Animal Rights

Introductory Studies in the History of Science, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2003 (Hardcover and paperback), second printing 2009

Edited volumes

British Ballads and Broadsides, 1500-1800, ed. Patricia Fumerton and Anita Guerrini

(Ashgate, 2010)

The Representation of Animals in the Early Modern Period, ed. Domenico Bertoloni Meli and Anita Guerrini, special issue of Annals of Science, 67:3(July 2010)

Journal articles

James Keill, George Cheyne, and Newtonian Physiology, 16901740,

Journal of the History of Biology, 18:2 (1985): 247266

The Tory Newtonians: Gregory, Pitcairne and their Circle,

Journal of British Studies, 25:3 (1986): 288311

Archibald Pitcairne and Newtonian Medicine,

Medical History, 31:1 (1987): 7083

The Ethics of Animal Experimentation in SeventeenthcenturyEngland,

Journal of the History of Ideas, 50:3 (1989): 391407

John Keill's De operationumchymicarumrationemechanica

(Introduction, transcription, translation), translated with Jole R. Shackelford,

Ambix, 36:3 (1989): 138152

Case History as Spiritual Autobiography: George Cheyne’s “Case of the Author,”

Eighteenth-Century Life, 19:2 (May 1995), 18-27

The Varieties of Mechanical Medicine: Borelli, Malpighi, Bellini, and Pitcairne

Nuncius, 27 (1997), 111-128

The Hungry Soul: George Cheyne and the Construction of Femininity

Eighteenth-Century Studies, 32:3 (spring 1999), 279-291

A Diet for a Sensitive Soul: Vegetarianism in Eighteenth-Century Britain

Eighteenth-Century Life, 23:2 (May 1999), 34-42

Duverney’s Skeletons

Isis, 94:4 (December 2003), 577-603

Anatomists and Entrepreneurs in Early Eighteenth-Century London

Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences, 59:2 (April 2004), 219-239

Alexander Monroprimus and the Moral Theatre of Anatomy

The Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation, 47:1(spring 2006), 1-18

The Virtual Ménagerie: The Histoire des animaux Project

Configurations 14: 1 (2006), 29-41(published 2008)

Theatrical Anatomy: Duverney in Paris, 1670-1720

Endeavour33(March 2009), 7-11

The King’s Animals and the King’s Books: the Illustrations for the Paris Academy’s Histoire des animaux

Annals of Science, 67:3 (July 2010), 383-404

Health, Natural Philosophy, and the English Diet in 1700

Studies in History and Philosophy of Sciences, Part A, 41:4 (Dec. 2010) (forthcoming)

Book chapters

Isaac Newton, George Cheyne, and the "Principia Medicinae,"

inThe Medical Revolution of the Seventeenth Century, ed. Andrew Wear and Roger French (Cambridge University Press, 1989), 222-245

"A Club of Little Villains": Rhetoric, Professional Identity and Medical Pamphlet Wars,

inLiterature and Medicine during the Eighteenth Century, ed. Roy Porter and Marie Roberts (Routledge, 1993), 226-244

Ether Madness: Newtonianism, Religion, and Insanity,

inAction and Reaction, ed. Paul Theerman and Adele F. Seeff (University of Delaware Press, 1993), 232-254

Chemistry Teaching at Oxford and Cambridge, circa 1700,

inAlchemy and Chemistry in the XVI and XVII Centuries, ed. Antonio Clericuzio and P.M. Rattansi (Kluwer, 1994), 183-199

Newtonian Medicine and Religion,

inReligio Medici: Religion and Medicine in Seventeenth Century England, ed. Ole Peter Grell and Andrew Cunningham (Wellcome Institute Series, Ashgate, 1996), 293-312

Robert Boyle's Critique of Aristotle in The Origin of Forms and Qualities

inThe Commentary Tradition on Aristotle’s De generatione etcorruptione, ed. J.M.M.H. Thijssen and H.A.G. Braakhuis (StudiaArtistarum series, Brepols, 1999), 207-219

“A Scotsman on the Make”: The Career of Alexander Stuart

inThe Scottish Enlightenment: Essays in Reinterpretation, ed. Paul Wood (University of Rochester Press, 2000), 157-176

The Rhetorics of Animal Rights

inApplied Ethics in Animal Research, ed. John P. Gluck, Tony DiPasquale and F. Barbara Orlans

(PurdueUniversity Press, 2001), 55-76

The Burden of Procreation: Women and Preformation in the Work of George Garden and George Cheyne

inScience and Medicine in the Scottish Enlightenment, ed. Charles Withers and Paul Wood (Tuckwell Press, 2002), 172-190

The Creativity of God and the Order of Nature: Anatomizing Monsters in the Early Eighteenth Century,

inMonsters and Philosophy, ed. Charles Wolfe (KCL Press, 2005), 153-168

The Eloquence of the Body: Anatomy and Rhetoric at the Jardin du Roi,

inSustaining Literature. Essays in Commemoration of the Life and Work of Simon Varey, ed. Greg Clingham (BucknellUniversity Press, 2006), 271-287

Natural History, Natural Philosophy, and Animals, 1600-1800

in A Cultural History of Animals, vol. 4, 1600-1800, ed. Matthew Senior (Berg Publishers, 2007),

Animal Experiments and Anti-vivisection Debates in the 1820s,

inFrankenstein’s Science, ed. Christa Knellwolf and Jane Goodall (Ashgate, 2008), 71-85

The Trouble with Plovers

inNew Visions of Nature: Complexity and Authenticity, ed. Jozef Keulartz, Martin Drenthen, and James D. Proctor (Springer, 2009), 75-89

Advertising Monstrosity: Broadsides and Human Exhibition in Early Eighteenth-Century Britain

in British Ballads and Broadsides, 1500-1800, ed. Patricia Fumerton and Anita Guerrini (Ashgate, 2010), 109-127

Scots in London Medicine in the Early Eighteenth Century

inScots in London in the Eighteenth Century, ed.StanaNenadic(Bucknell University Press, 2010), 165-185

Informing Ecological Restoration in a Coastal Environment, with Jenifer E. Dugan

inRestoration and History, ed. Marcus Hall (Routledge, 2010), 131-142

The Value of a Dead Body

inVital Matters, ed. Helen Deutsch and Mary Terrall (University of Toronto Press, in press)

Essay Reviews

The Pathological Environment

The Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation, 31:2 (1990), 173-179

The Truth about Truth

Early Science and Medicine, 3:1 (February 1998), 66-74

Anatomizing the Renaissance

Early Science and Medicine, 6:1 (February 2001), 35-38

Forewords, Prefaces, Introductions

Introduction, special review section on “The New Culinary History”

Early Science and Medicine, 4:2 (May 1999), 164-65

Introduction (with Domenico Bertoloni Meli), special issue The Representation of Animals in the Early Modern Period,

Annals of Science, 67:3(July 2010)

Foreword, Artisan/Practitioners and the New Sciences, 1400-1600, by Pamela O. Long

Horning Series in the Humanities, Oregon State University Press, 2011 (in press)


Over 100 book reviews in Albion, American Historical Review, Annals of Science, Archives internationalesd’histoire des sciences, Anthrozöos, Bulletin of the History of Medicine, Canadian Journal of History, Early Science and Medicine, Eighteenth-Century Scotland, Eighteenth-Century Studies, Eighteenth-Century Thought, H-Environment, History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences, Isis, Journal of American History, Journal of Interdisciplinary History, Journal of the History of Biology, Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences, Medical History, Nuncius, Restoration, Rivistastoricaitaliana, Sixteenth-Century Journal, Social History of Medicine, The Public Historian, The Scriblerian, University of Toronto Quarterly, Victorian Studies

Encyclopedia and Biographical Dictionary Articles

John Banister, ?1650-1692

John Bartram, 1699-1777

William Bartram, 1739-1823

in Biographical Dictionary of American and Canadian Naturalists and Environmentalists, ed. K.B. Sterling, Richard P. Harmond, George A. Cevasco, and Lorne F. Hammond, (Greenwood, 1997)

Animal Care and Experimentation



inOxfordCompanion to the History of Modern Science, ed. John Heilbron et al. (Oxford, 2003)


inEurope 1450-1789: Encyclopedia of the Early Modern World, ed. Jonathan Dewald (Scribner’s, 2003)

David Gregory (1659-1708)

Patrick Blair (?1680-1728)

James Keill (1673-1719)

James Sutherland (?1638-1719)

George Preston (?1665-1749)

Charles Preston (1660-1711)

Thomas Pellett (?1671-1744)

George Cheyne (?1671-1743)

Archibald Pitcairne (1652-1713)

Edward Tyson (1651-1708)

Alexander Monro I (1697-1767)

Alexander Stuart (1673-1742)

William Cockburn (1669-1739)

John Freind (1675-1728)

William Cole (1635-1716)

Frank Nicholls (1699-1778)

Richard Mead (1673-1754)

Lady Elizabeth Hastings (1682-1739)

James Douglas, 13th Earl of Morton (1702-1768)

inOxford Dictionary of National Biography, ed. Colin Matthew and Brian Harrison (Oxford, 2004)

George Cheyne

inDictionary of Medical Biography, ed. William Bynum and Helen Bynum (Greenwood Press, 2006)

Non-academic publications

Making English the official language won’t promote assimilation

Op-ed, Minnesota Daily (University of Minnesota), 24 November 1986

Writing with a sense of history

A View from the Loft, October 1987, 6-7, 13

Contributor to Fodor’s Travel Guides, 1988-1992

From Montecito to Goleta and Back – the Story of the Campbells

Montecito Magazine, spring/summer 2010, 58-66

Echoes of another oil spill

Op-ed, The Oregonian (Portland, OR), 24 June 2010 (online)

Book review, Craig Childs, Finders Keepers. (2010)

The Sunday Oregonian (Portland, OR), 22 August 2010, page O9 and online

Roast Beef and… Salad?

History Today, February 2011, 36-43 and online

Work in progress

The Courtiers’ Anatomists: Animals and Humans in Louis XIV’s Paris (book, under contract)

The Hermaphrodite of Charing Cross: Monsters and Anatomists in Eighteenth-century London (book)

“The Hermaphrodite of Charing Cross” (article, to appear in volume on human experimentation, ed. Larry Stewart)

Beach Stories: History and Ecology on the California Coast, ed. Jenifer E. Dugan and Anita Guerrini (edited volume)

“An Ecological History of the Campbell Ranch, from the Mission era to 1945,” in Beach Stories, ed. Jenifer E. Dugan and Anita Guerrini

Oceans and Origins: American Oceanography in the Twentieth Century, ed. Helen Rozwadowski and Anita Guerrini (edited volume)

Recent Papers delivered (past ten years)

Animals and Public Anatomy in the Early Eighteenth Century

Boston Colloquium in the Philosophy of Science, BostonUniversity, February 2001

Duverney’s Skeletons

Keynote lecture, De Bartolo Conference in Eighteenth-Century Studies, University of South Florida, February 2001

Inside Out: The Order of Presentation in Eighteenth-Century Anatomy

Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, Saskatoon, October 2001

The Scots Connection: the Douglas Brothers and London Anatomy before Hunter

American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, Colorado Springs, April 2002

An Impolite Science: Public Anatomical Demonstration in the Eighteenth Century

Plenary Lecture, Conference “Frankenstein’s Science,” Australian National University, April 2003

Workshop “Death in the Eighteenth Century,” IndianaUniversity, May 2003

“Une petite émeute” [a little riot]: Anatomy at the Jardin du roi in the Early Eighteenth Century

Western Society for French History, Newport Beach, October 2003

From (Public) Natural Philosophy to (Private) Science

Group for Early Modern Cultural Studies, Newport Beach, October 2003

The Hermaphrodite of Charing Cross

British History Seminar, Huntington Library, January 2004

History of Science colloquium, UCLA, October 2004

Messing About in the King’s Garden: the Histoire des animauxproject

Conference in honor of Paul Farber, OregonStateUniversity, April 2004

The Animal Machine in the Garden: the Histoire des animaux project

Society for Literature and Science, DurhamNC, October 2004

Chicken Ranching and High Society: the Campbell Ranch in the 1920s

The Westerners, Santa Barbara, March 2005

The Virtual Ménagerie: the Histoire des animaux project

American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, Las Vegas, April 2005

Violence and Violation: Anatomy in late Seventeenth-Century Paris

Conference "The Body’s Secrets Unlocked: Early Modern Anatomy and Anatomies," USC-Huntington Early Modern Studies Institute, Huntington Library, October 2005

The Animal as Artifact: The Histoire des animaux project,”

Workshop “Images of Man –Images of Nature,” DiGiorgi Research Center, Scuola NormaleSuperiore, Pisa, November 2005

Advertising Monstrosity: Broadsides and Human Exhibition in the early 18th century,

Conference “Straws in the Wind: Ballads and Broadsides 1500-1800,” Early Modern Center, University of California, Santa Barbara, February 2006

The Value of a Dead Body: William Hunter’s Anatomy Lectures

Conference “Vital Matters,” Clark Library, UCLA, March 2006

Writing Ecological History

American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, Montréal, April 2006

High Society in Goleta: the Campbell Ranch in the 1920s

UCSB History Associates, Santa Barbara, April 2006

Goleta Valley Historical Society annual meeting, January 2007

Coastal Dynamics: Restoring a California Wetland, with Jenifer Dugan

Workshop “Restoring or Renaturing,” Zürich, July 2006

Anatomy as Natural History: Duverney, Perrault, and the Histoire des animaux

History of Science Society, Vancouver, November 2006

The Trouble with Plovers

Workshop “New Visions of Nature: Beyond Mastery,” Wageningen, Netherlands, June 2007

Historical Connections and Coastal Landscapes, with Jenifer Dugan

Ecological Society of America/Society for Ecological Restoration, San Jose, August 2007

The Campbell Ranch, with Jenifer Dugan

Special meeting of UCSB administrators, September 2007

Animals, Anatomy, and Natural History in Louis XIV’s Paris

National Library of Medicine, October 2007

Animals, Humans, and the Spectacle of Public Anatomy

Abjection and Spectacle conference, University of California, Santa Barbara, February 2008

Anatomy and the Origins of the Paris Academy of Sciences

History of Science and Medicine colloquium, UCSF/UCB, April 2008

Humans and Animals in Early Modern Anatomical Illustrations

Keynote address, conference “The Culture of Print in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Medicine,” University of Wisconsin-Madison, September 2008

The King’s Animals and the King’s Books

Conference“The Culture of Print in Science, Technology, Engineering and Medicine,” University of Wisconsin-Madison, September 2008

Do Animals have a History? – and why should we care?

Inaugural lecture for Horning chair in the Humanities, OregonStateUniversity,

February 2009

Who was the anatomist in the seventeenth century?

Westfall Lecture, Indiana University, March 2009

The Illustrations for the Paris Academy’s Histoire des animaux

Workshop“The Representation of Animals in the Early Modern Period,”Center for the History of Medicine, Indiana University, March 2009

Animals, Anatomy, and the Scientific Revolution

Symposium and workshop, “Finding Animals: Toward a Comparative History and Theory of Animals,”Penn State, April 2009

Locavores and Carnivores: Health and the English Diet in 1700

Symposium“Food and Medicine 1650-1820,”Wellcome Institute, London, May 2009

Animals in the Landscape in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries

First World Congress on Environmental History, Copenhagen, August 2009

History and Ecology in a Coastal Context

Department of Fisheries and Wildlife seminar, OregonStateUniversity, September 2009

The Histoire des animauxand the Early Publication Projects of the Paris Academy ofSciences

History of Science Society annual meeting, Phoenix, November 2009

What We Talk About When We Talk About History: Deep History, Evolutionary History, and the History of Science

Rainger symposium, Texas Tech, January 2010

Animals, Humans, and History

Wittreich Lecture, University of Louisville, May 2010

Lions and Stray Cats: The Animal Projects of the Paris Academy of Sciences

Seminar on Environmental and Agricultural History, MIT, September 2010

The Ghastly Kitchen

History of Science Society annual meeting, Montréal, November 2010


Session “Science and Medicine in the Public Sphere”

Western Society for Eighteenth Century Studies, Berkeley, February 1997

Conference “The Case History in Chinese Medicine”

UCLA, January 1998

Conference “Society, Politics, and the Scientific Revolution”

UCLA, November 2000

Panel “Health Care in America”

UCSB, January 2001

Roundtable on Anne Vila, Enlightenment and Pathology

American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, New Orleans, April 2001

Alan Wallace, “The Intersubjective Worlds of Religion and Science,”

Templeton lecture series on “Science, Religion, and the Human Experience,” UCSB, June 2001

Roundtable “Feminist Approaches to Pedagogy”

American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, Colorado Springs, April 2002

Session “Deviant and Devious Women”

PacificCoast Conference on British Studies, SonomaStateUniversity, April 2003

Comment on papers on Charlotte Smith by Elizabeth Heckendorn Cook and Adriana Craciun

Gender Studies colloquium, UCSB, November 2003

Roundtable “The Nature of Knowledge”

American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, Boston, March 2004

Roundtable “Academic Professions, Women’s Lives”

American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, Las Vegas, April 2005

Session “Early Modern Science and Colonial Communities of Knowledge”

Omohundro Conference, UCSB, June 2005

Session “Illness and ‘Illnesses’ from the Sixteenth through the Nineteenth Centuries”

PacificCoast Conference on British Studies, Newport Beach, March 2006

Closing comments, conference “Science and Technology, 1500-1800”

Early ModernCenter, University of California, Santa Barbara, March 2008

Session “Representing Animals”

American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, Portland, OR, March 2008

A Conversation on Ecological Restoration

Spring Creek Project, OregonStateUniversity, February 2009

Roundtable “Science and Literature”