Horizontal Curriculum Map by 3-Week Block COURSE: ____10th Grade Expository Writing______

Block / Common Core Standard(s) / Topic(s)/
Essential Question(s) / Content/Materials / Assessments
1A / RI.1, 2, 4, 6
L.4b, 1a, 1b, 2a
SL.1a, 1c, 1d
W.9b / Do we make choices that aren’t good for us?
What factors should drive governmental policy?
What is annotation?
How do you use annotation to understand?
What is theme?
How do you determine theme?
What makes for good writing?
How do our stories reflect who we are? / Annotation: Reading apprenticeship strategies
“Diagnosing the Wrong Deficit,” NY Times,
Focus on rereading, responding to a writing prompt.
Excerpts from Center for Applied Research and Educational Improvement’s Report, “Examining the Impact of Later High School Start Times on the Health and Academic Performance.”
Determining theme. Reading different academic genres
Writing introductions, structure of arguments
Vocabulary Skill – Root Words
Conventions – Use various types of phrases and clauses and subject/verb agreement
Grammar – Sentence Structure and semicolons / Commentaries, Rhetorical Précis, Class discussion, Small Group Annotation, Quick Writes,
Portfolio, independent
Annotation with Commentary
Essay: Argument: What should be done about the sleep deficit crisis in America?
1B / L 1, 2, 3, 4 6
S 1, 3
RI 1, 2. 3,
W 2, 5, 6, 9, 10, / What does it mean to be an American? How is America changing? How do you use the web? What should you trust? How do we persuade people to our point of view? How do we make ourselves understood? / The Changing Face of America:
Lisa Funderburg: “The Changing Face of America”, National Geographic
The Changing Face of America’s Youth: CNN
Immigration: Library of Congress Website,
Walt Whitman: You Whoever You Are
The Great Migration: In Motion,“The African-American Migration Experience”, Schomburg Center for Research In Black Culture
Credibility, Using Websites for research. Writing explanatory text.
Source Citation, Integrating information (including graphics) In text
Conventions – Spelling rules
Run-ons and Fragments / Commentaries, Rhetorical Précis, Class discussion, Small Group Annotation, Quick Writes,
Portfolio, independent
Annotation with Commentary
Write Investigative Report:
Presentation How the movement of People has changed/made America
1C / L1, 2, 4, 6
SL 1, 2, 5
RI 1, 2, 3, 5
W 3, 5, 6, 9, 10 / How should we see other places? Do we have a responsibility to know about other cultures? How does the media we use change the way we tell stories? / What’s in the World: Travel Writing
Excerpts from: Ilija Trojanow Along the Ganges,
Eric Hanson The Bird Man and the Lap Dancer
Tom Bissell Chasing the Sea
Brian Hall The Impossible Country
Determining themes across multiple pieces
Determining bias, examining author’s perspective, comparing and contrasting writing styles
Determining when to use different genres to serve different purposes.
Choosing words and phrases to convey ideas precisely / Commentaries, Rhetorical Précis, Class discussion, Small Group Annotation, Quick Writes,
Portfolio, independent
Annotation with Commentary
Creating a website: Travel and History
2A / L1, 2, 4, L 6,
S 1
RI 1, 2, 3, 5
W 1, 2, 3, 5, 10 / How do different authors see the same things? What is an individual’s role in a changing world? How different does the world seem to people across different time periods? / What’s in the World: Changing Landscapes
Brian Hall The Impossible Country
Peter Jenkins Looking for Alaska
George Catlin: Letters and Notes on the Manners, Customs and Conditions of North American Indians
Jonathan Raban Old Glory
Determining themes across multiple pieces
Determining bias, examining author’s perspective, comparing and contrasting writing styles
Determining when to use different genres to serve different purposes.
Choosing words and phrases to convey ideas precisely / Commentaries, Rhetorical Précis, Class discussion, Small Group Annotation, Quick Writes,
Portfolio, independent
Annotation with Commentary
Multi-genre writing project
2B / L 1, 4, 6
SL 1, 2, 4 1
RI 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
W 2, 5, 6, 9, 10 / What is our responsibility to the past? What made America? What role does racism play in our past? How do we persuade people? / Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee by Dee Brown
Reading history, Examining how perspective influences scholarship, close reading of longer text
Using outside sources to increase understanding of material
Recognize and correct shifts in verb tense, Pronoun Clarity and agreement
Comparing different perspectives of the same events / Commentaries, Rhetorical Précis, Class discussion, Small Group Annotation, Quick Writes,
Portfolio, independent
Annotation with Commentary
Essay: What, if any mistakes were made?
Letter to the President: Changing Policy towards the Indians (writing from a different perspective)
How does the Native American Experience Compare to the experience of the people from the other cultures?
2C / L4 1, 2, 6
SL 1, 4
RI 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, W 1, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, / What is our responsibility to the past? What made America? What role does racism play in our past? How do we persuade people? / Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee by Dee Brown
Reading history, Examining how perspective influences scholarship, close reading of longer text
Using outside sources to increase understanding of material
HBO Movie Version
Comparing an issue is reinterpreted in different media
Writing from different perspectives
Thesis writing
Including evidence to support your point of view
Using media (images, charts etc.) to support your point of view / Commentaries, Rhetorical Précis, Class discussion, Small Group Annotation, Quick Writes,
Portfolio, independent
Annotation with Commentary
Research: Creating presentations to prove a point.
Essay: What forces influenced the history of Native Americans in the United States?
3A / L 1, 2, 4, 6
SL 1, 2
RI 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8
W 1, 2, 4. 5. 6. 9, 10 / What does it mean to be happy? How do we determine happiness? How can we use patterns of language to better prove our point? / In the Pursuit of Unhappiness:
Darrin McMahon “In Pursuit of Unhappiness” NY Times
Jennifer Senior, “For Parents, Happiness is a Very High Bar” Ted Talks
(ERWC Module)
Vary sentence patterns for meaning, reader/listener interest, and style
Use punctuation for effect
Maintain consistency in style and tone / Commentaries, Rhetorical Précis, Class discussion, Small Group Annotation, Quick Writes,
Portfolio, independent
Annotation with Commentary
Essay: Discuss the argument by John Stuart Mill. Determine if you agree or disagree with this point of view. Explain why, using evidence from the reading to support your point of view
3B / L 1,2,4, 6
SL 1
RI 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
W 1,2, 5, 9, 10 / What impact should the desires of individual people have of on public policy?
How do we determine the validity of an argument? What do you need to do to improve your writing? / River Rights: Whose Water is it? (ERWC Unit)
Cadillac Desert: Water and the Transformation of Nature (1997) PBS: The film was produced and directed by Jon Else and Linda Harrar. Examining science specific and technical content Examining validity of political argument. Comparing how different media use tools to make a point.
Writing on Demand
Work on planning, revising, editing, and rewriting essays
Conventions – spelling and comma rules / Commentaries, Rhetorical Précis, Class discussion, Small Group Annotation, Quick Writes,
Portfolio, independent
Annotation with Commentary
Essay: writing on demand, video review
3C / L1, 4, 6
SL 1
RI 1, 2, 3, 5, 6
W 2, 5, 6, 9. / When should we be part of a group? When should we stand out? How can we become better people? How can we make ourselves better understood? How can we use the conventions of language to be more persuasive? / Leopard Man
(ERWC Unit)
Conformity vs. Non Conformity
Emerson: “On Self-Reliance”
David Brooks: “The Way to Produce a Person,” NY Times
Different Types of Essays
Rhetorical Strategies
Choose language that expresses ideas precisely and concisely, recognizing redundancy and wordiness
Recognize and correct misplaced modifiers
Choose punctuation for effect / Commentaries, Rhetorical Précis, Class discussion, Small Group Annotation, Quick Writes,
Portfolio, independent
Annotation with Commentary
Essay: Choice between Narrative Essay, Response Essay, Argument Essay
4A / L 1, 3, 4, 6
SL 1,
RI 1, 2, 3, 5, 6
W 2, 5, 6, 9, 10 / When should we be considered responsible? What tools can we use to be more persuasive? What does it mean to be a responsible adult? / The Age of Responsibility
Reliability of sources
Revising for style
Citing sources
Argument development
Using Rhetoric
Language: Parallel structure / Commentaries, Rhetorical Précis, Class discussion, Small Group Annotation, Quick Writes,
Portfolio, independent
Annotation with Commentary Essay: When should someone be considered an adult?
4B / L 1, 2, 4, 6
SL 1, 2
RI 1, 2, 3, 4, 8,
W 2, 4, 6, 9, 10 / How do we know when something is ethical? What factors should go into making a decision? Is scientific progress always a good thing?
How do we convince people to make changes? / To Clone or Not To Close
(ERWC Unit)
Molly Stevens: “A New Way to Grow Bone, Ted Talk”
Letter writing styles
Work on planning, revising, editing, and rewriting essays
Use punctuation for effect
Recognize and correct inappropriate shifts in verb tense / Commentaries, Rhetorical Précis, Class discussion, Small Group Annotation, Quick Writes,
Portfolio, independent
Annotation with Commentary
Letter: Should we allow cloning? Why or Why not?
4C / L 1, 4, 6
SL 1
RI 1, 2, 5
W 1, 2, 4, 5, 9, 10 / How do you become an academic reader? How do you apply the skills you have learned to other texts? / Bringing in a Text you like, incorporating analysis and feedback
(ERWC Unit)
Work on planning, revising, editing, and rewriting essays
Use punctuation for effect
Recognize and correct inappropriate shifts in verb tense / Commentaries, Rhetorical Précis, Class discussion, Small Group Annotation, Quick Writes,
Portfolio, independent
Annotation with Commentary, Academic Essay, analytical summary, multi-genre portfolio