LovettsvilleElementary School



2016 – 2017 School Year

Students in 5th grade are invited to join the LovettsvilleElementary School chorus. Chorus is an optional after-school program that is open to all students wishing to participate. Students in 5th grade chorus will be rehearsing Tuesdays after school from October through December. Students in chorus will be learning and reading two-part music, performing and reinforcing the fundamentals of singing. Chorus is an extension of our regular music class and gives students an opportunity to sing, perform and grow musically.

Students will remain after school and will report to the cafeteria, where attendance will be taken by a chorus helper. Students are welcome to bring a snack to have during attendance time and are encouraged to bring a water bottle to rehearsals. Chorus will begin at 2:35pm and conclude promptly at 3:45 pm unless otherwise specified. Mrs. Stillman would love to have one or two parent volunteers at every rehearsal. If you can help, please contact Mrs. Stillman .

Important Dates

Registration Deadline: September 21, 2016

Rehearsal Dates: September 27, October 4, 11, 18, 25

November 1, 9 (Wed.), 15, 29

December6, 13(optional rehearsal if needed)

(November 29th and the December Rehearsals will end at 4:30 pm.)

Rehearsal Times: 2:45 pm – 3:45 pm

Performance Dates:Veterans' Day - November 11

Lovettsville Town Council - November 17

Lovettsville Lantern Parade - December 2

Senior Citizen Holiday Luncheon - December 15

National Christmas Tree Program, Washington, D.C.

December (Date to be determined.)

Registration Procedures

Complete attached registration information.

Student and parent/guardian must read and sign the contracts.

Send in registration forms no later thanSeptember 21, 2016!

Send in a separate check for chorus in the amount of $30, made payable to: LES PTO. (Please submit a separate check for other after-school programs.) Write “scholarship” on registration form if a scholarship is needed.

There are no additional after-school program forms needed.

All complete registrations received by September 21, 2016will be accepted.

If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Stillman, Lovettsville Elementary music teacher, at (540) 751-2470, or email at. Any questions about after-school programs? Please contact Natalie Metzlerat .


Student Name: ______PM Bus #: ______Teacher______


Parent/Guardian 1:______Phone: ______Cell:______

Work Number: ______Email: ______

Parent/Guardian 2:______Phone: ______Cell:______

Work Number: ______Email: ______

Local Emergency Pickup Contact:

(Individual who is available authorized to pick up your child in the event that you are unable to do so.)


Relationship:______Phone:______Cell: ______

If there is an emergency or the student is not picked up by 3:45, and either parent cannot be reached, the local emergency pickup contact will be utilized.

Any medical problems, disabilities or allergies we need to know about:



Please Note: The school clinic is closed after dismissal and the nurse/health clinic

assistant is not in the building. If your child has diabetes, an epinephrine auto-injector, an inhaler or other emergency medication at school, please notify us that your child has this health concern. Please be advised that medication will not be available through the school clinic during after-school programs.

As parent/guardian of the above student, I certify that he/she is in excellent health

and has no physical, mental or emotional problems which are likely to prevent participation. I understand that the Lovettsville PTO and/or CLINIC PROVIDER do not provide any medical payments coverage (insurance) and I am allowing my child to participate in this event at his/her own risk. By my signature below, I ______(my printed name), agree to pay for any medical expenses incurred by my child ______(my child’s printed name) as a result of participating in this Lovettsville PTO- sponsored activity and will not hold the PTO Instructor, or the staff liable for any reason related to my child’s participation in the clinics. I also give permission for my child to receive medical treatment, first aid, emergency medical care, and all other medical or surgical deemed reasonably necessary to my child’s health and well-being in case of accident, injury, or serious illness during participation in the above-referenced program/activities and understand that I, or my insurance, will be responsible on a primary basis for any medical bills incurred.

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______

After-School Activity Permission Slip


My child has permission to stay for all chorus rehearsals listed on the chorus calendar.

Chorus members are expected to stay for chorus unless a parent or guardian sends in a written note to school. Students missing 3 rehearsals without a written note will be dismissed from chorus.

Chorus dismissal will be at 3:45pm unless noted on the chorus calendar.

Only those specifically named below will be allowed to pick up my child:



_____ I authorize my child to be picked up by:




In the event that the activity is cancelled due to weather or other event, my child should:

______Get on the bus he/she normally takes after school - Bus #:______

______Wait at school to ride home with a parent

______Get a ride with ______

______Other: ______



As a student in the 5th grade chorus, I agree to do the following:

*Attend all practices unless my parents have notified

Mrs. Stillman in writing.

*Attend all performances unless my parents have notified

Mrs. Stillman in writing.

*Follow music rules and use my best behavior.

*Participate and HAVE FUN!!

I understand that I can be dismissed from chorus for the following reasons:

Missing 3 rehearsals/performances without a written note (or e0-mail) from my


Invading the personal space of another student.

Interrupting the teacher/rehearsal with words or actions.

Mistreating music, or other rehearsal items.



Name of Teacher: ______

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