HORIZON 2020 - Partner Profile Form

Expression of Interest


Organisation name
(English) / Autonomous Dynamic Air Traffic Management
Organisation acronym
(English) / ADATM
Organisation address / Shalom Lachmee 11b Ness Ziona Israel
Organisation website / Not available yet
Type of organisation / Partnership
Contact person
(incl. Title) / Mr. Moshe Cohen
Position (Function) / CEO
Telephone number / +972507563101
Fax number / +972772004985
E-mail address /

Description of the organisation

The ADATM is a partnership.
The partners are: Moshe Cohen, Gil Yanai, Dr. Ilan Zohar.
The vision of ADATM partnership:
To dramatically reduce, by technical means the rate of mid-air collisions and to allow safe and free use of the airspace by all kind of today and future platforms.

Description of theopportunity

The EU has issued a call for an application oriented research regarding ATM (Air Traffic Management).

Within the framework of that topic, we would like to address the integration of UAVs (Unmanned Air Vehicles) operation, together with “traditional” airplanes, while increasing level of safety. This topic falls under the “aplication oriented research“ category.
The maximum fund under this category is Euro 1m
page 18
The proposal must be submitted by June 25

The research partners



Lately, after long hesitations, the FAA issued a very limited permit to use UAV to Amazon:

However, since the permit is so limited, it does not allow extensive commercial use of UAVs.
The chalnge is:
To integrate UAV operations beyond operator's line of sight with manned plans & helicopters.
ADATM has developed a system that allows that integration:
Autonoumus Daynamic Air Traffic Management, an automatic system that can perform all ATM tasks automaitcaly in the VFR low altitiude air space. The ADATM solves the biggest chalange that practicaly stops the industry: safe ATM (Air Traffic Management) while integrating free use of UAVs beyond line of sight (the UAV operator does not have line of sight with the UAV)
However, farther aplication orientedresearch is needed.

Research topics & areas of expertise

Required partners

The Israeli group:

Keywords describing the expertise offered related to the topic (up to 10 words)

Air Traffic Management / control
Small UAV operation

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