HYHA Board of Directors April 15th, 2013

Meeting Minutes

10/26/2018 - Page 1 of 4

Hopkins Youth Hockey Association

Minutes of the April 15th, 2013

Board of Directors Meeting

Members Present: Ms. Quale, Ms. Myers, Mr. Sweeney, Mr. DeGiulio, Ms. Slattery, Mr. Tim Greeley, Mr. Waggoner, Mr. Kaplan, Ms. Brodersen, Mr. Hymanson, Mr. Hatzung, Mr. Martin, Ms. Peterson

Guests:Mr. Chad Goldenberg, Mr. John Anderson, Mr. Del Smith, Mr. Tommy Hussey, Mr. Don Olson, Mr. Bob O’Neil

Call to Order

Mr. Tim Sweeney called the meeting to order at 7:01 pm.

Charitable Gambling Report

Angela Quale, Charitable Gambling Manager

March 2012 Tuttle’s site had gross receipts of $131,438.00 and net receipts of $21,460.00. Actual allowable expenses were $9,622.00 plus taxes of $9,074.00 a realized net gain of $2,764.00. Payouts increased from 82.74% in February to 83.67% for March. Mainstreet site had gross receipts of $231,135.00 and net receipts of $37,584.00. Actual allowable expenses were $12,361.00 plus taxes and fees $12,454.00 for a realized net profit of $12,769.00. Payouts increased from 82.74% in February to 84.28% in March. The combined approved expenses were $43,512.00 (allowable expenses plus taxes).

May estimated expenses are as follows:

Compensation (2 pay periods) $14,500

Accounting fees 1,000

Gaming purchases 4,500

Gambling taxes 22,000

Site rental 3,500

Monthly storage site fee 199

Misc expenses 2,000

Total $47,699.00

Cash balance checking account as of March 31, 2013 $ 127,226.64

(before taxes paid on 04/20/13)

Copies of the March’s tax return, as well as supporting documentation, have been provided to the secretary, and are available upon request.

Mr. DeGiuliomade a motion to approve the actualMarch 2013 Charitable Gambling expenses. Ms. Myersseconded the motion. Mr.Sweeneycalled fordiscussion. There was no discussion. Mr. Sweeney called for a vote. The motion passed by aunanimous voice vote.

Ms. DeGiuliomade a motion to approve the estimated May 2013 Charitable Gambling expenses. Ms. Brodersenseconded the motion. Mr.Sweeneycalled fordiscussion. There was no discussion. Mr. Sweeney called for a vote. The motion passed by aunanimous voice vote.

New Business

Mr. John Anderson of the Hopkins rotary and Mr. Del Smith of 1st Minnetonka Bank made a presentation to the board regarding a new structure that is being build in Burnes park. They informed the board that the total project is over $70,000 and should be complete by the end of June 2013. HYHA made a donation to a similar project a few years ago. Mr. Anderson and Mr. Smith requested $3,250 from HYHA to be used to help fund this project. The board discussed its role in community projects and our desire to give back some of the revenue received from charitable gambling.

Mr. Martin made a motionmake a $3,250 donation to the Hopkins Rotary club to be used for the Burnes Park Renovation project. Mr. Hatzung seconded the motion. Mr. Sweeney called fordiscussion. There was no discussion. Mr. Sweeney called for a vote. The motion passed by aunanimous voice vote.

Mr. Sweeney let everyone know that Mr. Ulvin is no longer the head coach of the boys high school team. The board entered into a discussion of its role as it relates to the search for a new coach. The board feels that it would be inappropriate to endorse any candidate. The boards role should be to help come up with a big pool of candidates to be passed on to the high school athletic director.

Mr. Don Olson of the Hopkins Pavilion made a presentation to the board. He let the board know future plans for the building. He led a long discussion on the possibilities of a new arena and HYHA’s commitment to a new facility. Many options were discussed.

Ms. Brodersen led a discussion on level designations for next season. An add for our Thanksgiving tournament will be placed in the Let’s Play Hockey magazine by May 15th. Ms. Brodersen prefers to have tournament brackets that match our team levels.

Mr. O’Neil let the board know that he is planning on attending board meetings in an attempt to coordinate efforts between the girls high school team and HYHA – primarily in the area of youth recruiting. The girls team is also working on a program where they read at elementary schools. He would like the boys high school players to participate as well. He would like to have something to hand out at the Raspberry festival.

Member Reports

Volunteer Coordinator – Ms. Peterson

No report.

Fundraising – Mr. Kaplan

Mr. Kaplan reported that the squirt A team will be selling programs at a wild game. Mr. Kaplan reported that this will be his last report as a member of the board.

Hockey Recruitment – Jon Smart

Not present. No report.

Mite Coordinator - Mr. Hatzung

Not present. No report.

Registrar – Ms. Slattery

Ms. Slattery handed out a report that showed the number of returning players for next season. Ms. Slattery also informed the board on registration levels for the summer camp.

Boys Travel Coordinator Report – Mr. Waggoner

Mr. Waggoner had nothing new regarding the boys. He did let the board know that everything is lined up for the July wrestling event.

Girls Travel Coordinator

No report.

ACE Coordinator - Mr. Martin

No report.

Equipment Coordinator –Andrew Silverstein

Not present. No report.

Outdoor Ice – Mr. Tim Greeley

Mr. Greeley reported that the trailer is gone. The board discussed the possibility of selling the machine we own. It was not used last year.

Ice Coordinator – Mr. Hoffman

Not present. No report.

Tournament Director –Ms.Brodersen

See above.

Communications – Ms. Myers

No report.

Secretary – Mr. Hymanson

Mr. Hymanson reported that 22 ballots have been collected – 30 are required. We will wait for more to arrive and send a reminder with a deadline. We will resolve the election prior to the next meeting.

Treasurer – Mr. DeGiulio

No Report.

Vice President – Mr. Pat Greeley

Not present. No report.

President – Mr. Sweeney

Mr. Sweeney let the board know that we need to replace the C league coordinator on the board. He suggested a special projects / program coordinator. This person could be appointed for a 2 year term.

The meeting adjourned at 9:07p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Tom Hymanson


May 16th, 2013