2010/2011 Articulation Agreement: MSJC to APU // Organizational Leadership

Contact Guy Hoss, APU Murrieta…(951) 304-3400…

The following courses from Mount San Jacinto College will satisfy General Studies requirements for the Organizational Leadershipprogram in the Center for Adult and Professional Studiesat Azusa Pacific University. Additional courses may transfer as elective credit. Completed courses that transfer to UC or CSU systems will likely be accepted; however, university transfer limits will apply. Please consult your program contact for additional information.

Updated 08.17.10 JM


ENGL 101 Freshman Composition

ENGL 101H Honors Freshman Composition

LITERATURE (choose one)

ENGL 106 Introduction to Literature

ENGL 106H Honors Introduction to Literature

ENGL 131Children’s Literature

ENGL 131HHonors Children’s Literature

ENGL 132Adolescent Literature

ENGL 132HHonors Adolescent Literature

ENGL 207American Literature: Pre-Colonial to 1865

ENGL 207HHonors American Lit: Pre-Colonial to 1865

ENGL 208American Literature: 1865 to Present

ENGL 208HHonors American Literature: 1865 to Present

ENGL 230English Literature: Anglo-Saxon to 1775

ENGL 230HHonors English Lit: Anglo-Saxon to 1775

ENGL 231English Literature: 1775 to Present

ENGL 231H Honors English Literature: 1775 to Present

ENGL 250Women in Literature

ENGL 250HHonors Women in Literature

ENGL 260Introduction to African-American Literature

ENGL 260HHonors Intro to African-American Literature

ENGL 285World Literature: Antiquity to 1650

ENGL 285HHonors World Literature: Antiquity to 1650

ENGL 286World Literature: 1650 to Present

ENGL 286HHonors World Literature: 1650 to Present

ENGL 240Native American Literature

ENGL 240HHonors Native American Literature

ENGL 280Multi-Ethnic Literature

ENGL 280HHonors Multi-Ethnic Literature


HIST 101 Western Civilization I: to 1500

HIST 102 Western Civilization II: 1500 to Present Era

HIST 103 History of World Civilization: To 1500

HIST 103H Honors History of World Civilization: To 1500

HIST 104 History of World Civilization: Since 1500

HIST 104H Honors Hist. of World Civilization Since 1500

HIST 105World Environmental History

HIST 105HHonors World Environmental History

HIST 106The World Since 1900

HIST 106HHonors The World Since 1900

HIST 107The History of East Asia Before 1600

HIST 108The History of East Asia Since 1600

HIST 110A Brief Survey of U.S. History

HIST 111U.S. History to 1877

HIST 111HHonors U.S. History to 1877

HIST 112U.S. History Since 1865

HIST 112Honors U.S. History Since 1865

HIST 115Women in United States History

HIST 120California History

HIST 125Military History of the United States

HIST 126History of Great Britain to 1714

HIST 127History of Great Britain from 1714

HIST 140History of Mexico

HIST 141History of Latin American to 1820

HIST 142History of Latin American Since 1820

HIST 150Race and Ethnicity in U.S. History

HIST 150HHonors Race and Ethnicity in U.S. History

HIST 160Black History in the American Context

PS 101 Intro to American Government and Politics

PS 101H Honors Intro to American Govt. and Politics


COMM 100Public Speaking

COMM 100HHonors Public Speaking

COMM 103Interpersonal Communication

COMM 106Small Group Communication

ENGL 103Critical Thinking and Writing

ENGL 103HHonors Critical Thinking and Writing


ANTH 102 Cultural Anthropology

ANTH 102H Honors Cultural Anthropology

GER 125Psychology of Aging

GER 130Sociology of Aging

PSYC 101 Introduction to Psychology

PSYC 101H Honors Introduction to Psychology

PSYC 102Personal Growth

PSYC 103 Human Development

PSYC 103H Honors Human Development

PSYC 104Psychology of Gender

PSYC 105 Social Psychology

PSYC 106Psychology of Personality

PSYC 125Psychology of Aging

SOCI 101 Principles of Sociology

SOCI 101HHonors Principles of Sociology

SOCI 102 Contemporary Social Problems

SOCI 103Marriage and the Family

SOCI 105 Social Psychology

SOCI 106Intercultural Relations

SOCI 130Sociology of Aging

GEOG 102Cultural Geography

SCIENCE (choose one)*if course does notinclude laboratory, student must complete a separate lab course to meet entire science requirement.

ANAT 101 Human Anatomy and Physiology I

ANAT 101H Honors Human Anatomy and Physiology I

ANAT 102 Human Anatomy and Physiology II

ANAT 102H Honors Human Anatomy and Physiology II

ANTH 101Physical Anthropology

ANTH 101H Honors Physical Anthropology

ASTR 101 Introduction to Astronomy

ASTR 111Planetary Astronomy*

BIOL 100Human Biology

BIOL 115 Topics in Biology

BIOL 115HHonors Topics in Biology

BIOL 116 Natural History and Biodiversity

BIOL 117Conservation Biology*

BIOL 125 Microbiology

BIOL 125HHonors Microbiology

BIOL 130 Marine Biology

BIOL 134 Human Heredity and Evolution*

BIOL 135Introduction to Evolution*

BIOL 140 Ecology

BIOL 142The World of Insects

BIOL 144Plant Biology

BIOL 146Biodiversity*

BIOL 150 General Biology I

BIOL 151 General Biology II

CHEM 100 Introduction to Chemistry

CHEM 101 General Chemistry I

CHEM 102 General Chemistry II

CHEM 107Chemistry of Life

CHEM 112 Organic Chemistry I

CHEM 113 Organic Chemistry II

ENVS 100Humans and Scientific Inquiry*

ENVS 101Environmental Science*

ENVS 101HHonors Environmental Science

ENVS 102Environmental Science Laboratory

ENVS 102HHonors Environmental Science Laboratory

GEOG 101 Physical Geography*

GEOG 104Physical Geography Laboratory

GEOG 111Geography of California*

GEOL 100 Physical Geology

GEOL 103 Environmental Geology

GEOL 105 Historical Geology

GEOL 110Oceanography

GEOL 111Planetary Astronomy*

GEOL 112California Geology*

GER 110Physiology of Aging*

PHY 100Conceptual Physics*

PHY 101 Basic Physics: Energy and Motion

PHY 102 Basic Electricity and Modern Physics

PHY 201 Mechanics and Wave Motion

PHY 202 Electricity and Magnetism

PHY 202H Honors Electricity and Magnetism

PHY 203Optics and Modern Physics

FINE ART (choose one)

ART 100Art Appreciation

ART 101 Art History: Prehistoric thru Medieval Art

ART 101HHonors Art History: Prehistoric – Medieval Art

ART 102 Art History: Renaissance to 20thCentury Art

ART 102HHonors Art History: Renaissance – 20thCentury

ART 103 Introduction to Modernism

ART 103H Honors Introduction to Modernism

DAN 100 History and Appreciation of Dance

DAN 201Dances of the World

HIST 113Introduction and Appreciation of Music

HIST 151History and Appreciation of Dance

HIST 154Theatre History

HIST 158History of Jazz and Blues

HUM 101Introduction to the Humanities to 1500

HUM 101HHonors Intro to the Humanities to 1500

HUM 102Introduction to the Humanities Since 1500

HUM 102HHonors Intro to the Humanities Since 1500

MUS 100 Introduction and Appreciation of Music

MUS 100HHonors Intro and Appreciation of Music

MUS 102 History and Appreciation of Music

MUS 107 Intro to and Appreciation of American Music

MUS 108History of Jazz and Blues

MUS 109World Music

THA 101 Introduction to Theatre

THA 101HHonors Introduction to Theatre

THA 102Theatre History

THA 135 Introduction to Film


Please contact a program representative for options to satisfy the Bible Literature requirement.

Updated 08.17.10 JM