Hoover Performing Arts Boosters
Minutes of the Meeting
Wednesday, 6:00 p.m., May 5, 2017
- Minutes from April 19th Meeting reviewed and approved.
- Treasurer’s Report:
- Gina was not in attendance at the meeting but will be sending financial report out via email.
- Board Positions
- Kat asked all in attendance if there was any interest in joining as a Board Member
- Kristy Junioconfirmed that she will take on the communications position.
- Marie said she will take on a position, but undecided on which one at this time.
- Kristy will continue to try recruiting from Trace by getting flyers sent home with kids and Mr. Boston will be handing out flyers as well. Kat will be attending PTSA meeting following ours tonight to also push recruiting efforts.
- At a minimum, Boosters needs to have a President and Treasurer. PTSA could take over in the interim if a Board is not in place.
- The current Board members will meet in the near future to have their names taken off bank account. Gina to coordinate. Also, Danielle, Jennifer and Kristy should have their names added to the bank account in preparation for next year.
- Monica graciously volunteered to stay on with the Board for 6 months to train incoming member. THANK YOU MO!
- Upcoming Events:
- May 13 – Orchestra Competition at Six Flags, Vallejo
- May 18-21 – Disneyland for Band and Choir
- Update from Ms. Garfinkel: Kids need to bring brown-bag as there are no food stops. Danielle and Kari will be picking up snacks and water for roadtrip. Pizza will be waiting upon arrival at hotel Thursday night. Kat said that the shirts should be ready on the 16th and she will get them to Rori as soon as possible so she can distribute.
- May 23 – Dance Performance, Hoover Theatre, 5:00 pm and 7:00 pm
- Kari stated that she will need info soon to get programs created. There will be pizza for sale as well as flowers. Regular bake sale. Monica setting up SUG.
- May 24 – Band Concert – Hoover Gym at 7:00 pm
- Kari needs details for programs, Ms. Garfinkel will try to get them to her before Disney Trip. No flowers needed for this concert, we can use leftovers from Dance for sale items.
- May 31 – Choir Concert – Hoover Gym at 7:00 pm
- Again, Kari needs program info. Choir will have raffle tickets for sale.
- June 1 – Orchestra Concert – Hoover Gym at 7:00 pm
- Kat volunteered to MC the event and hand out awards.
- 8th Grade Graduation – Rose Garden
- Mr. McCloskey asked about performances at Graduation. Choir and Band may be able to send small groups. Details TBD.
- Other:
- Ms. Arribere invoice for accompanist in the amount of $315.00 was unanimously approved by Board.
- Mrs. MacAllister stressed the need for new music stands. Mr. McCloskey said there is no money left in budget for this year, but can look at it next year.
- Ms. Garfinkel proposed that she would like to have a portable sound system for her classroom. Range is from $240. To $550.
- Monica reminded teachers that they should plan to do a projected budget to submit early next year.
There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 6:40 p.m.