Hoover/Meredith MYP 1 -6 (Grades 6 -10) Vertical Unit Plan
Subject Area: Humanities Collaborators: Buchan, Lord, Oswalt, Tegeler, Meagher, Gade, Davison, Murphy, Henderson, Van Vleet
Unit 1 / Unit 2 / Unit 3 / Unit 4 / Unit 5 / Unit 6 / Unit 7Hum 6 / Unit Title
Unit Length / The Varying Earth
5 weeks / World Systems and Culture
5 weeks / Our Home and Northern Neighbors
8 weeks / Hola Latin America
6 weeks / Turning Points in Europe
8 weeks / Russia
4 weeks
Key Concept
Related Concepts
Statement of Inquiry / Time, Place, and Space
Spatial representations
Culture / Systems
Religion, politics, economics / Change
Conflict and cooperation / Global Interactions
Similarities and differences / Change
Chronology / Systems
Economics political, conflict
AoI (Global Context) / Environments / Community and service / Human Ingenuity / Health and Social Education / Human Ingenuity / Fairness and development
ATL Cluster / Communication Reflection / Information literacy Organization / Communication Reflection / Thinking
Transfer / Reflective
Thinking / Critical Thinking
Unit Question(s) / How does where you live impact who you are? / How does a culture of a particular place impact a person’s life? / How do changes in the past create our current reality? / How does where you live impact who you are? / What are the consequences of new creation or change? / How does the past impact the present?
Culminating Task /Assessed MYP Criteria / Project: Creating their own map and justify why they created it
Criterion A Knowing and understanding / Oral Presentation Business Creation /
(how their business can better their community)
Criterion A Knowing and understanding
Criterion D Communicating / Project: A timeline for a certain region of the US focusing on how we got where we are today
Criterion A Knowledge and understanding
Criterion D Communicating / Project: Predict what a region in Latin America would look like in 20 years and create a map representing this
Criterion B Investigating
Criterion C Thinking Critically / Written Informative: Create a timeline with events that had the greatest significance on today’s society and justify why
Criterion B Investigating
Criterion C Thinking critically / Debate: Which practical government would you support, citing detailed evidence to support your claim? Create a political newsletter supporting your governmental choice.
Criterion C Thinking critically
Criterion D Communicating
Hum 7 / Unit Title
Unit Length / Sub-Saharan Africa
(6 weeks) / H2Oh No!
(4 weeks)
Interdisciplinary Unit w/Lang. A 7th / Southwest Asia
(6 weeks) / South Central Asia
(6 weeks) / East Asia
(6 weeks) / Oceania
(6 weeks)
Key Concept
Related Concepts
Statement of Inquiry / Global Interactions
Colonization and cultural diffusion cause global interaction / Key :Relationships
Related: Connections, Point of View, Resources
Relationships adapt and evolve through connections, point of view, and availability of resources. / Systems
Different religious systems are a source of conflict. / Global Interactions Sustainability is maintained by the interactions of globalization / Change / Global interactions
AoI (Global Context) / Environments / G.C. Globalization and sustainability / Health and Social Education / Environments / Human Ingenuity / Personal and cultural expression
ATL Cluster / Information literacy
Organization / Information literacy / Thinking / Communication / Transfer / Organization
Unit Question(s) / How have global interactions influenced aspects of sub-Saharan Africa? / F: What environmental resources are important for people’s survival?
C: How does the availability of resources affect daily life?
D: How much is enough? / What are the sources of conflict in southwest Asia? / What are the problems (and solution) faced by the people in South Central Asia? / What are the unintended consequences of innovation? / Did the British colonists have a negative or positive effect on the Aborigines?
Culminating Task /Assessed MYP Criteria / Written informative : Writing task/
Criterion A Knowing and Understanding Criterion C Thinking critically / Written Narrative:
H2OH NO! Narrative
Criterion A Knowing and Understanding
Criterion D Communicating / Written: Compare/Contrast Essay
Criterion C Thinking Critically / Performance: Authentic Task. Effects of population growth/newscast
Criterion A Knowing and understanding
Criterion B Investigating / Project: Invention and unintended consequences
Criterion B Investigating / Oral: Debate
Criterion D Communicating
Hum 8 / Unit Title / Being and Becoming Americans
Civic Identity / Counting Heads: Civic Identity Part 2 / Looking for Liberty: Foundations of American Govt. / We the People: The Constitution / Government in My Life: Levels of Government / American Rights: Then and Now / What About Me? Civic Action Today
Key Concept
Related Concepts
Statement of Inquiry / Key Concept: Time, Place, and Space
Related Concept:
Identity, Values
Statement of inquiry:
Americans’ values and identity are shaped by shared history, changes in society, and diverse backgrounds. / Key Concept: Time, Place, and Space
Related Concept: Diversity
Statement of Inquiry: The diversity of our school right now affects our identity. / Key Concept: Change
Related Concepts: Conflict, Cause/Consequence, Development
Statement of inquiry: Conflicts and new philosophies changed American attitudes and, as a consequence, they developed new ideas about government / Key Concept: Systems
Related Concepts: Development, Perspectives, Cooperation, Authority
Statement of inquiry: Conflicting perspectives developed the U.S. Constitution into an organizational model for creating a government that limits authority and requires cooperation. / Key Concept: Systems
Related Concepts: Organization, Efficiency, Management, Federalism
Statement of inquiry: Under federalism, different levels of government are organized to manage communities with efficiency. / Key Concept: Change
Related Concepts: Interpretation, Consequences, Conflict, Peace
Statement of inquiry: Courts’ interpretations of the Constitution have consequences that lead to peace and conflict. / Key Concept: Systems
Related Concepts: Beliefs, Politics, Organizations
Statement of inquiry: Individuals associate with political parties that represent their beliefs.
AoI (Global Context) / Identities and relationships / Identities and relationships / Fairness and development / Fairness and development / Globalization and sustainability / Fairness development / Identities and relationships
ATL Cluster / Collaboration
Communication / Organization
Collaboration / Collaboration Thinking / Information literacy
Organization / Information Literacy
Organization / Thinking
Communication / Information Literacy
Unit Question(s) / Factual: What values provide the foundation for the United States?
Conceptual: Who are Americans? Debatable: What do Americans value most? / Factual: Who are our neighbors?
Conceptual: How do we collect data on diversity?
Debatable: How diverse is our community? / Factual: What events caused the American colonists to declare independence Conceptual: Where do our ideas and beliefs about government come from?
Debatable: Was America’s Declaration of Independence avoidable? / Factual: What are the basic powers of each branch of government?
Conceptual: What attributes of the U.S. Constitution have contributed to its longevity?
Debatable: Is our Constitution still working for all Americans? / Factual: How do state and local governments impact my daily life?
Conceptual: How does federalism work?
Debatable: Should the federal government be more or less involved in our daily lives? / What rights do Americans have and how have they changed throughout history? / How are our political views shaped?
Culminating Task /Assessed MYP Criteria / Oral Speech: My American Dream
Criterion D Communicating / Summative: Performance: Authentic Task
Meredith Census
Criterion B: Investigating
Criterion D: Communicating / Written: Children’s book explaining the reasons for U.S. independence
Criterion A Knowing and understanding
Criterion D Communicating / Culminating Task: Written: Informative
Amendment Billboards
Criterion A: Knowing and understanding
Criterion C: Thinking critically
Criterion D: Communicating / Summative: Oral: Presentation
Research and teach about a specific state or local government entity.
Criterion B Investigating
Criterion D Communicating / Written Persuasive Essay: Argument Paper regarding a controversial Bill of Rights issue
Criterion A Knowing and understanding Criterion C Thinking critically Criterion D Communicating / Multimedia Presentation related to political campaigns
Criterion C Thinking critically Criterion D Communicating
Hum 9 / Unit Title
Unit Length / Imperialism
5 weeks / WWI
6 weeks / WWII and Inter-War Years
7 weeks / Cold War
6 weeks / Crisis and Conflict
6 weeks / Personal Project Globalization
6 weeks
Key Concept
Related Concepts
Statement of Inquiry / Systems
The search for power motivates interactions with the environment and individuals to create current systems. / Change:
Consequences, conflict, stability
The struggle for power creates conflicts and instability that lead to disastrous consequences / Time, Place, Space
Events and actions have far reaching consequences depending on perception, innovation and individual decisions / Global Interactions
The desire for dominance creates an interdependent world. / Systems:
Individuals can use or ignore ideologies. Through the use of various technologies people can create or solve world crisis. / Global Interactions:
Interactions create evolution globally which has far reaching consequences.
AoI (Global Context) / Environments / Human Ingenuity / Human Ingenuity / Health and Social / Community and Service / Student choice
ATL Cluster / Communication
Collaboration / Communication
Reflection / Information literacy Reflection / Information literacy
Transfer / Collaboration
Reflection / Information literacy
Unit Question(s) / UQ: How does the desire for power create and/or destroy? / How do power struggles create conflict and an unstable peace? / Are crisis and conflict created by money, machine or man? / How does the search for dominance create dependency? / What responsibility does the individual have in the face of injustice? / How do I follow my curiosity?
Culminating Task /Assessed MYP Criteria / Written response:
RAFT from tow perspectives on imperialism..
A:Knowing and understanding
C: Thinking Critically
D. Communicating / Written: RAFT evaluating the Treaty of Versailles
A: Knowing and Understanding
B: Investigating / RAFT Treaty or PR
A: Knowing and Understanding
D: Communication / Written Response to question/5 Paragraph Essay
A. Knowing and Understanding
C. Thinking critically / Three choices of project:
Written: Letter or Essay
Visual – Collage
A Knowing and Understanding
C Thinking critically
D Communicating / Written Essay and Presentation
B. Investigating
C. Thinking critically
D. Communicating
Hum 10
(Geog) / Unit Title
Unit Length / Geography: Nature and Perspectives
6 weeks / Population and Migration
5 weeks / Culture
5 weeks / Political Geography
4 weeks / Agriculture
5 weeks / Economic Geography (6)
5 weeks
Urban Geography (7) 5 weeks
Key Concept
Related Concepts
Statement of Inquiry / Time/Place/Space
Significant Concept: Places on earth are connected through a variety of systems that humans create. / Systems
Significant Concept: We must as citizens of the world plan systems to sustain a growing population. / Global Interactions
Significant Concept: There are cultural differences we must know to live in a peaceful world. / Systems
Significant Concept: The structure and ideology behind political systems differs around the world. / Time/Place/Space
Significant Concept: The planet has to find ways to handle the scarcity of resources and the development of new technology? / Change (6)
Significant Concept: Levels of development differ around the world. / Time/Place/Space (7)
Significant Concept:
There are challenges to living in an urban environment
AoI (Global Context) / Human Ingenuity / Health and Social Education / Environments / Environments / Environments and Human Ingenuity / Human Ingenuity (6) / Community and Service (7)
ATL Cluster / Collaboration
Communication / Reflection / Transfer
Information literacy / Collaboration and Thinking / Thinking and Transfer / Thinking and Transfer (6) / Reflection and Transfer (7)
Unit Question(s)
Culminating Task /Assessed MYP Criteria / UQ: How are places connected?
Cul. Task: Pick the map for the world/M.C./FRQ
Crit. A Knowledge and Understanding, Crit. C. Thinking Critically,
Crit. D Communicating / UQ: How can the planet support 9 billion people by 2050?
Cul. Task: Written Essay. Can the planet support 9 billion?
Crit. A Knowledge & Understanding
Crit. B Investigating
Crit. C Thinking Critically / UQ: How can we take a balanced approach to learning about different cultures?
Cul. Task: Amazing Race country Profiles
Crit. A Knowledge and Understanding, Crit. C. Thinking Critically,
Crit. D Communicating / UQ: Can any political system be justified as being the best for the world?
Cul. Task:
Case Study Banana or Containment
Crit. A Knowledge & Understanding
Crit. B Investigating
Crit. C Thinking Critically / UQ: What is the appropriate way to feed the world?
Cul. Task:
How should the world be fed?
Crit. A Knowledge and Understanding,
Crit. B Investigating
Crit. C. Thinking Critically,
Crit. D Communicating / UQ: (6) Why are some countries more developed than others?
Cul. Task:
Global Trade Game
Crit. A Knowledge and Understanding, Crit. C. Thinking Critically,
Crit. D Communicating / UQ: (7) How does space and place affect the networks in our communities?
Cul. Task: Des Moines 2050
Crit. A Knowledge and Understanding, Crit. C. Thinking Critically,
Crit. D Communicating
Hum 10
(US) / Unit Title
Unit Length / American Foundations
6 weeks / Westward Expansion
4 weeks / Civil War & Reconstruction
6 weeks / Migrations and Industrial Change
(2 weeks opt.) / Imperialism and WWI
5 weeks / Boom and Bust
4 weeks / WWII and Cold War
5 weeks (Unit7)
Era of Social Change
5 weeks (Unit8)
Key Concept
Related Concepts
Statement of Inquiry / Change:
Cause and consequence
Symbols of conflict create a framework for change, the consequences of which are a direct result of a society’s ability to resolve the causes of the conflict through cooperation. / Global Interactions
Global interactions fueled by a desire for power and consumption will lead to challenges with equity. / Time, place, and space
Similarities and differences of places/communities
Similarities and differences of communities allow for the creation of different networks within a community altering their development. / Change
Innovation, Urbanization
Industrial change and innovation drives urbanization. / Systems
Technology Politics
Technological advances and political systems influence global interactions. / Change
Causality, Cause and Consequence
Changes in one aspect of society can have unexpected consequences. / (7) Global Interactions
Leadership, Power