What are you excited for?

Commercial opportunities and providing a stable reliable employment.

Driving down the cost of quality food

Self employment

More resourceful means if production

Will your farm use hydroponics or aquaponics?


Will you be growing in a typical growing space such as a greenhouse or warehouse, or will you be growing in alternative space, like on a wall? Describe your space. (If you don’t have a space yet, describe your ideal space.)

288 sqft greenhouse. Sloped roof 12ft - 5ft.

What kind of crops do you want to grow?


Herbs, baisil, cilantro



Whatever I can grow and whatever people will buy!

What percentage of each type of crop?

Currently 90% lettuce

In reality, anything I can sell.

Do you want to incorporate other organisms into your growing system? What kind?

Not really.

What kind of markets do you want to serve?

CSA, farmers markets

Personal limitations:

Make a note of the unique requirements presented by your family.


What location/environment factors are you dealing with?

South TX heat

What physical limitations are you dealing with?


How can you tailor your greenhouse to be easy and convenient for you?

Always! Haha

Consider a few unique opportunities that you might be able to take advantage of.

Growing hot weather plants...

What else will impact the operation of your farm?

Power failure

Flood (it is in a 100 yr flood plain, last flood in 2002)

Goals list:

From the content above, draw up your five most important factors and list them by order of importance below.

1.Make customers, local and seek out farmers markets

2. More clear understanding of business operations

3.Streamline weekly operations in greenhouse and business side

4. Turn a profit

5.Meter resources, chemicals, water, electric, everything that is going into system

Mission Statement:

Make as many drafts of your mission statement as you want. Remember to answer these questions in the statement:

•What does your company do?

•Why do you do it?

•Who are the major parties involved?

•What problem are you solving?

•What is it like for your employees?

Twin Falls Aquaponic mission is to provide high quality, abundant produce at affordable prices by utilizing the latest techniques in AP and vertical farming.

To be a responsible producer while maximizing crop yeald and minimizing water and electric use.


When you’re done, submit this document with your answers as the assignment after topic 5.