Honors World History 2011

Mr. Mikac

Room 533

This year we will be held to a high standard of achievement. In room 533, we will create an environment of academic and intellectual growth, a community of hard working and mindful students with big goals and an excitement to learn. Each student will be expected to contribute to the classroom in a positive and meaningful way. In order to become global citizens, we will constantly challenge both our peers and ourselves to behave as productive learners. We will work hard and grow big.

Classroom Respects (Rules):

  1. Respect all members, materials, and visitors within our classroom.
  2. Follow directions the first time they are given.
  3. Come to classon time, prepared, with all class materials and assignments. Be in your assigned seat when the bell rings.
  4. Participate in, but do not hinder, the learning process.


Procedures are routines that we will do more than once throughout the year.Following procedures will save us time and trouble while allowing us to proceed, uninterrupted, with learning. All students are expected to know and follow all classroom procedures.

Entering the room:Students will quickly and quietlyenter the room and sit in their assigned seats. Once the bell rings, all students will be seated or they will be marked tardy. At the bell, all students will begin working silently ona warm-up that will be posted on the board.

Beginning of Class:Every class will start with a warm-up activity designed to get your brains thinking and review or introduce important course material. The warm-up will be listed on the board as you come in. Students should first copy down any homework, dates, or announcements in their agenda. Once the bell rings, any materials not required for the warm-up should be placed under your desk (book bags, purses, etc.).

As the teacher is giving instruction: Students will sit at their desk in “learning position”- Eyes straight forward tracking the speaker, hands above the desk, backs straight, both feet on the floor, ready to learn. Mr. Mikac will give instructions daily that students will be expected to follow the first time.

During Class:

a)Supplies: It is your responsibility to come to class prepared. Pencils need to be sharpened BEFORE the bell rings. Bring extra pens or sharpened pencils to supplement writing needs. If we are working on an assignment or activity that requires extra supplies, those supplies will be provided or you will be notified in advance.

b)Sharpening your pencil: Students must come to class with their pencils already sharpened. If they are not sharpened, you will be permitted to sharpen them at the very beginning of class or with permission during work time

c)Trash/garbage: All garbage must be kept under your desk until the teacher dismisses you at the end of the period.

d)Asking Questions:Students will be expected to ask questions and contribute to class discussions.In order to speak in class, students must silently raise their hands until acknowledged to speak by the instructor. There will be a “parking lot” where students will be able to post any questions or concerns that may not have been addressed in class.

e)Homework: Assignments will be posted on the board when assigned. It is your responsibility to copy the assignment and due date down at the beginning of class and to complete and turn it in ON TIME.

Cleaning up: We want to maintain a clean and positive environment to learn in. EVERY member of the class is responsible for helping to upkeep our classroom. At the end of every class, we will throw away any trash around our desks, make sure to collect all of our belongings, and return any necessary supplies before exiting the class orderly

Coming to attention:In order to get the attention of the class, I will stand in front of the class at the board with my arm raised in a fist, indicating level zero. When you see me do this, it is extremely important for everyone to immediately stop what he or she is doing and assume learning position (see above).

Bathroom policy:We have a lot of exciting and challenging material to cover in this course. In order to make sure that we do not waste important class time, there will be limited bathroom access. When given bathroom access, students will have no more than 3 minutes to go to the bathroom. If you have a medical condition, you must give me a doctor’s note and a note from your parent/guardian explaining the condition.

Language: There will be No tolerance for swearing, inappropriate, or derogatory language in class. Any offense is punishable.

Gum-chewing, eating, and drinking:School policy does not allow food or drink outside of the cafeteria. Food will not be allowed at all unless provided by the teacher. These rules also apply for gum and candy.

Electronics: Cell phones, PDAs, Ipods, etc are a distraction to your learning and will not be allowed in class. Any electronic devices must be silenced and put away during class. If they are seen or heard, they will be taken and given to the administration in accordance with POB policy.

Absent policy:If you are absent, you are held accountable for any work missed and will be responsible for making up any assignments. When you return to class check to see what you have missed. Any worksheets or handouts will be available for you from the teacher. You are responsible for acquiring any notes missed on your own. If you have an excused absence on a day a paper, assignment, or project is due, or the day a quiz/test is administered you are responsible for anything missed (including assessments) the day you return unless otherwise directed. It is advisable to contact Mr. Mikac or a peer student to get any information possible as soon as you can if you miss a class.

Late work:Assignments are expected on time from everyone. If for some reason you are unable to turn in your work on time (and do not have an extenuating circumstance), you will have until your next class to get late work in. This will be at a penalty of 25% and assignments submitted after this deadline will receive a grade of 1%.

Dress code policy:Attire must be worn everyday according to the school’s dress code. Any violation of the dress code will result in consequences.

Harassment policy: We are all important members of this classroom community and will treat each other with respect. Students will be required to abide by the Student Code of Conduct policy regarding harassment. Inside and outside of this classroom there will be NO tolerance for any forms of harassment including bullying and inappropriate racial, religious, or sexual comments.

Honesty policy: In order to maintain a safe classroom, we must maintain trust and dignity. Breaches of honesty will not be tolerated. There will be no cheating, stealing, or plagiarism. If you turn in work that is not your own, you will be referred to the appropriate administration and receive an automatic zero.

**Questions/ Concerns**

This year we will have a lot of work to do if we are to reach our goal of advancement and college preparation. For that reason, do not hesitate to come to me with any issues or concerns related to the class or other academics. I am always available to help students however possible.