Honors Quarter 3 Project: Creating a Simile
For this project you will create a simile poster that completes this comparison: “The three branches of government under the Constitution are like a…” You will also design and create an illustration of your simile, complete with a separate explanation of why the simile is accurate. Your simile must have the following features:
- An accurate simile. The major challenge is to choose a simile that most accurately completes the statement “The three branches of government under the Constitution are like a….” For example, “The three branches of government under the Constitution are like a 3 ring circus.” Or “The three branches of government under the Constitution are like the Indianapolis 500 auto race”( You cannot use these examples)
- Title. Your poster must have a title written clearly and in large letters somewhere on the poster that reads, “The three Branches of Government under the Constitution are like a….”
- Visual Image. Create a main image for your simile. Your image should be bold and artistic. It can involve drawing, cut-out magazine pictures, online images or a combination of all of these. Your poster board must be completely filled with these cut-outs or drawings. You cannot simply print one picture from the internet and put arrows for all of the required labels. You must have at least one separate image for each label. Your poster must be at least 14”x22”
- Labels. You must make a directcomparison between your chosen simile and these pieces of the government. Your labels must make sense. They cannot be random. In other words, there must be a reason for attaching a label to an item in your image. If you cannot explain it, then it doesn’t belong.
- Senate
- House of Representatives
- President
- Cabinet
- Supreme Court
- Preamble
- Bill of Rights
- American citizens
- Federalism (States vs. National)
- Explanation. For each label, you must write a 5 sentence (no less than) explanation that explains your choices. Each explanation must explain WHY the comparison makes sense.
-For example, The Executive Branch would be the Lion Tamer in our 3 ring circus. The Executive is the Tamer because this branch enforces the law much like the Tamer forces the lion to perform certain tricks. The tamer will use his whip to command the lion just like the President uses his national guard to enforce the laws.
Due Dates
March 15&16- Pre write is due
March 21 &22- Poster w/explanations is due
Honors Quarter 3 Project: Grading Rubric
Pre write
Complete the pre-write page by the due date (March 15&16) /5
An accurate simile
The project has a clear and concise simile that reads: “The three branches of government under the Constitution are like…” /5
Your poster has a title written clearly and in large letters/2
Visual Image
-Poster is the correct size (14”x22”)/5
-Separate images for each label/8
-Poster includes drawings, cutouts and or printed images/7
-The poster is neat and artistic/5
All 9 labels are present in the image (2 points each)/18
-Explanations are typed/4
-Explanations are in complete sentences and at least 5 sentences long/5
-Each explanation accurately explains WHY the comparison makes sense (4 points each) /36
A-Quarter 3 Project: Creating a Simile
For this project you will create a simile poster that completes this comparison: “The three branches of government under the Constitution are like a…” You will also design and create an illustration of your simile, complete with a separate explanation of why the simile is accurate. Your simile must have the following features:
- An accurate simile. The major challenge is to choose a simile that most accurately completes the statement “The three branches of government under the Constitution are like a….” For example, “The three branches of government under the Constitution are like a 3 ring circus.” Or “The three branches of government under the Constitution are like the Indianapolis 500 auto race”( You cannot use these examples)
- Title. Your poster must have a title written clearly and in large letters somewhere on the poster that reads, “The three Branches of Government under the Constitution are like a….”
- Visual Image. Create a main image for your simile. Your image should be bold and artistic. It can involve drawing, cut-out magazine pictures, online images or a combination of all of these. Your poster board must be completely filled with these cut-outs or drawings. You cannot simply print one picture from the internet and put arrows for all of the required labels. You must have at least one separate image for each label. Your poster must be at least 14”x22”
- Labels. You must make a direct comparison between your chosen simile and these pieces of the government. Your labels must make sense. They cannot be random. In other words, there must be a reason for attaching a label to an item in your image. If you cannot explain it, then it doesn’t belong.
- Senate
- House of Representatives
- President
- Cabinet
- Supreme Court
- Preamble
- Bill of Rights
- American citizens
- Explanation. For each label, you must write a 5 sentence (no less than) explanation that explains your choices. Each explanation must explain WHY the comparison makes sense.
-For example, The Executive Branch would be the Lion Tamer in our 3 ring circus. The Executive is the Tamer because this branch enforces the law much like the Tamer forces the lion to perform certain tricks. The tamer will use his whip to command the lion just like the President uses his national guard to enforce the laws.
Due Dates
March 15&16- Pre write is due
March 21 &22- Poster w/explanations is due
A- Quarter 3 Project: Grading Rubric
Pre write
Complete the pre-write page by the due date (March 15&16) /5
An accurate simile
The project has a clear and concise simile that reads: “The three branches of government under the Constitution are like…” /5
Your poster has a title written clearly and in large letters/5
Visual Image
-Poster is the correct size (14”x22”)/5
-Separate images for each label/8
-Poster includes drawings, cutouts and or printed images/8
-The poster is neat and artistic/5
All 8 labels are present in the image (2 points each)/16
-Explanations are typed/5
-Explanations are in complete sentences and at least 5 sentences long/6
-Each explanation accurately explains WHY the comparison makes sense (4 points each) /32