BarrenCountyHigh School
Course Syllabus
fall 2012
INSTRUCTOR – Danny Woosley
Email –
School phone – 270-651-6315
Planning time – fall semester – 4st block (12:53 – 3:00)
This course is a college level introduction to general chemistry. The class can be taken to earn dual credit (high school and college) for a $220.00 fee to WesternKentuckyUniversityOR solely as required coursework at BCHS. This course is also a pre-requisite for students who wish to enroll in WKU CHEM 107/108 and/or AP CHEMISTRY.
***More information concerning dual-credit is provided in the
Chemical calculations are a major focus of this course. Attention should be given to significant figures, precision of measured values, and the use of logarithmic and exponential relationships. Critical analysis of the reasonableness of results is expected of the students.
Mr. Fant is awesome.
Integrated Science
Honors Biology
scientific calculator
3-ring binder
This class will meet for a 90 minute block each day for the entire semester (18 weeks). One to two days each week will be devoted to laboratory work and experimentation.
Students in a college chemistry course should expect to spend at least five hours a week in individual study outside of the classroom.
There will be frequent coursework to be completed online outside of scheduled class time. These are required assignments, if you do not have internet access at home arrangements will need to be made to use computers after school (in the school library, science department) or the public library.
TEXT- (provided)
Introduction to General, Organic, and Biochemistry by Hein, Best, Pattison and Arena, 9th ed., John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2009.
Topic 1: An Introduction to Chemistry
Topic 2: Standards for Measurement
Topic 3: Classification of Matter
Topic 4: Properties of Matter
Topic 5: Early Atomic Theory and Structure
Topic 6: Nomenclature of Inorganic Compounds
Topic 7: Quantitative Composition of Compounds
Topic 8: Chemical Equations
Topic 9: Calculations from Chemical Equations
Topic 10: Modern Atomic Theory and the Periodic Table
Topic 11: Chemical Bonds: The Formation of Compounds from Atoms
Topic 12: The Gaseous State of Matter
Topic 13: Properties of Liquids
Topic 14: Solutions
All labs will be required activities that will be scheduled in advance. Students should
expect to spend one to two 90 minute blocks each week working in the laboratory.
Labs will exhibit the following components:
Safety – proper handling of chemicals and equipment
Physical Manipulations – proper use of equipment
Processes and Procedures – becoming familiar with general types of chemical laboratory work
Observations and Data Manipulation – using equipment to make accurate measurements, calculations are made from data expressed using correct significant digits
Communication, Group Collaboration, and the Laboratory Record – students are expected to work together with a partner tocollect, process and manipulate data and to developaformal report* of your conclusions.
*explanation of lab report components and scoring will be provided on separate document
I will be available to help students with questions/problems and for make-up work on most afternoons from 3:00 – 4:00. Please schedule with me in advance.
Grades will be determined using a “point system” in which all graded work will be
assigned a point value. The individual student’s average will be determined using the
Exams – 40% (timed,chapter/unit exams)
Labs – 20% (reports and quizzes)
Quizzes – 30% (timed,announced and un-announced formative assessments)
Homework/Class work – 10%(online problems & other)
Full credit is awarded only for work that is submitted on-time.
Work will be accepted up to ONE DAY LATE with a 50% penalty.
Be Prompt – Students should be in the room, seated, and quiet at the class bell.
Be Polite – Students will exhibit behavior that is respectful to the others in the classroom.
Only the teacher will dismiss the class at the end of the period.
Be Prepared – Students must bring all required materials (textbook, pencil, paper,
calculator, notebook, and any assignments due) to the class every day.
Be Dependable – Students are responsible for completing all assignments missed due to
Be Careful – Students are not to tamper with lab equipment or be in the lab area except
during lab experiments.
Be Responsible – Students will obey all school rules in the classroom.
Mr. Fant rules!!!
Attendance Policy: Students have the same number of days as missed to make up assignments and/ or tests due to an excused absence. (ex. if you miss class on a Monday, you must make up your work on Tuesday) Work may be made up before or after school and must be scheduled with the course instructor.
Semester Test Policy: According to BCHS SBDM policy, all students are required to take semester exams which count as 1/10 of the overall course grade.
Plagiarism / Academic Dishonesty Policy: Plagiarism and academic dishonesty are serious offenses. The academic work of a student is expected to be his/her own effort. Students must give the author(s) credit for any source material used. To represent ideas or interpretations taken from a source without giving credit is a flagrant act. To present a borrowed passage after having changed a few words, even if the source is cited, is also plagiarism. Students who commit any act of academic dishonesty will receive a failing grade in that portion of the course work. Acts of academic dishonesty will be reported to the administration.
The successful chemistry student will:
1)take good notes
2)study daily (look over notes and complete homework)
3)not only memorize, but UNDERSTAND
The teacher reserves the right to alter this syllabus at any time during the course.
I have read the course syllabus for HONORS CHEMISTRY
(WKU CHEM 105/106) and I understand the expectations and requirements for this course.
Parent Signature ______
Student Signature______