Honors Chemistry Syllabus 2017-2018
I am really looking forward to this year in Honors Chemistry. This year we will be using a textbook in class, but the students will have an eBook. Your student will be coming home with a user name and password when that is all set up. The following is some of what you can expect to encounter this year in Honors Chemistry
The following are what you will need to bring with you to class everyday.
1. A notebook. A 3 ring binder would be best, or a spiral with folder.
2. Something to write with.
The following are going to be some of the assignments that will occur either every cycle or every chapter,
1 Vocabulary Words: Found at the end of each chapter. In their notes, write the word and definition out. One point/word. Due at the beginning of the class the first class period after the test, even if you are absent on test day. If they are not shown at the beginning of class then 50% credit will be given.
2. Vocabulary Quiz: This will happen with every chapter and will be announced, some maybe online and will have a time frame in which they are to be completed..
3. Chapter Review Worksheets: These will be assigned and gone over before the test. Theymay be a graded assignment or just looked at.
4. Chapter Test: These are at the end of every chapter and will always be announced.
4. Lab Write Ups: Every chapter has several lab activities that go with it. Due dates will be announce at the beginning of the lab period. Some of the labs will be more intensive and will require a more formal lab write up.
5. Current Events: These are due on the 14th and 28th of each month, no matter what day of the week it is or if we are on break. The article has to be about Chemistry. You may get these articles from internet sites. The article has to be 3 paragraphs in length and cannot be any older than the date of the last current event. A typed summary of the article, at least 1 paragraph in length, a paragraph personal reflection and a link to the article. Must be turned into Google class room by 8 am the date it is due for 10/10, 2:30 pm the day it is due for a 5/10, any thing after 2:30 will not be accepted.
6. Projects: Usually one a quarter and are done entirely at home. You will have at least you have a 1-2 weeks to complete. Many are very time intensive…..plan ahead.
7. Virtual Labs: Will be done at home or on own time and due date will be given
8. Flipped Classroom: I am going to “try” something new. You will be required to watch a video, take notes, and complete an mini quiz, that will be in betted in the video.
All work is due on the date given. This is at the beginning of the period. If an assignment is due and you will be out on a field trip, it is still due, that day.
Since all of you are a sophomore, Junior, or Senior it is YOUR responsibility to see ME if you are absent. Test and quizzes will be make up the first class period upon your return unless special arrangements have been made.
Your final grade is based on a point system. I take all the points you have received and divided then by the total number of points you could have received. I then multiply by 100, and that is your grade percentage.
I have read my child/guardian’s syllabus.
(student’s name printed)
Student signature:
Parent’s signature:
Parent e-mail:
Parent phone #:
Please Note:
Several Labs are modeling labs that use food as examples. Please list any food allergies your student may have.
Does your student have regular access to the internet?
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