Meeting Minutes
Shot in the Dark
Date of Meeting: 10/04/04
Group member in attendance: Brad, Mike, Karl, and Katie
Recorder: Brad
Agenda for meeting
1. Define team roles
2. Go over web page progress, discuss future work
3. Defect terminology follow up
4. Customer needs review – finalize version among team members, send to Scott for approval
5. Camera software research update, camera specifications update
6. Falling speed numbers – discuss viability of using gravity to feed parts
7. I/O information – go over results and implications for design.
8. Define product specifications
9. Discuss suggestions/improvements for next team meeting, meeting minutes, and anything else that comes to mind
#1 Team Roles:
Katie: Team captain. Additional responsibilities of the captain are status reports, run meetings, send out agendas, and keep us on track.
Brad: Team purchaser, and customer contact.
No other roles have been laid out yet. Logbooks will continue to rotate on a weekly basis and the person in charge of the logbook will e-mail the captain by 8:00 pm the Tuesday after the meeting.
#2 Web page is up and running. We should have a PDF version of the Gantt chart on the web site, mission statements from individual members on what they expect from this course, profiles of all team members, and problem statement.
#3 Defects terminology page is finished and approved by customer. Document has been e-mailed to team members.
#4 After reviewing Scott Moore’s input we dropped the statistics portion and are researching the ANSI standards for guarding equipment on the customer needs document.
Action: Brad
#5 Camera and lighting related discussion included the need to know more about the specifications of the camera. These include:
· Focal length
· Field of view
· Processing specifications
· Emulator almost ready to run
Action: Katie and Karl
#6 Mike ran some numbers on how far the cartridge will fall in up to 1 second broken up by tenths of a second.
#7 Brad ran numbers on input and output in plate numbers and tray output. Mike and Brad are coming up with ideas before Monday’s meeting.
Action: Brad and Mike
#8 Product specifications are the constraints we agreed on in the customer’s wants.
#9 No new ideas on how to make meetings run smoother
Additional items discussed:
· Thursday at 4:30 we are going to try and meet with team mentor and professors. We are to bring a copy of our deliverables and opportunities. After meeting we are going to go over Gantt chart and try to figure out time constraints.
· Schedule meeting with Ken Kees and Scott Moore for Monday 11 at 4:15 and get conference room reserved
Action: Brad
· Problem statement should describe the projects background and be objective.
· Tasks need deadlines from now on.
Personal Tasks:
· Brad: Look up OSHA regulations for guarding machinery, logbook, get meeting with Ken Kees, and get with Mike to determine flow of parts.
· Karl: Continue working on camera operation with Katie.
· Katie: Continue working on camera operation with Karl and website with Mike.
· Mike: Alter wants and needs document and send back to Scott Moore, continue refining Gantt chart, and get with Brad to determine flow of parts.