Honors American Literature / Contemporary Composition 1A

Course Description

This is a semester-long, standards-based course focusing on PERSUASION and EXPOSITION. In it, students will study essays and other writings characteristic of these rhetorical types and gain practice composing their own. They will thus have opportunities to extend ideas presented in primary and secondary sources; evaluate the credibility of an author’s argument; deliver persuasive arguments; synthesize the content of several sources dealing with a single issue; write research papers; and deliver expository presentations.

Students will also be given the opportunity to greatly expand their vocabulary; to distinguish between denotative and connotative meanings; and to use academically appropriate language. In addition to this emphasis on semantics, students will also be given instruction in composing syntactically sound sentences. This content, and the objectives of this course, are consistent with those articulated in the English-Language Arts Content Standards for California Public Schools for the eleventh grade. Similarly, the textbooks upon which we will primarily rely, Language of Literature and Language Network, are both District-approved.

Instruction will consist of a variety of pedagogical styles collectively informed by the notion that students learn best by doing, as opposed to merely receiving imparted knowledge passively. Major projects due during the course of the semester include several typed essays of approximately 1500 words each and in-class, timed essays. Students will also participate in debates and give oral presentations. They will be expected to complete 3 – 5 hours of homework per week, which will variously consist of reading and analysis, essay composition, memorizing vocabulary, studying grammar, conducting research, and preparing for tests. Points will be deducted for all late assignments. With respect to assessments, assignments and tests will be scored according to the following scale and proportionality:

A 90 – 100% essays 40%

B 80 – 89% homework assignments 20%

C 70 – 79% in-class assignments 15%

D 60 – 69% quizzes and tests 15%

F 59% and below final examination 10%

In order to establish a suitable learning environment, I have instituted rules and procedures listed on the back of this page. In addition, although attendance is not directly related to a student’s grade, it is my experience that regular attendance is essential to passing this class.

Ms. Natalie Armstrong

San Fernando High School

Ms. Armstrong

Classroom Rules

·  come to class on time

·  no cell phones

·  no portable music players

·  no food or beverages (water’s acceptable)

·  no swearing or disrespectful speech

·  no inappropriate clothing

Classroom Procedures

·  pick up your notebook as you enter class; return it to the bookshelf NEATLY as you leave

·  copy homework assignments as soon as you take your seat

·  check the white board for the day’s agenda

·  check the Smart Board for instructions on what to do at the beginning of class

Attention Parents

·  All homework will be posted online DAILY. It can be accessed through the school website: Click on Classes/Homework; English; and then select the appropriate class.

·  You can email me AT ANY TIME as well through the school website: Click on Teachers/Staff; Armstrong, Natalie (Send Email). I will respond promptly.

·  Students receive REGULAR computer-generated grade reports (a week before each grade period ends) that inform them of their grade in the class along with any missing assignments they need to make up. You can ask them to see these reports to keep track of their progress in the class.