Honors 9th Grade English 91Summer 2017 Reading Assignment

Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe

As you read Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe, you will annotate important elements in your book. Annotating will improve your understanding as you read and will provide an essential resource for additional assignments you will complete after school begins.

DUE: Book annotations are due on the first day of school for a quiz grade. Late work receives a deduction of 10% per day late.

QualityStrategies Rubric Final Grade

A 90 - 100 / Theme and two or more additional strategies used consistently and effectively
B 80 - 89 / Theme and one or more additional strategies used consistently and effectively
C 74 - 79 / Themestrategy used consistently and effectively
D 70 - 73 / Themestrategy used inconsistently or without effective results
F 69 - 0 / Student merely underlines or highlights. Student does not effectively employ any of the note taking strategies below.


The novel explores the relationships between African people and Europeans/Westerners. Through this exploration, Achebe develops the following themes:

  1. People often hold negative stereotypes about races and religions of othercultures.
  2. Western peopleare frequently arrogant in their belief in their own superiority.
  3. African people have a worthy culture with their own values and traditions.
  4. Africa has a dual relationship with the West that is both beneficial and damaging.

Assignment: Strategies for Annotations

All students are required to use the theme strategy #1 below. In addition to the theme strategy, use two additional strategies of your choice. List the strategies you used on the inside front cover. Refer to the rubric above. Note taking is an important part of each strategy.

  1. Theme – Write a “T” plus the letter of the theme in the margin (for example, “T/a” for the first theme above). Underline relevant text. Add a short note in the margin. You must have at least ten theme annotations in total with at least two for EACH theme.
  2. Characterization—Write a “C” in the margin, circle the character’s name (or write it in the margin) and underline key text for the establishment and development of traits of various characters. Include a note in the margin.
  3. Vocabulary—Write a “V” in the margin and circle unusual or unfamiliar words; write the definition/synonym of the word in the margin.
  4. Character list—Write complete character listwith descriptions on the inside front cover of the novel or on a separate piece of paper.
  5. Chapter summaries—Write abullet-point listof all important events at the end of each chapter or on a separate piece of paper.
  6. Unique personal strategy – Additional strategies may be centered around symbols such as question marks, emoji, exclamation points, clouds, or color. Notes must accompany symbols.