“My Year With…”

Honors 9 English: Mrs. Galo

Throughout the year, you will be working on an author project during which you will read four novels by the same author. You will also be conducting research on the author that you choose. This project will equate to 550 points throughout the year, which is significant. You should choose an author that you are interested in since you will spend the year studying this author. In addition, you should confirm the following:

  1. The author has at least four books published.
  2. The author is appropriate for your age level/ has difficult titles. (I will not accept authors who are too easy for your level). In addition, your book should be approximately 300-600 pages in length.
  3. The author is someone you like but not someone whose works you have already exhausted (choose an author who has books that you have not read).

You must have your author approved by me in advance. You will also need a parent or guardian’s permission to read the author of your choosing. The permission slip attached to this sheet must be returned no later than Tuesday, August 30th. Once your author and novels have been approved by Mrs. Galo and your parent/guardian you will not be permitted to change authors/novels.

In addition, there will be deadlines for each portion of the project. Attached, you will find a calendar of due dates as well as the requirements for each portion of the project. PAY CLOSE ATTENTION TO THE SCHEDULE! “I FORGOT THAT IT WAS DUE” will not be a valid excuse. It is important to understand that this is an INDEPENDENT project, meaning that any class time devoted to discussion of the project will be extremely limited and you should plan accordingly.

Finally, note that if you choose an author we read in class, you may not use any of the readings toward this project. The longer works which we read to which this rule applies to include:

Great Expectations by Charles Dickens

Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck

The Book Thief by Markus Zusak

Night by Elie Wiesel

Julius Caesar by Shakespeare

Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare

Assignment / Point Value / Due Date
Select My Year With Author: Permission Slip required / 20 / August 30th
Author’s Research Essay / 30 / September 2nd
Book 1 Journals / 75 / Sept 15th, Sept 30th, Oct 14th
Book 2 Journals / 75 / Nov 10th, Dec 2nd, Dec 16th
Choice project 1 / 50 / January 11th
Book 3 Journals / 75 / Jan 27th, Feb 10th, Feb 24th
Choice project 2 / 50 / March 14th
Book 4 Journals / 75 / March 31st, April 12th, April 28th
Oral Presentation/ Visual Aid / 100 / Beginning May 8th

These due dates are subject to change due to inclement weather or other extenuating circumstances.

A few extra notes:

  • You cannot select titles that you have already read in other classes in the Junior High.
  • If you have questions, email me at
  • Plagiarism on any portion of this project will result in a zero. Do not plagiarize.
  • This project does equate to a major grade for your ninth grade year. You should treat the project and deadlines with care.


Literary Analysis Journals

You will complete three analysis journals for each book (approximately 1 every 2 weeks)

  1. May be typed or handwritten neatly. If typed- standard, 12-point font with 1 inch margins required. If handwritten-blue or black ink only.
  2. Page numbers are required for direct quotes


Each marking period will consist of one project based on your author and his/her novels

The project styles for each marking period are listed below.

  1. Marking period 1-Author Study
  2. Marking period 2-Choice project
  3. Marking period 3-Choice project
  4. Marking period 4-Presentation with visual aid

Because this is a yearlong project that culminates in a comprehensive final project you will keep a “My Year With...” folder in which your work will be saved. This folder will have a checklist attached to the outside.





Please sign and return to Mrs. Galo no later than Tuesday, August 30h, 2016, for twenty points.

I have chosen the following author for the “My Year With” project. I understand that I may not change authors after permission is granted from Mrs. Galo and my parent/guardian.

Author’s Name:______

Books I am considering reading:

Why I chose this author:

Second Choice (A limited number of students will be permitted to study each author):______

Parent Approval:______

Student Signature:______