Honoring The “Word” / Voice of God by Mark Hendrickson
“Despise not prophecy” – I Thess 5:20 -- this is a command
How do we despise prophecy?
It possible to have a love/hate relationship with prophecy
We love getting prophecies while never responding to them
Among other ways, we dishonor His word with apathy and negligence
Spurning, disobeying or even neglecting God’s “word”, is disrespect
Example - When child disregards the parent’s communication, it is disrespect
Each true believer, in their heart of hearts, should have a sincere desire to hear, obey and please the Father
We must radically deal with a negative response or an aversion to hearing from God
We must establish that God is good – James 1:17 (and that His Word to us is good)
We must establish that God’s thoughts toward us are good – Jer. 29:11
We must establish that God’s words to us are for good – Jer 15:16
Our identity is only fully found in what God thinks of us
He alone fashions our DNA and helps us to discover it
He alone can give grace to fulfill it
He alone will give the “Well done” on That Great Day
We must hear from God
His voice identifies and awakens our hearts and “DNA” – Mt 4:4
His voice gives direction and understanding – Ps 119:105
His voice gives empowerment and grace for obedience – Ps 19:11
His voice gives grace for endurance until completion
His voice is our reward for obedience
God’s word to us is more valid and true than any situation, circumstance, thought, feeling or ……
We must choose to reject our own standard of well-being and acceptance
We must reject our own perspective, our own desire and understanding of what is good for us
We must base our standard of obedience, well-being and acceptance on His word to us
Form a plan to succeed in God’s will and in His way
Find His “words” that have been spoken over you
Write them down – Hab. 2:2-3
Highlight the main points / parts
Identify the parts that have been spoken 2 or more times in your life
“In the mouth of two or three witnesses let a thing be established” – II Cor 13:1
This is the will of God for you
Wage a good warfare with the prophecies spoken over you – I Tim. 1:18
Pray His word back to him
Remind Him that this is His will
State your dependence on hearing His word over you – Ps 119:11
“These words are light and life to you” – Prov. 4:20-22
State your willingness to comply with everything He says
State your intentions to keep on asking until it is manifest in you – Ps 17:15
State that you believe Him more than what you see or feel
Do not let His word depart from before your eyes – Prov 4:21
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