Queen’s Counsel Honoris Causa (Honorary Silk) Nomination

Form – 2017/18

Who would you like to nominate for honorary silk? (If you would like to nominate more than one person, please use a new form for each nomination).

The nominee’s full name
The nominee’s contact details (postal address, telephone number, and/or e-mail address)
The nominee’s legal qualifications (i.e. solicitor, barrister or other practising lawyer, or a legal academic)

Please tell us how we can contact you in case we need you to provide more details. As well as your name, please fill in whichever box applies to your preferred contact method.

Your name
Your postal address
Your telephone number
Your email address

Why do you think the person should be awarded honorary silk?

Please tell us:

  • what the person has done, where and (if appropriate) for whom; and
  • how in your opinion, this amounts to a major contribution to the law of England & Wales outside practice in the courts - beyond what might normally be expected for someone in this person’s position.

Please give as much detail as you can. The more we know about a nominee, the easier it is to assess whether they meet the honorary silk criteria. Please feel free to continue on a separate sheet if you need more space.


The information provided in this section is used for monitoring purposes only, to allow us to compile information about who nominates and is nominated for honorary silks. It is not used to assess nominations and has no bearing on the outcome of the nomination. You do not have to provide this information, but it helps the monitoring of the process if you do. The information provided will be kept confidential and handled in accordance with the Data Protection Act.


Under the Equality Act 2010, a person has a disability if they have a physical or mental impairment and the impairment has a substantial and long term adverse effect on their ability to perform normal day-today activities.

  • Do you consider that you have a disability? (Please delete as appropriate.) Yes/No/Prefer not to say.
  • Do you consider that the nominee has a disability? (Please delete as appropriate.) Yes/No/Prefer not to say.

Ethnic Origin

Which group do you identify with? Please tick one box:

 Bangladeshi
 Indian
 Pakistani
Any Other Asian Background
(specify if you wish)
Any Chinese Background
(specify if you wish)
Any White Background
(specify if you wish)
……………………………………………… / Black
 African
 Caribbean
Any Other Black Background
(specify if you wish)
Mixed Ethnic Background
 Asian and White
 Black African and White
 Black Caribbean and White
Any Other Mixed Ethnic Background
(specify if you wish)
Any Other Ethnic Background
Any Other Ethnic Background
(specify if you wish)

Which group does the nomineefor an honorary silkidentify with? Please tick one box

 Bangladeshi
 Indian
 Pakistani
Any Other Asian Background
(specify if you wish)
Any Chinese Background
(specify if you wish)
Any White Background
(specify if you wish)
……………………………………………… / Black
 African
 Caribbean
Any Other Black Background
(specify if you wish)
Mixed Ethnic Background
 Asian and White
 Black African and White
 Black Caribbean and White
Any Other Mixed Ethnic Background
(specify if you wish)
Any Other Ethnic Background
Any Other Ethnic Background
(specify if you wish)

We prefer to receive your nomination form via email, please send it to and using ‘Honorary QC Nomination’ as the subject lines.

In the alternative please send your completed form(s) to:

Mr Martin Marston-Paterson

3.16 Ministry of Justice

102 Petty France

London SW1 9AJ