Please use this form to submit nominations for Honorary Fellowship

Details of the award nominations process can be found on the APM website here.

Please note that either the proposer or seconder must be a full member, fellow or honorary fellow to nominate. All nominations are to be submitted by 1st June annually.

Please sign and return to Company Secretary, APM, Ibis House, Regent Park, Summerleys Road, Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire, HP27 9LE.

Submissions will be considered by the Board’s nominations committee.

Nomination details
Full name of proposer and APM Membership Number
Proposer’s email address and phone number
Signature of Proposer
Full name of seconder and Membership Number
Seconder’s email address and phone number
Signature of Seconder
Candidate’s details
Full name of candidate for award
Candidate’s email address and phone number
Reasons for the nomination
Please refer to the guidance on the website and overleaf. Detail here why you feel the award should be made. Please note success is not guaranteed and it is therefore not usual to inform the candidate of the nomination. Submissions should be at least 400 words and you may attach CVs and other documents.

Criteria for Awards

Honorary Fellows

APM Honorary Fellows are those who have contributed significantly to the profession through one, many or all of the following:

  • Development of a new technique (e.g. governance, risk management).
  • Achievements in education (e.g. an acknowledged leading university course in project and programme management).
  • Delivery of significant projects (e.g. Channel Tunnel Rail Link / HS1).
  • Published influential research.
  • Introduced a new area of practice.
  • Made a significant contribution to the profession via APM or an equivalent body.
  • Demonstrated ability and willingness to translate support for the profession in general and/or the Association in particular into significant external influence.