8th Grade ELA – 6 Weeks Choice Novel Major Grade

Objectives – TLW…

Read for pleasure

Show understanding of a novel

Create a representation of the novel or complete an exam


  1. Choose a novel
  2. Select project or exam
  3. Complete by due date

Students will select a novel of their choice to complete any one of the following projects. Only one project / novel can be selected for the year; once a project has been chosen, it cannot be used again.All projects must include the title of the book and the author’s name. One of the novels must be selected from a Lone Star Book List. For the Lone Star novel only, an exam must be taken in lieu of completing a project.

ALL Books must receive teacher’s approval.


Book Cover
Redesign the cover for the book. Be sure to include:
-New cover art
-Author’s biography
-Author’s photo
-Summary of the novel / Article Review
Write an article review for the novel. Be sure to include:
-Summary of the novel
-Clearly stated opinion of the book (at least one well developed paragraph)
The article needs to be correctly formatted for a newspaper. / Letter to the Author
Write a letter using the correct business letter format. Include your opinion of the novel, questions to the author, and suggestions for future novels or a sequel. The letter should be at least 5 paragraphs long and have an introduction and a conclusion.
Time Capsule
This report provides people living at a “future” time with the reasons why the novel is such an outstanding book and gives these “future” people reasons why it should be read. Select five items and explain, in well written paragraphs, why these items should be in the time capsule. Be sure that each item relates to the novel and placed in a decorated container. / Mapping a Book
Create a map that highlights the major locations in the novel. Many of the maps features should be based on information provided by the book’s author. Depending on how the author describes the setting, the map might show the community in which the book takes place or can be the main character’s home.Write a half page explanation for the map’s design. / Timeline
Create a timeline of at least ten (10) major events in the novel. Include a short paragraph / description for each event and at least one (1) image that matches the event.
The film industry wants to make a movie adaptation of the novel. Select 10 school appropriate songs from any genre that would work well with the novel. Explain why each song fits the novel with at least 3-5 sentences.
The novel cannot have a movie adaptation already created (or “coming soon”). / Make It a Movie!
Write a business letter to the film industry explaining why the movie would make a great film. Explain:
-The key points of the movie
-Actors for the main roles
-Why people would see the movie
-5 paragraph minimum
The novel cannot have a movie adaptation already created (or “coming soon”). / Movie Poster
A movie adaptation has been created and a movie poster is needed to help advertise. Include:
-Artwork / actors
-5 review statements
-Rating for the movie
-Half page explanation of poster design / selections
The novel cannot have a movie adaption already created (or “coming soon”).

2nd 6 Weeks:

Lone Star Year: ______Grade: ______

Novel & Author______


Project / Exam: ______

Due Date: ______

Teacher’s Approval: ______

4th 6 Weeks:

Lone Star Year: ______Grade: ______

Novel & Author______


Project / Exam: ______

Due Date: ______

Teacher’s Approval: ______

6th 6 Weeks:

Lone Star Year: ______Grade: ______

Novel & Author______


Project / Exam: ______

Due Date: ______

Teacher’s Approval: ______