Hong Kong Family Welfare Society
Family Mediation Service
Live Supervision
Application Procedures & Charges
1. Trainee mediators who apply for live supervision from the Society should satisfy the requirements set out by HKMAAL. (For details, please refer to “HKMAAL” Requirements to be an “Accredited Family Mediator” at www.hkmaal.org)
2. Applicants should complete the “Application Form” and send to:
Senior Coordinator (Mediation Services)
Mediation Centre
Hong Kong Family Welfare Society
Western Garden, 80A, First Street,
Sai Ying Pui, Hong Kong
Tel No.: 2561 9229
Fax No.:2811 0806
E-mail Address:
3. The applications would be assessed according to the requirements as stated in item1. The Senior Coordinator (Mediation Services) or Mediation Services Coordinator will assign a Supervisor for the eligible applicant, taking into account of the special request by the applicant, if any. A contract will be signed by the Trainee and the Supervisor at the beginning of live supervision.
4. A written reply will be issued to applicant to inform about the result of the application.
5. The supervisee should pay a standard charge of HK$800 per hour for the live supervision, which will be capped at HK$14,400 (18 hours) per live supervision.
6. Upon termination of each case, the supervisor will complete the “Record of Supervision Hours” for endorsement by the supervisee. A letter will be sent to the supervisee for settlement of the supervision fees as stated in the endorsed “Record for Supervision Hours”.
7. All payment should be made by cheque and payable to “Hong Kong Family Welfare Society”. The payment should be sent to the Senior Coordinator (Mediation Services) who is in-charge of the Mediation Centre at the address as stated in item 2.
8. For enquiries, please contact the Society’s Mediation Centre at 2561 9229.
Hong Kong Family Welfare Society
Mediation Centre
Live Supervision
Application Form
Name: (Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms) / (Eng) (Chin.)Organization/Firm: / Profession:
Correspondence Address:
E-mail Address:
Telephone No.
(office) / (mobile) / Fax No.:
Academic Qualifications (Please indicate the institute and year obtained.)
Mediation Training (Please indicate the training organization, duration and date of completion, etc)
Work Experience: Please put a P in the box as appropriate.
□ I have three years or more family work experience.
Languages/ Dialects in which the applicant is able to provide mediation
Time available for mediation interviews:
Remarks (Please provide any other details not covered above or any special request for Live Supervision.)
Please sign below to confirm the accuracy of the above information and your understanding of the
application procedures and charges for live supervision offered by Hong Kong Family Welfare Society.
Signature: ______Date: ______
è The personal data provided will be kept confidential and only used for arranging Live Supervision on Family Mediation Service.
è Please send the completed application form to
Senior Coordinator (Mediation Services)
Mediation Centre
Hong Kong Family Welfare Society
Western Garden, 80A, First Street,
Sai Ying Pui, Hong Kong
Fax No: 2811 0806
è For enquiries, please contact the Society’s Mediation Centre at 2561 9229.
Revised on 24Sept.,2010
Form 14.1
Edited on 27/10/14